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stuck at home in Litchfeild, Michigan
Member Since
house bum
Real Name
Roro is what im called now ^^V or you can call me Roger
im alive....thats somin, really it is
Anime Fan Since
long time?
Favorite Anime
watever i saw...i guess is my favorite.
to live
lots of things
not sure anymore
| Anime Dragon
This is my intor, where i say a little something of me, there isn't much to say, but hope you enjoy the visit. *hugs everyone* ^^
my great freind demonsprite makes avis, visit her or go to her site icons
enjoy ^_^
heres somin, if you role play, if ya sign up, make mention that you were referd by Draken Roger thanx ^_^ and plz gaia

Monday, November 26, 2007
Holy Crickies y'al
yeah.... i'm back again >.>;; suprissed? anyways, much happens in a year, i'm back, i'm using my home computer (so maybe i'll be around more), but have dial up service. I'm back though, thats important... i think, right? i'm not sure how many of my freinds still remember me and are still around, but i'm tryin to be here. so... things are preaty alright for now i guess, but hope everyone else is doing well, laters all. ^-^
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Yamiyasha: nope, not dead yet ^^ takes more then this to get rid of me and yeah, least i do have a job.
Female outlaw: Of course I'd come back, where else i got to go? ^^ an don't worry, stress out is not me.
Well, something good to know, the origanal owners of my job are back in control now, so hopefully the job will pick up and get better now. In other news... heh, i almost got my drivers license, if not for going straight through a left turn only lane >.>;; i guess that is a very bad thing to do. any ways, things seem to be gettin better now, so i can only hope everything picks up for the better sooner or later. hope everyone else is doin alright out there, laters ^-^ *hugs all*
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
Much stuff
WEll, finally i have returned, it's been a little while, i know. but here's an explanation of what's been going on so far *smiles and swishes tail* welp, i have moved from my aunt and uncles back to my mom. She is livin with an old boyfreind now, but guess what.... yep, theres going to be another move comin >.> joy. I finally scored me a job, it was goin great till the owners sold to some idiots, now they're ruining the place into the ground, whoopie <.<
it couldn't get worse huh... it could, tryin to save up my money is like... mega tough, im almost the main source of income for the house hold. what a drag it is huh, and it gets so much better, nope, im not at home on my computer, im at a freinds house on his. Can't get net just yet, gotta wait for the move and a more prosperous job. but all in all, atleast i could manage this ^-^ It's nice to get back once in a while and say hey to you all, i left quite abruptlly for like 2 years i suppose now. Didn't want to but it's just preatty much what happen, well... lifes a strugle but I'm manageing, been in tougher spots i guess ^^ I'll be alright. I'll try to come back once in a while and let you all know whats up, could be days, weeks, even months till my next post, who knows, but hey, love ya all ^-^ *hugs for everyone* se you round *swishes tail and bounds off*
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Featured Quiz Result:
tis preaty true of myself i'd say ^^;;
~*~Result nr 12~*~
Your power is: The ability to breathe under water Explanation: When swimming, you don't need to get up and take a new fresh breath since you take in oxygen from the water. This allows you to stay in the water as much as you'd like. In good purposes it can save drowning victims. In evil purposes it can help you drag down a person to the depths and have them drowned. This power helps you escape the world, if even for a bit, since you have grown to despise it so much. You have been a beaten dreamer with aspirations crushed. Now you try to control your hopes because you don't want to get hurt again. You feel there is no hope for you in the future and have no real goals. But unlike the Controller of Time you do still feel, even if it's mostly negative emotions. You have few friends, if any, and feel you are unable to speak about your troubles. And unlike the Transformer, you don't feel happiness nowadays. All seems to be filled despair whereever you go and you are bitter becaue the world has failed you. It didn't turn out the way you wanted it too and you feel betrayed. It is also likely the feeling of betrayal comes from past relationships where you were left alone in the end. Negative aspects: Since you are highly depressed and not letting out your emotions properly there is a possibility for cutting, to let the emotions out. Also, if the feeling of despair grows to strong you might consider taking your life.
What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results] brought to you by Quizilla
preaty true once more ^^
 Your element is Water: Understanding, intelligent, quiet and calm. You know who you are and no one can change that. Usually quiet but only because your listening, don't let anyone think you haven't got an opinion! Your not quiet because your shy or sad, your usually quiet because your thinking. Your answers are well planned and helpful so people generally seek your advice. Your the perfect balance between solitary and outgoing. But sometimes you need a little time to yourself to sort out your emotions and figure things out. You understand the phrase 'sticks and stone' and rarely let things get to you, whats that important for you to have to get so upset over? You know what you want out of life but are simply taking your time and enjoying things. To you your life is fine as it is, you can always change things later if your not happy.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla |
i guess so ^^;;
Soaring Griffin
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Your soul and heart is carefree and joyus. Like the gryphon, made up of many parts, you are an individual and you take pride in it. You know how to have fun. you're outgoing and sometimes wild.
What is your Spirit Creature ?(Mythical creatures Pics!!) brought to you by Quizilla |