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Kodiak, Alaska
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If I told you...I'd be tempted to kill you
I've made it to my 3rd year of HighSchool
Anime Fan Since
Before I can Remember
Favorite Anime
All I have seen except for "Reign" *Bleck!* -.-0 Wasn't entertaining at all
Still unknown
I like to help people, watch anime (whever I can get the chance to), play videogames, roleplay, listen to music, draw, write, hang with friends, & I love bein' one of the kids. ^_^
(See hobbies)
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 06/08/05:
Coolness. This reminds me...I've been wanting to go peak around the shrines anyway.
 You are... a shrine!
You're the ultimate source of informationfor your favorite anime. User-friendlyand brightly colored, each shrine manages to maintain its own identity while still clearly belonging to theOtaku. Lately you've been taking a back seat to all the hype about myOtaky, but don't worry--you'll still be holding strong when the novelty of that has died down.
Which theOtaku site are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/08/05:
Careless. YEAH! THAT'S the word! (*Whispers* But it's just my cover-up.) In truth...I'm a cross between all of the results except for Sexy Girl. Blah!
 Careless Girl:
It won't make difference 4 u, but u're a careless girl... egocentric and annoyed, you're kinda gothic but, admit it, some special people can break your ice, huh?! Cool off, kid, and enjoy life 'cause it's short!
What's your anime-girl steriotype?! brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/08/05:
lmao! OMG! This is SO freakin' sweet! I'm a fairy! ^_^ lmao! Weeeeeeeeeeee! But I wish I could've been a Magic Girl. :(
Result Posted on 06/08/05:
lmao! OMG! This is SO not right! lmao! At least my best bud is Vash! lmao! DONUTS!!!
Result Posted on 06/08/05:
lmao! lmao! lmao!
The University of Blogging
Presents to Anime Ami
An Honorary Bachelor of Comment Spam
Majoring in Anonymous Commenting
| Blogging DegreeFrom
Result Posted on 06/08/05:
MeeeHeHeHe! I R kitty! So fear me! Ha! lol! But I'm actually more like a bit of ice, sometimes fire, & on rare occasions...mazuko.
 You are a Cat Demon. You prefer warm, dry area's. You are highly intelligent, and think of yourself as better than the other classes. You think before you act (Mostly). Heeeeeeeeere kitty kitty kitty...
Which Demon Are YOU!? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/07/05:
Sweet. I think this quiz was pretty cool.
Jaguar Spirit Calls To You! Jaguar's Wisdom Includes:
Seeing the roads within chaos
Understanding the patterns of chaos
Moving without fear in the darkness
Facilitating soul work
Empowering oneself
Moving in unknown places
Psychic sight
If you enjoyed this quiz, please rate and I may do another!
Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/07/05:
Weeeeeeeee! Randomness is fun. ^_^
Anime Otaku-ness! | Created by babypetsarekool and taken 191 times on bzoink! | What's your name? | Wouldn't YOU like to know? | What do you wish it was? | Ami | What's your eye colour? | Brown | What do you wish it was? | Green | What's your hair colour? | Brown | What do you wish it was? | Violet | Do you know any Japanese? | Very little. Only miscellaneous words & phrases | Do you want to know any Japanese? | Hell yeah. Japanese rules! ^_^ | Do you like to draw? | Yeah | If you do, do you draw anime? | I TRY to | Can you say the word SIT in Japanese? | No | How about PRIESTESS? | No | Drop and give me 50! | Fuck you | Are you bored with this quiz? | Kinda | If you are, TOO BAD! | Who's your favourite anime character? | Deedlit (Record of Lodoss War) & Konoko (Oni) | What anime character do you want to marry? | NO idea | Do you know what Yu Yu Hakusho is? | Hell yeah | Do you know what Petshop of Horrors is? | Yeah. But haven't seen it | Is Fish Eye from Sailor Moon a woman, or a man? | I don't remember | Do you like to drink tea? | Yeah | Do you like junk food? | Hell yeah! ^_^ | If you do, what's your favourite kind? | Chocolate | Do you have a myOtaku account? | Yup. (Anime Ami) | What's your favourite fruit? | Pineapple | What flavour is best? (Spicey, sweet, sour or juicy?) | Dpeneds... | Do you hate this quiz now? | Naaah | I'll shut up. | No really, I will... | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
Result Posted on 06/07/05:
lol! ^_^ OMG! This is SO cute!
Result Posted on 06/07/05:
HehHeh...Sweet. This is SO awesome.
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