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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Saturday, December 23, 2006

   XD! My love for J-pop... and Rock... and K-Pop/Rock... and...
I love J-Pop. There is so much energy in it. Like, right now I'm listening to Black Cat. It's really a tight song. XD! Sweet-ness. I'll put it up after I'm fed up with Asterisk. XD! Wait. Is Black a Manga and/or Anime? Oh who cares. I love this song now. You can actually go to the site and listen to it. It's the Image Link Below the BIG Image Link. Oogie! It's an animatious song. I can picture the AMV in my head. *sigh* Me so excited now. Now what? -.-' Oh pooh. I lost all sense... Oh! What do ya think of my new BG. The kid Killed SANTA! I thought it was real funny so now it's on here. XD!!
Okies. PLA
( )_( )
(")_(") And then Bunnies go BOOM! Meri Kurisumasu!

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