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I'll give you a hint, it starts with a P
eh...I'm smart. (at least good enough to get A's in school) good at drawing? I dunno what achievements I've got!
Anime Fan Since
umm.......i dunno really
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, DN Angel, Spiral, Rurouni Kenshin, Shaman King, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Panic (and Fumoffu), Saiyuki, Full Moon, Prince of Tennis, One Piece, Bleach, and tons more!
Learn Japanese, go to Japan..maybe live for a few years, and get a boyfriend that I love! oh! and get better at drawing!
drawing, reading (mostly mangas), ANIME
| Anime Artist
Friday, July 21, 2006
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Name: I'll give you a hint, it starts with a P
Birthday: May 7, 1990
Age: 16
Member Since: March 8, 2004
Location: Where ever I am right now
Likes: Anime (of course), Drawing, Reading, talking etc. etc. etc.
Dislikes: Cigarette smoke
Occupation: Student
Achievements: eh...I'm smart. (at least good enough to get A's in school) good at drawing? I dunno what achievements I've got!
Hobbies: drawing, reading (mostly mangas), ANIME
Layout © Sharingan Itachi
Coding © Sharingan Itachi
Hey! How's it going everyone?
I'm okay over here. Over the past 2 days I've been trying to get a cellphone and each time I've come SO close, but no, karma (according to Itachi) just keeps coming to bite me in the ass! The first time was yesterday morning and we went to Sam's Club and went to the Sprint store there. We found a really good deal and that's what we're going to get. We're picking the 2 free phones (but it might turn into 3) and it's going to be family. It's unlimited local minutes and for $5 more, we get unlimited long distance. So all in all, it's only going to cost us $60 a month for that. The phones has what you see on regular ones but no camera and that's about the only difference so it's okay, even if it doesn't look that pretty (at least they're flip phones though). But then, the sales person (who was also the manager) told us that we had an overdue payment of $192 to an old account that's like 4 years old so that's what we did this morning. We went to a regular Sprint store and paid it off, but I thought after paying it we could buy the phones right? Well, nope, we have to let them have at least 2 days for it to show that we've paid it already and there's probably going to be a $250 security deposit. So my mom and I are going to get the phones on Tuesday. I just hope that the manager at the Sam's Club Sprint store (The deal was found at Sam's Club) held the phones for us (I asked him if he could but he was actually suppose to be on vacation..just working an extra day I I'm hoping he relayed the message to the other employees and if not..then, I just hope they'll have those phones still in stock 'cause when we picked those, I got the last one that I wanted and my mom had to get the other free one. Oh well, I'll just have to see how it all turns out, but I probably won't be surprised if it all falls back on me with my luck.
Anyway, one of my old teachers called one of my friends this morning to ask her if she could do a project or something. We were both in Honor Society and the teacher is head of it. My friend has to work during the time that she mentioned and so she suggested if I could do it. So my friend came over and woke me up from my nap and told me about it and gave me the phone number to contact the teacher. I'm free during one of the times, but I have no idea where the place is and how I'm going to get there. Lol, I'm just directional challenged like that.
Oh, and speaking of my friend, her boyfriend also called her up this morning and he told her that his parents want to meet her. Lol, she wasn't too excited about that but it's okay. She most likely have already met them by now.
How sad, I want the chance to meet my boyfriend's parents. Well, I do, but then I don't. Know what I mean? Well, anyway, yeah. Ike and I have been going out for over a month but I have to say that our relationship isn't going very far. I usually only see him once a week and that's on my day off of work and then he's always off somewhere 'cause it's summer. I think he's half-looking for a job. I know he picked up an application but I keep forgeting to ask him about it.
Speaking of work, the girls from China came back last night so I get to have Thursdays off again! ^^ I'm so happy! I can go to karate and spar again! And then I'll have another day to see if I can schedule a date with Ike. We haven't even had our first date or kiss yet. That's a bad sign isn't it? AHH!! >.< T_T ...*sniffs* It sucks...
Well, anyway, see ya all later! I'll try to get to everyone's sites today (well, those who updated anyway) So bye-bye. See ya next time!
Question of the day:
What would you do if some old (about 40-50 something) guy or lady that you've never seen before in your life saw you and said "Hey Gorgeous!" to you?
Sorry guys, I didn't know any other question to ask lol. And fyi, that happened to me. It was so creepy! The guy had gray hair too but his face wasn't old-age-wrinkly just yet. I turned my head and said "hi" 'cause it was just a natural response to his "hey" but then it hit me that a "gorgeous" came after it and I've never seen the guy before. Eww >.< And I'm not even that pretty.
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