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A sales representative at the U-HAUL international call center.
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My real name is Sarah.
I'm not sure.
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Since I was in 4th grade. Sailor Moon did it.
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Anything that has a good story line. Believe me, there's a lot of Anime's out there that are shit.
Really, right now, I'm just waiting for him.
I am a Junior at Metropolitan Arts Institute for Drawing, 2D3D, Photo, and Guitar. I used to play Eb Alto Saxophone, and Eb Baritone Saxophone.
Acting, Drawing, Playing Guitar, Volleyball.
| anime art fan
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
hi everyone im just bored and im just posting because i feel like it buhbye
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ugh i feel like im gonna falll over
hi everyone. sorry i forgot to give you the website. but i want you to do a search instead. just go to yahoo and go to pictures and search abortion and you'll find pics that have sites to explain them. i know most of them are bloody but the articles are the real thing you want
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please comment if you have any strong opinions on abortion
well the topic of the research paper that i have to do is abortion
ill give you the site that i went to to get pictures for my title page
those with a week constitution have been warned.
but the things some of the subtitles say are really intuitive abortion is wrong because they KILL the unborn baby and they say its okay because its not "human" yes. ITS ALREADY HUMAN BECAUSE THE MOTHER IS HUMAN!! and women say they should have the right to choose to do whatever they want with their bodies and get an abortion. ITS NOT THEIR BODY ITS THE BABY'S BODY THAT THEYRE MUTILATING NOT THE MOTHER'S!!! if you have any comments please feel free to not hold back on this matter. feel free to not be cencored at this matter as i dont care that much about cuss words DAMMIT ^_^
please comment
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
omg i didnt do the freakinf\g report in that class and i havent finished it!!!! im so dead it counts as a big part of my grade gota go by.
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
hi again i still have to do that report but i dont feel like it im in a rut here my laziness will take over the world!
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hi people im in comp class right now and im totally bored! im finished with my stuff, and i have to finish a report by tomorrow! OMG i have to hurry bye
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hi people my spring break was last week! it was fun but i was sick the whole time and when i got there i only got like 15 minutes of snow plaay because my grandparents shed caved in!!! @_@' and i helped them get all the stuff that would get ruined if it got wet from snow. and the rest of the week i was coughing my lungs all to hell and i hated it! but it was nice up there.
and on the way back you know how your ears get pressurized when you come down from a mountain on a freeway? well my ears did and then my left ear didnt pop!! i still cant hear out of my left fuckin ear and its driving me crazy and because your senses are intertwined in your head if one of them goes another one is sure to! so now i cant hear smell or taste very well and i fuckin hate it!!
anyway happy trails
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Friday, March 10, 2006
hi people spring break is like next week! iv been practicing bass guitar and my dad wont let me bring it up there!!!! >_< i was getting good too *for a total beginner* and like il be going up to my grannies house in pason! itll be great ill just lie back and chill for a week, because after major tests are gonna be taken in my school >_< stupid aims and i have to take this really hard algebra qualifying test for a highschool credit >_< if i pass it i go straight to geometry. and when i finish highschool, i wouldve had calculis, which is college level math!! 0.o itll be so tough but im gonna have to do it.. i shadow somebody *follow a kid aroudn the school with the same interests* on the 31st of march itll be cool.
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Thursday, March 9, 2006
man im paranoid -_-' i just had a wave of fear for some reason. it was soooo wierd..... its like a dark cloud just tapped my shoulder and it electrified me with its dark black fear jolt 0.o
oh well today is a half day and so is tomorrow..... how abot this ill telll you the website to the highschool i might be going to
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Wednesday, March 8, 2006
cool huh? ^_^
 You are- - -2D!!! You like to sing. And, whether
you like it or not, you're usually the center
of attention. You have a calm, observant
"pretty-boy" attitude. You can get
anything you want, but you usually not to
take advantage of a situation.
Who's your inner-Gorillaz? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are- - -Noodle!!! Japan is awesome, and you
know it is. You're like the smooth, powerful
melody of a guitar, and go with whatever
comes your way. You know what its like to
"feel the music".
Who's your inner-Gorillaz? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are- - - MURDOC!!! You think you're important,
but you only play one part of it all, and a
very small, but important part. For some
reason, you're always horny and pouncing on
admirers. Chances are, you're some sort of
Devil-worshipper. Murdoc plays bass, and has
a fiery, yet furious attitude.
Who's your inner-Gorillaz? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are- - -Russel!!! You're with the hip-hop
style. You like to be powerful, just like
the drums. At times, you're also very
destructive, yet usually quiet and peaceful.
You might be good with technology, you might
now, but who cares, you're AWESOME!!!
Who's your inner-Gorillaz? brought to you by Quizilla
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