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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Sunday, December 10, 2006

   Wow... Weird Dreams and Church's...
~I had a dream last night that was very sad to me, because I wanted to know what happened afterwards. -.-'
I remember These 2 angels, One that was light (white wings and clothes, girl) and the other one was dark (black wings/clothes, boy). They put both their fists together and the boy was putting his thumb up and saying let's go, but the girl seemed mystified. There were 2 other ppl behind the girl and the boy flew off. Then he disappeared and I guess the girl was like "where'd he go?" or sumthin' like that. All me knows is that they both almost looked alike, with short hair, Sakura's length (Naruto). It was weird and inpirational. Then I had a 2nd dream that I was w/some friends and we got on a bus thing and it took us to a building. When We got inside (still in the buss thingy, which resembled a golf cart thingy) my friend next to me said if I had a boko, and I said no. Then she asked me sumthin' else and I was like Ooookay... It turned out that I was in a Catholic Church. After about a couple of seconds I descided to leave the Church because I knew I wasn't that religious. When I woke Up, I wondered why I celebrated X-Mas... And my answer was the Presents. ^^ But no... I just never think about all that "GOD" and "JESUS" stuff. The last time I went to church was (and only) With my G-Parents on easter. I was hella bored so I slept. It was a good nap too.

( )_( )
(")_(") I dislike Preachers (no offense), but they are just too loud, so I slept to block the noise...

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