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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Monday, December 25, 2006

   Hello O! Meri Kurisumasu!!! XD!
~I am so excited now! ^^ I was having an almost Kick-A** dream but then I was awoken by me parents and dog and brother... brothers. ^^ It was like 7:30 AM and now it's 8:33AM. I had to set up me DS be4 comeing on here, because I wanted to try it out. XD! *squeals* I love the Japanese hiragana/katana setting on this thing!!! I have no idea what they say! YAY! Me nickname on the DS is Animatious and Lucky for me, all those words in Animatious fitted... Just barley... ^^ Oh! My nickname could of been Munki!!! DX! me loves monkey's. Anyways. Besides getting a Nintendeo DS, I got a pair of Nike AIR (finally!! I am so tired of Chuck Taylor's >.<), 2 Harajuku purses (I knew I was getting those), that book about Writing a Manga story, uhm... A BLEACH T-Shirt... I hung that up. The Burn Out 3: Takedown for PS2. and... the new BowWow CD. I got a gift for me that was safe and free. All day yesterday I was searching and downloading J-Pop. Now I have an 18 track burned CD! ^^ It has Asterisk, Come, Haruka Kanata, Tobira no Koue, I think I can, LAST DINOSAUR, Life is like a boat, Fukai Mori, Rewrite, READY STEAD GO, and some mores that I won't list cuz it's too many words -.- Put I think something is wrong with the CD cuz on Track 8, Haruka Kanata, it started messin' up. I skipped it to 9 but it just wouldn't play. damit. I was so excited about my own anime CD. AARGH! Technology is so useless sometimes. Oh Wells. ^^ I'm listening to the songs on iTunes. I'll check out my CD when I'm done with this post. ^^

Oogie Munki! What did you guys get? I have to knows cuz me likes Kurisumasu. XD! The nice, tastey, presents. That was mean. Me dad too pickies of me when I was getting up. >:( I hate stuff like that. END Oogie Munki!

Me really can't think of anything else cuz me can't. Not cuz of this holiday excitment... I just can't think of anything right now... O.o

( )_( )
(")_(") Empty space. XD!...

( )_( )
(")_(") Cuteness never dies! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!...

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