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Kodiak, Alaska
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If I told you...I'd be tempted to kill you
I've made it to my 3rd year of HighSchool
Anime Fan Since
Before I can Remember
Favorite Anime
All I have seen except for "Reign" *Bleck!* -.-0 Wasn't entertaining at all
Still unknown
I like to help people, watch anime (whever I can get the chance to), play videogames, roleplay, listen to music, draw, write, hang with friends, & I love bein' one of the kids. ^_^
(See hobbies)
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 06/01/05:
lol! I find this SO fnny because I would NEVER purposely hurt people...let alone enslave anyone.
Result Posted on 06/01/05:
This is SO true, it's scary. But I am also a bit of beautiful, used to be naive, a bit of natural, MOSTLY longing, a little of shy, & a bit of wild.
 Broken. Something traumatizing happened to you in your past, or perhaps in the present, and either way, you have much mending still in your heart that is needed desperately. Your special power is the power of sympathy. Your struggles evoke feelings deep inside of people that would not ever be awoken if you had not been there.
What kind of person are you? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/01/05:
Sweet. I like purple. But I am also red, sometimes orange, green, & blue.
Result Posted on 06/01/05:
Sweet. This fits like a glove. But I am also windy, a lil' bit of rainy, & a tiny bit of tornado.
 you are the clear night sky. you are independent and proud of it! sometimes you can be a loner and hide your true emotions from others, and sometimes you get dark but hey your friends can still see that sliver of moonlight and starlight in you.
What type of weather are you? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/01/05:
This fits. I always liked Rin too. She's SO cute! ^_^ I am also Kagome, Ayame?, Kilala, & Kikyo.
Result Posted on 06/01/05:
Naaah. I don't like this one. None of it really fits me.
Result Posted on 06/01/05:
This fits me pretty well. But I am also sometimes hope & moon.
Result Posted on 06/01/05:
Cool. This fits.
 You are The Celestial Goddess. You rule over the Heavens and have a fim grip on space and the universe. Your keen intellect makes you a person to take time to stare at the stars - just to see what they look like.
What Goddess Of Beauty Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/01/05:
K...This one was just messed up. lol! But it was fun anyway.
About You | Created by lostxlove and taken 8503 times on bzoink! | Tell me about yourself | What's your name? | Amie | How old are you? | 16 | Where are you from? | St. Petersburg, Florida | When is your birthday? | 9-24 | What color hair? | Brown | What color eyes? | Brown | What is you favorite | Color? | Black | Food? | *Thinks* ... Candy! ^_^ | Animal? | Cat | Drink? | Root Beer | Song? | Depends on my mood | Band/Singer? | Depends on my mood | Movie? | *Constantly changes mind* | TV show? | *Thinks* ... Any Anime | Book? | Don't like readin' books | Sport? | Depends on my mood | This or that | Night or day? | Night | Black or white? | Black | Chocolate or vanilla? | Chocolate | Pepsi or Coke? | Root Beer | TV or computer? | Both | Movies or DVD's? | DVD's | Rock or rap? | Rock | Pop or punk? | Punk | Old or young? | Young | Tall or short? | Tall | Big or small? | Depends... | Randomosity | Have you ever tried to lick you elbow? | Yup. Didn't succeed | When was the last time you cried? | Will this really matter however long from now? | Do you sing in the shower? | Sometimes...Depends on my mood & what song's stuck in my head | Can you drive (legally)? | No | Do clowns scare you? | Sometimes | Do you enjoy jello? | Depends on the flavor & texture | What is the one thing that annoys you most? | Myself (& some of the people in my head) | Do you laugh a lot? | Depends on my mood | Do you consider yourself a funny person? | Not really. I try to be though | Who is a sexy mofo? | Who cares? | Does MTV suck? | No. It blows | Does Avril Lavigne suck? | (See above answer) | Do I suck? | Who the hell ARE you anyway?! | Do you suck? | It's getting old now | Have you ever chased a duck around in circles? | Nope. But I've chased a chicken! ^_^ | Are you tired of this? | No freakin' duh | What time is it? | Will this really matter however long from now? | What day is it? | Will this really matter however long from now? | Do you love me? | Dude...I don't even know you. Besides...Love really isn't my thing | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
Result Posted on 06/01/05:
Only a little bit of this fits me these days. I think I am more like Waterfall, sometimes a tornado, & sometimes earthquake.
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