Yes, the purposely mispelled 'Hi' and '=)' was unneccessary, but...
It's been a long time since I posted up!! [Long to me, anyway.]
My computer got busted up with viruses and I couldn't do anything. The other computer wouldn't let me log on, so... blah.
Anyway, I recently finished watching Shaman King, and it was... well, it was REALLY GOOD! I especially liked the 2nd Opening Theme [as I mentioned in my introduction...]!!! It's a great anime, so WATCH IT! ^^

Left to Right: Horo Horo [guy in the back with the blue hair], Yoh [guy with orange headphones and (weird) grin] and Ren [guy with pointy thing on his head (it's hair)]
anime scan by: Shaman King Headquarters
Also, I'm fixing up my website[s] so they'll be down for a while. I post up the opening soon!
Okay, I'm tired of typing now...
Ja ne!