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Kodiak, Alaska
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If I told you...I'd be tempted to kill you
I've made it to my 3rd year of HighSchool
Anime Fan Since
Before I can Remember
Favorite Anime
All I have seen except for "Reign" *Bleck!* -.-0 Wasn't entertaining at all
Still unknown
I like to help people, watch anime (whever I can get the chance to), play videogames, roleplay, listen to music, draw, write, hang with friends, & I love bein' one of the kids. ^_^
(See hobbies)
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 05/30/05:
Randomness again. ^_^ lol Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
The Survey Where You Say The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay. | Created by -ambiguous and taken 54125 times on bzoink! | What comes to mind when you hear.. | ..snow? | Quiet | ..rain? | Soothing | ..tornado? | OMG!!! Everybody get underground! NOW! | ..summer love? | Fairy tales... | ..Jon? | Ni! | ..Mike? | Poo! | ..Shea? | Blah! | ..banana? | Pie | ..dizzy? | Spell | ..Laura? | Lee | ..Juan? | Ni | | Ride | ..white? | Black | ..peppermint? | Wintergreen | ..New Found Glory? | Blah | ..placebo? | wtf? | juice? | Pineapple... | ..candid camera? | SMILE! ^_^ | ..sister? | Mine are brats | | Wish I had one | ..hate? | Sucks | | S'alright | ..President? | Sucks | | WallBall | ..rap? | Rock | ..pop? | Rock | ..rock? | YAY! ^_^ | ..punk? | Sweet | | BACK OFF! | ..death? | Is scary | | I SAID BACK OFF!!! | ..duuude? | Sweeet | ..the end? | Thank god! | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
Result Posted on 05/30/05:
OMG! lol! Kawaii desu nee! ^_^ I LOVE Ryo-oki! I've loved her ever since I first saw Tenchi-Muyo back in 99! ^_^
Result Posted on 05/30/05:
lol Nice. I wish I knew what the other ones meant though...
Take the quiz: "Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? " Pog mo thoin Pog mo thoin - 'Kiss my ass.'You're one tough bastard, and if anyone doesn't like it, they can kiss your ass. You enjoy fighting and causing grievous bodily harm. Hey! What are you lookin' at, punk? |
Result Posted on 05/30/05:
This fits me...But only on my bad days. What confuses me is...I was in a good mood when I took this...Hmmm...
Result Posted on 05/30/05:
A little bit of this fits me. But I think I am more like a little bit of air & earth, fire, & most of water.
 Air. You think before you act, you look before you leap. You are very direct, which sometimes can hurt others. You are always looking for the truth behind things. Of all the elements, you're the wisest.
What is your element? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/30/05:
I guess this does fit me...a little. -.-0
Result Posted on 05/30/05:
Cool. I always did like Sailor U! ^_^ Mostly because in the american version...she was JUST like me; Major tom-boy and totally kicked butt! ^_^
Result Posted on 05/29/05:
Cool. This fits me perfectly. But I am also a specter, unicorn, dragon, phoenix (sometimes), griffin, & vampire (sometimes).
Result Posted on 05/29/05:
This is just like me. But I am also like both mermaids that like animals...sometimes.
Result Posted on 05/29/05:
Yay! HaHa! I R like Kenshin! ^_^ But I am also Tsukasa. And I agree with sakana...It REALLY isn't that hard to spell Rurouni. (Did I spell it right?)
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