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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Thursday, December 28, 2006

~My parents are so silly. ^^ My mom is only into some anime because of me. She watches Inuyasha, Naruto (i think), Samurai Champloo (she likes the ending theme to that show... Shiki no Uta), and some other one I think is Eureka 7... Oh and Bleach and FMA ^^ Anyways, My my had some J-Pop I had downloaded from other sites. She was listening to Asterisk by ORANGE RANGE (XD! I love thier songs!) What was so silly was that she thought she heard them say "skinny n*gga" when it was really "tsuki ni negai." The whole line is "kaze ni omoi wo tsuki ni negai wo" which is "A star carried on the wind, a request from the moon"... tsuki= moon and negai= request... I think. The worst part (but i think that was the worst part) was that she had me listen to it and I heard it too, but I had her look at the lyrics so she knew it wasn't "skinny n*gga..." Me dad heard it too and that was the first time he ever heard that song. They started crackin' up too. T_T... Then he said, "I see a skinny n*gga..." Geez they are so silly yesh they are. I knows they weren't being serious but it was still funny. Mainly cuz I didn't expect something like that since I've heard Asterisk like 50 times... ^^

Oogie Boogie, That was something I had to say ya knows. It probably isn't funny to u cuz u weren't there. Maybe it even seems stupid... well... it sorta is. Anyways, I'm bored and now i have to take me dog out.
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies may look cute, but we will find you and kill you as you sleep...
Ooon doggie my friends... Oon Doggie...

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