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A sales representative at the U-HAUL international call center.
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My real name is Sarah.
I'm not sure.
Anime Fan Since
Since I was in 4th grade. Sailor Moon did it.
Favorite Anime
Anything that has a good story line. Believe me, there's a lot of Anime's out there that are shit.
Really, right now, I'm just waiting for him.
I am a Junior at Metropolitan Arts Institute for Drawing, 2D3D, Photo, and Guitar. I used to play Eb Alto Saxophone, and Eb Baritone Saxophone.
Acting, Drawing, Playing Guitar, Volleyball.
| anime art fan
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/05/06:
i wish i could put 2d up but everyone gets him
Which person from the Gorillaz are you most like?
 You are Noodle.You are childish yet mature. Everyone loves you! Your bubly playfulnes makes you easy to make friends. You like anime and own over a thousand pokemon cards. You have the spiritual power to wipe out an entire city by yourself. You rock out on the guitar, but hey, you rock in everything you do and youre not afraid to party Japan style! You share a special bond with 2D and you laugh at Murdocs desperation. You are cool, calm and collected. GO YOU! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/05/06:
Im trying to put all the results.
Which person from the Gorillaz are you most like?
 You are Murdoc.Although you are a jerk most of the time, you have your moments. You enjoy chasing the oppisite sex. You can be a pervert, but hey thats how you are and you dont care. You are evil and love it. Your pastimes include scaring people, beating up 2D and chasing boys/girls.If you go to far when you beat up 2D, Russel will keep you in check. Your weapon of choice, the bass guitar. You have a twisted mind, but doesnt every band need one? You are intense and like it that way. Sometimes you may experience mood swings. Youre a swinger, and drive the oppisite sex wild even though you have "problems". Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/28/06:
i made this quiz believe it or not.
iv taken it three times and each time iv gotten iether murdoc 2d or russel isnt that funny? lol
Which person from the Gorillaz are you most like?
 You are Russel.You are mostly calm and laid back, but when provoked, you have a bad temper and are not afraid to kick some ass! Your bulk and atitude makes you the peace-keeper in the band. When Murdoc goes to far, you keep him in check. You are easy to get along with because you dont enjoy confrentation. Your past times include eating and sleeping. You love hogs. Your inner demons may run amock, but you dont let that get you down. You turn them into a good thing! Your weapon of choice, the drums and your rapping skils. Youre cool with everything, but someone can get on your bad side. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/22/06:
0.0 -_- 0.0 -_- 0.0 (blink)
Result Posted on 07/22/06:
true true true
Result Posted on 07/22/06:
Result Posted on 07/22/06:
omg i think it might just be true ^__^
Result Posted on 07/06/06:
I think I was the first to join besides the founder.