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myOtaku.com: anime-kitty

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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StrawberryKisses (04/26/08)

hello, hello.
dis be Shattered Peices' new account. [=
i screwed my last one, so here i am, resigning everyone who signed in my former guestbook.
and woolah! =D your one of them!

shizuka101 (03/20/08)

Hello. You seem like a really cool person.

ChocoStrawberries (03/11/08)

I was just checking out ppls sites signing gb (because i need more friends ;D ) So i'm going to add you, come check my site out kk!!!!


XxDirEnGreyxX666 (03/07/08)


I'm just a very random person coming around and signing guestbooks. Well you have an awesome site! I'll add you only if you add me! Only because I don't want to add people that won't add me! I don't like fake friends you know! lol! Well ttyl


Shattered Peices (02/12/08)

hola kido

cute site, i luv how the background resembles your sn =]

feel free to pm me; i luv makin new friends

good day

Takatou (02/08/08)

Hello, thank you for the comment =D
by the way! I like your profile cause it's cool =D

本当にありがとうね。(really want to Thank you)
また会いましょう(till we meet again)

IchigoShirayuki (02/04/08)

Hi i like your site!^^the avatar is cool!^^I like the bg!^^I have an avatar like that!^^well bye

MerokoYui4 (02/02/08)

hi! ^^ You signed my guestbook awhile back (I think a couple weeks...) so I'm here to return the favor, finally! Thanks! :-) Have a great day!

DarkForever (02/02/08)

Hey this is HeartAsColdAsIce. I'm going to delete that site. But here is my first site. The one I am usually on more often. I hope we still can be friends! I will add you! I really like your site still.

xXharukoXx (01/31/08)

Awwe really cute site and avatar! ^-^ Haha see ya around :3


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