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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Thursday, December 21, 2006

   YAY It's almost X-mas! Me moms...
YAY! It's almost time for christmas. ^^
I am on me moms sign in and so I decide to go and check out her MySpace... I saw one of her posts call Family... Uugh!! or sumthing like that. She has issues with her family I guess. But I already knew that. I don't think it's right for my mom to have to say she has to wait for her younger brother and sister to move out of the "nest"... the way it's said is upsetting, becuz everyone has the right to see family and yet hers seem to be a bit lopsided since her Grand Mom died. She said that her Grandma kept everything in place... I knew that my Mom had family issues and that time we went to NY be4 we left for WA was upsetting. It's raining... *Hmph!* Bahumbug!!! This is all a bunch of... crappity crap crap. -.-'
My dads family is a little more better than me moms. Yeah... Thats what I would call it... I just thought of a word for me moms family: Disfunctional
biggy word!!! Not all of her family is Disfunctional... me uncle and antie aren't... at least I hope not... but hopefully me family doesn't become some Drama soap opera. That has happened already with me moms family... Thats what I would say too. The new Soap Opera called: Disfunstional... well, no thats sorta bad... ^^' but in a way, it is like one of those Korean or American soaps. i don't watch american soaps. Korean ones are better, like:
1. Full House
2. Rooftop Cat (or something like that)
3. My Lovely Samsoon
4. Winter Sonata
I think there's another one I like, but me no knows. Anyways... Just thought I'd get that off my chest. *Sighs* Oon boogie -.-
( )_( )
(")_(") Disfuntional Bunnies...

The only time a family or family memeber doesn't have the right to see their family, is when they've done somethin' deep to have a restraning order on 'em.

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