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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

   Solty Rei... and others
Has anyone seen that show. Me likes it lots now. It's about Solty Revalnt (or Revalt... Me no knows...) and a man named Roy... He lost his wife and daughter to a disaster called Blast Fall. Many were severly injured and needed RESEMBLES, or what we may call prothsetics. I only saw 4 episodes so I can't give all the details.

When I saw DNA2, I was excited cuz I had been expecting something like that. But then when I saw it, I was sad... It wasn't the show I had been expecting. I think the show I had been expecting was Blue Seed. Anywho, DNA2 is still a really funny show about Junta, who is supposed to become a Mega Playboy. Karin is sent to the past to prevent this from happening, since in the future, the Mega Playboy inpregnated 100 women who in total had 100 kids, who inpregnated 100 more women who gave off 1 kid each to make a total of 100 children, and so on so forth. I thought that was really funny, but scary too. In the future there is a loaw stating that anywho who has more than 2 kids (or was it 1... they could only have one kid) would be sentenced to death. That was because the Earth was over populated because of Junta, or the Mega Playboy. XD! I watch it cuz it's funny how Karin tries to get Junta to understand that he needs to hook up with Ami, a childhood friend of his. By hooking up with Ami, Junta's chance of becoming the Mega Playboy deminishes. ^^

One show besides Solty Rei that I now like, is an anime with a long name and is hard for me to remember: Utawarerumono... ^^
U-Ta-Wa-Re-Ru-Mo-No... I should remember that. ^^
Okies! That's all I have to say... for nows... I'll try to remeber to post more stuff up soons... I also wanna see Chobits. It's an oldie, like GTO (funny), Kare Kano (funny), and DNA2 (funny), but Me has a poster and I keep seeing it! I must know if they'll put it on OnDemand... OKies... Sayonnara!!

( )_( )
(")_(") Hmm... Something isn't right...

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