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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

   my Dad's back... DeF JaM: FiGhTiNg FoR NY (V.G.)
~hEyS! My DaD CaMe BaCk ToDaY... (I hate it when ppl do that: OoGiE bOoGiE... Totally AnNoYaNcE)
He's in the Military Army and is group #218 or sumthin like dat (I remember 218)... He's one of the Army-Men who are Vets/Food Inspectors... I suppose. While waiting for him and the other troops I drew a picture. Military Style. But it doesn't have camoflage, but I guess you could still tell that she's in the Military... "She" being the character and her name is Madaline. (I figured If I'm gonna make a manga with made-up landscapes or it being based in the US, I should put more english-type names... -.- Me No Knows.)
I drew 2 other pics. I'll post 'em up too.
Oh man... I have the hiccups... *hic* Ugh...

*HIC* Oh man, this sucks. ^^ At least I got out of *HIC* school early. Like, 10 minutes be4 8th grade lunch. -.-' *HIC* Ugh... And that's a good thing, becuz *HIC* I don't have to eat thier sumtimes-dry-pizza, or good-but-too-small-pizza. Me had Burger King and Wishes she had a *HIC* X-BOX so that *HIC* she could play *HIC* the new BK games only at and for BK/X BOX... *HIC*

~I found a game that is distructive if not more violent than Burn Out 2. *HIC* Def Jam: Fight for NY... It has a WHOLE LOT of hip-hop artists in there, like Snoop Dog, Ludacris, X-Zibit, Bubba Sparxx, Method Man, Carmen Electra, Lil' Kim, and many many more (that's just off the top of my head *HIC*) oww... that hiccup hurt...
So much violence... ME LOVES IT LOTS... My mom had originally got for me dad, but since the PS2 is in MY room, I claimed it and started playing it today. ^^

( )_( )
(")_(") "Yay violence!" -- Fairly Odd Parents...
Rated T or M...
Violence, Language, (blood), and (gore)

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