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Thursday, March 1, 2007
can you say SNOW DAY
my dead journal..
can you say SNOW DAY!
well it seems no buses todaii but i still go..uless im really siick i mean really really siick or uless school closed i'll always be at scchool..yeah i werid. well half of all grade 8 and 7 classes were there...and we still had CLASSES!...it wass cold outside jeeez. well classes were fun espeically dance omg the polish dance is jokes! but i like it. get to dance with my bestfriend eric woohoo!
my stocks are goin up just 2 don't want to..dumbass stocks! well drawing still..gonna finally draw kungpows request...
then im going to draw some team 28! well so far just doing history and science..i got to start polish project !
o my after school was soo funn we got all wett..and had soo much funn...talked about random stuff too haha
--i can't keep falling forever... Naru:) i drew them tell me what you think!
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
my dead journal..
well haven't updated for a while..so far just bein cool..i made a new page where all my picss and drawings go.
my stocks are ging down DAMNN!
done all my homework just need to get my history and that it.
i'm finishing everything now so no more notes like mrs. pham gave me..
so just math journal im doing now. like my new song woohoo BADASS! i put most people to sleep with love songs so here some reall PIMP NINJA SONGS! love it..it pimpin'
anyways best be goin can't wait for tomorrow your choice remember..
--i can't keep falling forever...
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
R.I.P Joe .T.
my dead journal..
ok well today i got to go on the computer like i normally do..my parents aren't that hrd on me see..they now im a good kid. so far done all work except history... drew 2 pics and i made picss..into my picss.. so you can see there for all my recent pics. i have my drawings and my camm pics i also have comment board there so you can tell me how pretty my pics are lol. well so far this weekend ok..i've been a bit bored but ok i play computer alot lol.. anyways was going to see friend but cemetary..but it was closed..(R.I.P Joe) then my nieghbour and dad teasing me of eating icecream since i gave it up..and my grandparents keep bugging me about eirc>.< omg jsut cause i like him..anyways that mainly it..can't wait till tomorrow.
--i can't keep falling forever.
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
ok stephyy cooled..well friday was ok..got home and fooled around..watched anime had 10 way with friends stayed too long dad freaked grounded me and no im allowed 1 HOUR! on the computer and 10min on the phone:( stephyy feels a bit sad...but on the bright side i did go to square one gettin glasses next weekend since they couldn't fixx them for this weekend..and yeah. also my grandma got me hair die..woohoo next wweek for grad photo/dance/and drama im gonna have RED HAIR!...my god thank god i have such boring brown hair now imagine me with red:) i died it before if you guys remembered when i dressed as a vanpire a few years back i died it red..it wass soo pretty. anyways i miss my pals...and im drawing bad things since im grouned ill show later. so sorry to everyone i was being a bitch to..it was my monthly thing..but now it gone so im good now..i wont bite now. anyways i guess that it. so have a good weekend ill be drawing and whatever...
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Friday, February 23, 2007
no good day
I fucking hate today... i dont like be left out or made fun of.. im moody and i love to take it out on anyone! All i feel like doing now is turning the music up and cry out loud!..but what does it matter..it just me..who cares..so brb while i fucking hate! okk now let's see watched onetreehill...did work learned about stock in math...did art..i needed to draw clothes who know..0.o and lets see drawing kungpow's request..
tomorrow going to see my neighbour who passes away..and getting my sunglasses. later on tonight going to spend it alone watching anime since no one calls me. and yeah so enjoy.
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
dance dance
my dead journal..
woohoo ash wednesday! also i have decided to give up my delicious icecream..omg im gonna go crazy.. also dance was niice just some people got kicked out for smacking curtains so the beginning was a bit boring..but after it got way better: also i ate so much chocolate i think i got too high.. well today was fun no classes watched a movie on seexual dieseases..and lunch we were saying bob is a pure white name wtf0.o and we were talking about sex changes and i laughed a bit too loud..omg everyone probably thinks im one hellya werid kid-,-...also some bad kid missed his bus and had to run home bad bad boy but your my badboy though lol.. well just studying and doin homework plus on stick arena.
william is out.
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
weekends..just plain weekendss
sniff sniff...man i have a runnie nose...and i feel like crying now just cause it... im not in pain just really stuffed up..
well my weekend has been ok..i chilled all friday..played stickarena for hours cleaned basement since rents made me and watched some wack movie called wayne's world..0.o whatthehell...that is one wackkk moviie..
i went to get my eyes checked and gladly i have 20/20 vision and im gettin new sunglasses..woohoo i also got my ipod updated. now i got 201songs: also i am even more obsessed with pokemon now..i have no clue why but i just am ... i might actually draw another picture of pokemon... i just don't want to show the first one unless you really want to see it. also i updated my pics page it has a pokemon amv i loved from youtube and life... page has been updated i don't think certain people should see it though..it just for me too pour my bottled feelins somewhere... well tomorrow is mandrian!! woohoo [ food ] oh yeshh! also changing song here i love the song just want to put more better one. anyways just drawing and watching pokemon movies.. i need to buy all the movies though...i need to update my pokemon collection..>.< soo werid but hey get use to it!my daddy is sleeping at some werid hospital becuase they testing see if he needs the machine of some sort..so let hope he ok.. well gots to go...pokemon watching and my nose is running again..arrrgh..
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Sunday, January 28, 2007
My deadd journal
ok was lazy and hurting yestudaii but ill explain todaii.. went skiing..and for some reason we are order by last names so i get stuck almost in the front with some grade 7..untill i had something pushing me to go sit near you..
not much happend just talk...
finally got there to find my blondeeii buddyy..xD soo hott... he cool... but yeah skiied all day on easy rider and twice on teddy bear..ouchh i fell on my left side then a biggass wipeout on my first skii done with you ((alone)) omg it was the scariest thing but at leaast you helped me uuntill your skii came off and you had to skii half way downn..but man was it cold my toe/fingers/face frooze..rest ok... also now rachelle passed..woohoo..but some people love to do dangerous stuff oon skii lift..grrr no way do i want that thing downn..or ill be totally scared and hold you with my lifee...
anyways finlly day was over said by to blondeeii buddy...stared at the last guy..and sat at middle with you.. i don't know what got into us.. but for once i wasn't shy0.o i need to see a doctor.. but why exactly would you hold my hands whhen yours are soo ohh soo warm and mine are frozen..they always like that but it did give you chance to get near me.. also omg i can reach..your soo fun to kiss you know.. waiting for this mondaii since sundaii with friends got cancelled so waiting for next saturdaii..in few hours going to church for confirmation..meetting..me and jessica yo.. can't wait for so much stuff... especially getting out of my house it is soo boring im watching old movies and taking napps through the dayy..blahh..1treehill is great can't stop watching it..but getting werid now.. but cool anyways so bored writting too much..better be back to studing..hanging with bro and project..
((sunday january 28, 2007))
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Sunday, January 7, 2007
winter break fades away...
yep it true my winter breaks ends here.. I know i haven't put art up but it because i'm improving and just gonna put up the better arts okk? anyways so far just finished drawing 2 pics and done my 2nd piczo site it is quiet kool here the likn if your inttrested http://the-pimp-ninja---.piczo.com check all the pages they all have some stuff in it:) also gonna miss my winter break it was the best got to do what i do best lazy around be on the computer go out with friends/family and draw^__^ to me that is heaven.. anyways just telling i'mm a gonna be at school tomorrow oh man htis suckss>__< but i guess i have no choice... bye guyss... see you around ill put my art up soon maybe ok ...
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Saturday, December 23, 2006
School Is Out
YEASHH It is almost Christmas!! School Ended yesturday it was soo DAMN FUN...We ate alot of FOOD exchanged Kris-Kringle presents..I was Jennifer Andison...-Long story- My friend Denise got me she gave me $15.00 for Square One=] Can't wait to go to Animal World and spend spend. I Got sponge Bob and gave him $20.00 He was happy lol.. We played on the Teachers Chair and starting playing with these woods pieces/talked/listend to music ...So much funn=D Then Came the Dance..It was boring because it wasn't very organized=( But it was still fun I Danced with all my friendz=D Especially my Best Friend Eric it was fun haha.. So Yeah..Just wanted to ask you guys something..Do You Guys Open Your Presents Tommorow @ Midnight Or In Chirstmas morning? So Yeah I got some old pics I need to put up during the Hoildayzz so I will=] They ar eok and now I'm worrking on my Naruto team and some Characters from my own story=D Can't wait=)ANYWAYSS --MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!1More DAYZZ
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