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Monday, December 25, 2006

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~~~~~~~About~Me~~~~~~~ Name: I'll give you a hint, it starts with a P
Birthday: May 7, 1990
Age: 16
Member Since: March 8, 2004
Location: Where ever I am right now
Likes: Anime (of course), Drawing, Reading, talking etc. etc. etc.
Dislikes: Cigarette smoke
Occupation: Student
Achievements: eh...I'm smart. (at least good enough to get A's in school) good at drawing? I dunno what achievements I've got!
Hobbies: drawing, reading (mostly mangas), ANIME
~~~~~~~Copyright~~~~~~~ Layout © Sharingan Itachi
Coding © Sharingan Itachi



How's everyone's holiday going? (I don't know if you celebrate Christmas or not ^^;;) I can't say much about mine since technically it's still X-mas eve at 11:40pm XD But from this day..it wasn't a happy one.

I was suppose to go visit my hometown (I moved to a different city a little bit more than a year ago) for Christmas break and see friends that I haven't seen since last year. I even began talking again to this guy (Jerome) that I came in contact with after like 2 years, just about. We were pretty good friends in Junior high before I moved to start at a new high school in a different city that's about 4 hours away. I was excited already to go back and meet up with my 2 best friends again over there, and Jerome just got me more excited 'cause he said that he's changed a lot and everything. I was looking forward to hanging out and catching up with him. And then I would've spent Christmas with Ching. I was also going to help my other best friend (Hen) in delivering his Christmas presents to his friends. TT__TT Now I can't do anything!!

My parents just decided that we couldn't go. It was only my little sister, my older brother, and me going and we had everything settled. We managed our time. We got the money (or should I say, I have the money -_-;;). We had the transportation (my brother was going to drive). And we had a place to stay (each of us had best friends we could stay with and they were all okay and estatic about it). But NOO!! It snowed like 2 days before we were suppose to leave. My parents said no and my dad even went as far as to steal my brother's car keys and he didn't realize it until we were about to leave. We were soo pissed. And then later on the day (around 3:30pm) my sister and I checked out the weather and road conditions 'cause I went outside and even though there was still snow on the sidewalks, there wasn't anything but a little water on the actual roads. We googled it and found a website where it showed the conditions in colors and the path we were going to take showed all green (red= difficult yellow=okay green=good). My sister and I showed that to our dad and we had evidence to show that the roads were clear (there was a little tab that you can view cameras on the highways) and the highways had absolutely NO snow on the ground. So he goes and says that we can't go 'cause we're both girls and that we're under 18 so we can't go anywhere alone or without a parent with us. Stupid sexist bastard! I hate both my parents right now. They've isolated us all our life and they plan to keep on doing that until we turn 18, which is the age I plan to move out. If not at 18, then before I'm 21. And when I say "isolated", I'm not joking or exaggerating. And it's just my sister and me too! We're not allowed to go anywhere without tell our parents (I know that's typical, but they don't care if my brother leaves without saying anything). We're not allowed to sleep over at anyone's house. We're not allowed to talk to boys on the phone, hang out with them, or have boyfriends (even though my brother starting having girlfriends when he was 13). Whenever my brother asks for money, my dad gives it to him, but when my sister or I need something, we have to have a good enough reason that'll he'll consent and even then, he's hesitant about giving it. IT'S ALL CRAP!! And I know, that I might be sounding a bit selfish, but going this far with trying to control my life, I hate them for it. I like my mom better than him, but I have my limits with her.

*takes a deep breath* Now I apologize to anyone who read this and made them feel sad or mad or whatever, and on Christmas day no less. I'll see if I can keep my temper.

On a lighter note...there's this glass of rose green tea sitting in front of me 'cause I wanted to try it..but I'm too scared XDD It smells kinda funny, but my friend who gave me the teabag, said it was okay, even though it's not that strong...I'm still afraid though, for some reason XDD And I'm soo thristy right now! XD I wanted some milk, but all we have is whole milk, and I don't really like that. And then there was eggnog..which I tried a sip, and I didn't like it. It tasted too much like banana flavor something. Even though, I love the fruit, I don't like the flavoring in like candy or something (same goes with cherries XD). So I'm dying for some nice old-fashioned cold water XDD

Anyway, this post has gotten quite long, so I'll leave you guys now! Happy holidays again!! *waves and hugs all*


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