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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Monday, December 4, 2006

   Oogalie Boogalie
~I did some stuff yesterday. Me mom and me went to the mall and Got some stuff.
My mom went to Bath & Body Works to get some lotion and stuff for the girls in Africa, cuz my Dad went there since he's in the Military. Mom got me a FLCL CD-2 and I wish I had of looked for CD-1 since I wanted to listen to "Ride on Shooting Star" but Track 16 and 17 ("I think I can") are okay, especially "I think I can." *sings song in head* ^^ I got some gum too, with Sasuke in the front, and I thought maybe it would taste a little freaky, but me no knows. it just tasted weird. There were like, 50 bits in there. --.- they were so tiny.
*Have you heard of Harajuku? It's like this line of purses and such. (Purses.) Well, I got 2. One in cemoflaug and the other in blue, pink, and white. I can't get 'em until X-Mas... -.- I'm not really into purses but I just thought they looked nice (blue blue blue!!!)

I need to practice drawing Sharp eyes, so that I can draw Ed right. -.- so hard it is.
( )_( )
(")_(") Kathy Griffin was in a Movie?! Us Bunnies never knew...

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