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myOtaku.com: Anime Artist

Friday, October 28, 2005


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~~~~~~~About~Me~~~~~~~ Name: I'll give you a hint, it starts with a P
Birthday: May 7, 1990
Age: 16
Member Since: March 8, 2004
Location: Where ever I am right now
Likes: Anime (of course), Drawing, Reading, talking etc. etc. etc.
Dislikes: Cigarette smoke
Occupation: Student
Achievements: eh...I'm smart. (at least good enough to get A's in school) good at drawing? I dunno what achievements I've got!
Hobbies: drawing, reading (mostly mangas), ANIME
~~~~~~~Copyright~~~~~~~ Layout � Sharingan Itachi
Coding � Sharingan Itachi


Well! How's it going everyone? I'm okay over here! still 15 minutes till school's out though. but I have nothing else to do...well nothing else I WANT to do so yeah. mm..let's see...now I don't know what to say. I have 2 halloween parties to go to and I'm dressing up as Kagome 'cause I didn't feel like buying a costume. It just sucks because the weather is all muggy and rainy and stuff. Well, anyway, I guess I don't have much to say so it's your guys' jobs to inform me with anything because I want to know okay?! Alright!


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