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My cardboard box on Mainstreet.
Member Since
Real Name
Wouldn't you like to know? ^_^
Anime Fan Since
3rd grade when I started watching DBZ and Pokemon. 
Favorite Anime
Trigun and Rurouni Kenshin
To get a bigger cardboard box! 
Being lazy, reading, surfing the web, plaing video games, and more being lazy.
Hello and welcome to my site! Feel free to look around, take some the quizzes I've posted, sign the guestbook, or whatever. Enjoy your stay!^_^
P.S. If you put me on your friends list please tell me so I can be sure to put you on mine.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Happy Holidays!

Hey everyone, just wanted to drop in and wish everyone a quick seasons greetings! No matter what holiday you may celebrate, hope that your winter season is going great. ^_^ Haven't been able to visit anyone lately, but I deffinitly have time once I get back home next week. See you all then. ^_^

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Saturday, November 19, 2005
(Can't think of a subject. ^_^)
Yay, I'm so excited for today to finally be here! Well, I haven't mentioned it before, but yes, I am a marching band "geek", or whatever you wanna call it. But, in truth it's not all that bad, it can be tons of fun if you've got friends in it with you and if the rest of the band is cool. Anyway, today's our last day of marching, ending with a huge competition at one of the local collages here in town. So after today the long and endless practices are finally over! But, in a way, it's kinda sad too....
Once we've done our show and gotten our rating we get to go back to the school and change and everything and then a bunch of the flutes and clarinets are going to see the new Harry Potter movie. Cause, you know, band geeks love Harry Potter.^_^ And once I get home my aunt and favorite cousin ever are comming to visit. Yes! They'll be here till Thanksgiving so I'm very happy.
Do any of you out there have plans for Thanksgiving? Or better yet, plans to go see Harry Potter? Whatever you do, hope you have fun! Well, gotta go get ready, wish me luck.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
An update!?!?
Yep, it's me, still alive and well! And as anyone can see, I've been gone for a while(Understatment). Yeah, I could go into a lengthy explination on my disappearnce from the site, but I'll save everyone the time and just say that I've been dealing with a ton of things lately, both good and bad, so I've just been franticlly busy. Hopefully any old friends that are still around will understand.^_^
So, I've decided to kind of restart my little blog, a kind of fresh start. I got rid of old posts and site content so I can just focus on getting up my new, current stuff, and of course my site was in huge need of a overhaul as far as looks. Since this is probably my third "I'm back!" post I won't promise to be all that active in the begining, seeing as it hasn't really worked out before, but I do intend to become active here again. I'll probably only be able to get on on a few days a week, but oh well, it's an improvement from what I've been doing. ^_^ I'll be using the next few days for visiting people who've signed my guest book and any people out there who still have me as friend. And Of course I hope that everyone has been well since I last got to talk to you all.
So yes, here's my new begining, starting with a new post and a new look(I had the old one for ages!). Like it? The current theme'll be various things from the Legend of Zelda, as you can see. So yeah, I WILL be seeing you guys around. ^_^
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Good ol' Green Link. ^_^
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