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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Blah Blah Blah

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~~~~~~~About~Me~~~~~~~ Name: I'll give you a hint, it starts with a P
Birthday: May 7, 1990
Age: 16
Member Since: March 8, 2004
Location: Where ever I am right now
Likes: Anime (of course), Drawing, Reading, talking etc. etc. etc.
Dislikes: Cigarette smoke
Occupation: Student
Achievements: eh...I'm smart. (at least good enough to get A's in school) good at drawing? I dunno what achievements I've got!
Hobbies: drawing, reading (mostly mangas), ANIME
~~~~~~~Copyright~~~~~~~ Layout � Sharingan Itachi
Coding � Sharingan Itachi


Hey! How's everyone tonight? (it's about a quarter to midnight as I type this so yeah ^^)

I just got off work about half an hour ago and it....SUCKED!!! Damn, we didn't even make $30 and after tip out, we didn't even leave with $25, it freakin SUCKED!! It was so stupid. Not only was it a slow night, but people were cheap and only left like $0-3 as tip (and just so you know, I wasn't slacking). But at least we made okay last night (made $73 and left with $55..tip out is 25% so that's stupid).

Anyway, enough about work, I do that everyday, what's new with you guys?

Oh, I got a question. What do you think is a good present for a mom? You see, my mom's birthday is on Tuesday (she's turning 40 XD) and I have no idea what to get her. I want her to have something she can use, but I don't know what. She works what seems like 24/7 and I've bought jewelery for you in the past, but she doesn't go out often enough to get ready with jewels and stuff unless it's for a party so no jewelery. I got her lotion, a lotion pot..thing, and flowers for mother's day..So no re-gifts. I can't think of anything else!! Help! And I'm cutting it close XD

Ahh!! And I start school in one week!! I guess I kinda can't wait 'cause I'm excited about having a change of pace in life and meeting up with friends on a daily basis again instead of from time to time over the summer.

I'm also going shopping on Thursday with a friend for some new clothes for school. We're just going to Ross so we can get a lot of clothes for cheap.

I also went to the movies last Thursday and we saw Pirates of the Carribean Dead Man's Chest and it's awesome! So I recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet!

Anyway, I think that's it for now! See ya'll later and take care!


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