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stuck at home in Litchfeild, Michigan
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house bum
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Roro is what im called now ^^V or you can call me Roger
im alive....thats somin, really it is
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watever i saw...i guess is my favorite.
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| Anime Dragon
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Thursday, May 20, 2004
stroy... untitled
the sun loomed high over head in the evening sky, a breeze swept over the plains lightly. in the middle of the plains lay a single tree standing tall and sturdy. sitting under the tree in the small amount of provided shade was a single solitary boy. his long dark green hair swayed gently in the wind, slowly he opened his eyes from his noon nap. he stared across the plains with his tranquil aqua colored eyes and yawned. he got up an streached, his long black over coat flapped against the ground as the breeze blew a little harder. he sat back down and stared up at the sky, he streached a little more. the noonday sun beat down on the plains, the heat seemed unbearible yet the boy sat contently and looked to the ground. he picked up a blade of grass and covered it in his hand, then looked up at the sky questioningly. he opened his hand and the blade of grass blew away with no help from the wind at all. "So... thats the way to go." he got up and begain to walk off across the plains in the direction of the grass
blade. slowly and steadily walking across the plains, ominous clouds begain to fill the sky and a small rain started up. the sun was now blocked out and the rain began to get worse, thunder and lightning began to start up now. "Perfect... i wouldnt have it any other way." calmly he spoke, he neared a cliff and stopped looking down. "Hurray up!" a voice yelled from at the bottom of the cliff, a group of men ran around covering things up. no one had noticed the boy up on the cliff, they were too busy with somthing else. "mortals... what fun." the boy spoke quietly, he watched them for a littl and then jumped off the cliff toward the men. he held out his hand an made a fist, a sword appeared and he slamed down ontop of one of the running men. everyone stopped and looked over, the men slowly and catiously walked over as the boy and man layed on the ground not moving. "is... is he dead?" one of the men reached down to the kid while another reached over to thier comrade. the boy quickly jumped up and ran his sword
through the two guys. the men looked in amazment and slowly backed up, others began to run. "he... but..." the men began panicing and sudenly all broke out into a run, the boy laughed. "no where to go." the boy said calmly and began to walk around slaughtering all the men. he wasted little time in dispatching with them, he put his sword away and walked over to a covered up box. slowly he lifted the cover and looked in the box. "there you are, long iv searched for you." he pulled a black stone out of the box. "sad how i could not find you on my own... but we do what we need to for streangth." he put the stone in his side pack under his long coat, suddenly a bolt of lightning struck the ground in front of the boy. "you!" a thunderous voice called from it, the lightning disapated and a lone figure stood.
here we go again lol. another story for your enjoyment.
Comments (9) |
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
alright...yea i didnt get on last night i know. i had an idea, i shall try sucking up to my mom tons, usually works. if that fails i maybe able to strike a deal lol, might be bad but might get me on lol. if neither works, which one always has, there is the last option...pitty lol. most of you know im good at these three things ^_~ whelp a lil good news outta yesterday... i got my cockateil, YAY! mhm the one i was gonna get for my birthday, i finnaly got that yesterday. she's preaty lil baby an shes mine ^_^ ill have to take a pic an put it up to show lol. still workin on a name though lol, an moms got work today... i hope, so when she leaves ill get on.she is sneaky though, she pulled her mother magic an somehow got me a cap an gown. i swear, she is mysteriuos... i missed the deadline and now i got a cap an gown. omg i dont know if i can do this, i hate that kinda attention. an she was extreammly mad for a reason i now know. it would seem that i'll be the second person in my familly to have ever graduated. bazair... this is so easy though how can a person not graduate, other then dropping out.oh well... so now i gots to walk an i take my lil paper an make mom happy. welp hopefully one of mytatctics will work. if they dont... she is really mad lol. welp ill be hopin not to long, just a couple of hours an i get home to see. laters all an have a great day and if i dont get on... well atleast i can play with my lil birdie ^_^ laters all *hugs*
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004
alright i told my mom that i didn't get the stuff, but she got angry with me like i knew. she called the school an somehow has gotten me a cap an gown. I REALLY dont wanna do this, i don't know why its such a big deal. honestly its just a peice of paper that say you passed school, god i dont get it. my mom yelled at me an said im not missin out on the most important day of my life. i dont care about graduation, its not important at all, an no offense to anyone i hope. so because of this, i am not alowed to be online at home. ill only be able to update while at school so...yea. but ill sneek on when moms not home lol ^_^ i cant stay away from you guys too long. an kagomeinuyashasit... it looks as though i might have comp privlages taken away for like the whole summer. maybe... but like i said ill sneek on lol. my bro has a hockey game today so i maybe able to get on. unless i get dragged along to it -_- man life aint fair. either conform to others will or get nowhere in life. thats what it seems like... man its gonna be a tough summer. but i hope ill be aloud on soon... i know i wont beable to be on for a while. luckily mom works on weekends lol, and sometimes during week. welp thats all for now... i hope everyone will have a better day then me, laters. *hugs*
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Monday, May 17, 2004
is bored here in school again an i did not feel like sitting aroun for an hour doin nothing.lets see... woke up came to hour left till im out. still have a week left after this, yay may 28th my last day. oooo my moms gonna be ticked with me everyone. i found somin to talk about now lol. anyway... i was spossed to buy my cap an gawn(sp?) for graduation. it slipped my mind an i missed the deadline, now i wont walk across stage an that. oh no, how sad (sarcasim)... personally i dont really care about it. the whole thing is lame to me, no offense to anyone, but i dont get all hyped about this stuff. grad party... bleh, i hate all that attention, it bugs me, i hate bein noticed. but not here, Myo is better, ppl cant really see me ^_^ yes i hate bein noticed in rl, an all that stuff will point me out. even if i did buy the cap an stuff... i dont think i could even pull up the nerve to come to school for that. well ya... i know alot of you think im crazy for sayin i dont care about graduation, or the big fancy party. its just not me, i like simple things an i like to NOT stand out an be noticed. scold me all ya want... lol im dead wen my mom finds out anyway. she dont know yet an she told me today if i didnt pay it, i wouldnt be aloud on the comp. soo... if im gone for a long time, its due to either me movin or i got in trouble lol. wow i went on for a while, hope ppl are havein a great day. laters *hugs*
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Sunday, May 16, 2004
thats right...
thanks to my freind, kagomeinuyashasit, i finally got to make a website. it wasnt to hard, an the turitorial thing helped too lol. feel free to check it out, it maybe mostly about me but oh well. its not like im an ego maniac lol, i just didnt know really wat to do. besides, i suppose it would give my freind an passer byers a chance to learn about me a lil. if they care to that is lol, so anyway lets see...hmm? welp iono, today is just that lovly boring sunday, an i got preaty much nothin to talk about. perhaps i should get started on ideas for another story, perhaps make it longer then 12 parts lol. what do you all think, i mean the first story i did wasnt exactly... great lol. but it seems that you all seemed to like it somewhat. perhaps its better then i think, or maybe i should put up some poetry lol. how lame would i seem then lol, maybe that would be a bad idea. welp thats it for now... maybe ill do somin later. for now have a great day, laters *hugs*
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Saturday, May 15, 2004
part 12
Zero looked over at mina curiously an slowly aproached her, she didnt even bother to look up at him. "You dont really know this girl do you?" he asked calmly, another tear rolled off her face. "I... i do but..." She was being hesitent, she wondered if she should tell him the truth, but would he belive her. She was so unsure of wat to do, she couldnt even look him in the face. "...What, you do know her but what?" Zero tryd to look at her face but she kept turning away, this is preaty ackward he thought. "...You...I dont think you'd belive me if I told you... you'd probally think i made it all up." More tears rolled off her face, she was begining to wonder why she was feeling like this. It was so irregular for her, of all things to feel a sense of sadness and worry. "Look... just say what you have to, im sure its not bad at all." Zero tryd to lay some cinserity behind his words but he began to wonder what it could be that had her so worked up. "I...I am the girl you have been searching for..." Zero stared at her bewildered, this is not possible he thought, she doesn't look like her. "but there is more..." Zero had begun to find this hard to belive now, but he remaind silent to hear what she had to say. "I am... not human...I am..." A million things started to run through Zero's head, this was unbelivable. "I am... a... demon." Zero's eyes widened, he was compleaty thrown back by this. "There...theres no way..." He was not finding words to easly, he couldnt even figure out what else to say. "That day... you found me in the woods, i was exhuasted from a long battle. I just needed some reast an i layd down out where i thought no one would find me. Then you came along... you actually helped me." Zero couldnt belive it, it really was her, this girl was the same one he had saved. "Then... that night, under the stars, it was so beautiful... i felt so... i just had this feeling i never felt before. I had to leave, you wouldnt accept me as I am... but yet... you came after me... why?" The tears were still rolling down her face, yet still she didn't look at him. Zero searched around for an answer, he was struggling for once in his life to do somthing so easy. He mearly looked at the ground as well an simply answered. "I don't know." They both stood a while quietly, Zero had searched to find her and now that he had he still had no reason for why. Slowly Zero looked up into the sky, it looked as though it did the night she left. the stars twinkled so livly an the moon shined so brightly and slowly somthing came over him. Mina still looking down suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around her. "I know now why, i had denied what i felt for you, i tried to say it wasnt the reason. I'm not fighting it anymore... i want to be with you." Those words had hit her hard, the tears stopped and she slowly turned to him. "You... would want me even though... I'm a demon?" He looked into her eyes and smiled an actual smile for once. "To me your no demon... your a sweet angel." She let out a small laugh, she wrapped her arms around him now too. They stood there in the open feild and held each other close, not wanting to let go...ever. The years passed and they had been back at Zero's little house in the woods. The woods were ringing full of life an love, Zero an mina were just happy as could be to have each other. also... they were happy to have there two kids as well, wich both happened to be little demons too. Now for another surprise, Zero never knew he too was a demon, a wolf demon an mina, she was a fox demon. they had there two little ones both half wolf an half fox and things were perfect. Well... thats the end of that happy couples story, now it's time for zero here to put the kids in bed. They do love wen i tell them this story, an i love to tell it.
yep... thats the end of the story, yea i know its not the best but hey, im not much for writting lol. i dont know wen but ill make a nother story, prolly with a great ending. welp laters all and have a great day *hugs*
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Friday, May 14, 2004
part 11
Zero had just remembered that Mina was still sitting on the ground, he looked over at her. Then he looked confused, everything was still frozen, time hadnt started up yet. "Hey... i defeated you, what are you pullin here!" he looked around confused and angirly, a faint breeze swept by. Zero looked back over to mina and saw here staring in shock, she slowly got up, stumbling a bit. "It''s, your alright?!" she slowly walked over to Zero, all the comotion was herd by Lady Miyo, she looked back. "You...are alive...but how, thats imposible." Zero just gave her a glance an focused back on mina. "Yes... im fine... we'll be leaving now, ok?" Mina no more then noded as she catiously reached out an touched Zero's face, she could feel warmth, she drew her hand away slowly. "What.. you dont belive im actually alive huh." Mina looked down at the ground, then without any warning she threw her arms around him. "..." Zero was a little shocked at this, he stood confused and stared at her. He could feel an ackward sensation he felt only once before. "I dont know how you did it...but you shall not survive this time!" Lady Miyo drew her sword and prepared to attack. "Don't...just stop this!" Mina yelled, Lady Miyo an Zero looked at her curiously, a few tears ran down her face. "Thats enough, no more... it's to much, just let us go." Lady Miyo stared at her in disbelief, she relaxed some an shethed her sword. "Fine...whatever, your just a waste of my time anyway." Zero an Mina could hear her muttering as she walked away. Zero then focused back on Mina. "Hey...lets just leave now." He smiled a little bit as she looked at him wipping the tears from her face. They walked through the rest of the forest and came to the exit, they looked out over the distance. "So how much further till we get there?" Zero looked over at Mina, she looked so sad still. "It's not too far." she said calmly and started to walk off, he followed her. They walked on for hours, the sun had set and the moon was up. stars twinkled all over the night sky, Zero looked around a bit. There seemed to be nothing for miles around, suddenly Mina stopped. "We're here." Zero looked around. "Where... is your freind at, she's spossed to be here right?" Mina looked at the ground and Zero could see a tear roll of her face. "I... I must tell you somthing... I...please dont be mad at me." Zero looked at her confused, he had an ackward sense come over him.
lala...oh wanna know wats gonna happen huh lol. welp youll have to wait till tomorow to find out ^_~ its gonna be somin great. you can leave a guess as to what you think itll be, id like to see what ppl think will happen. welp have a great day all, laters *hugs*
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Thursday, May 13, 2004
is in school doin this, not spossed to be but not care lol. so wats up for looks like lots a nothin -_- oh well im used to it. i wish i could be in some like nice forest place sitting under a tree with the shinning high over head. wonder if a place like that is around, ill have to find out lol. dreaming... so much fun, i daydream too much lol. but wat ya gonna do lol, reality is boring, i wanna live out an anime life style lol. thats some big dreamin yea... but who wouldnt want to live life like an anime. mhm *nods* its ust more fun, plus all the fun stuff that happens, its great. welp atleast i can pretend lol, have a great day, laters. *hugs and sits down under a tree in the middle of the forest.* its wonderful ^_~
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
another survey, enjoy
What is your favorite.. | gum: | dosnt have one | restaurant: | um....that lil place down the road *points* | drink: | strawbery milk or shake or anything ^_^ | season: | summer | type of weather: | very hot....or stormy ^_^ | emotion: | all the good ones, specially love *dazes off* | thing to do on a half day: | play at MYO an chat with ppl | late-night activity: | play at MYO an chat with ppl | sport: | none, they is boring, no offense ^_^ | city: | iono | store: | meijer? | When was the last time you.. | cried: | um......that one night....member? | played a sport: | may 11-04... i loth kickball -_- | laughed: | right now...i mean now...darn thats a hard one lol | hugged someone: | iono lol | kissed someone: | saddly.....never T_T | felt depressed: | iono lol | felt elated: | um.....dont know this word lol | felt overworked: | wen i had to work lol | faked sick: | a ...month or so ago lol | lied: | i dosnt lie.....i mearly streatch the truth ^_~ | What was the last.. | word you said: | truth *points up* i said it right there lol | thing you ate: | a candy | song you listened to: | iono | thing you drank: | milk | place you went to: | home | movie you saw: | iono | movie you rented: | oooo...gotta take it back lol | concert you attended: | nvr did | Who was the last person you.. | hugged: | my mom | cried over: | i dont get to close to ppl | kissed: | i said before...iv nvr kissed anyone T_T | danced with: | um....thats a secreat...cuz i dont dance ^_^ | shared a secret with: | i have no secreats | had a sleepover with: | with those one preaty girls from down the street ^_^ ....dang ...that was a dream T_T | called: | called?!? wats this..."call" | went to a movie with: | um......iono lol | saw: | my uncle *points* hes right there lol | were angry with: | i dont get angry lol | couldn't take your eyes off of: | hehe *dazes off* | obsessed over: | i dont obsess...thats creepy, an im not creepy lol | Have you ever.. | danced in the rain: | nope | kissed someone: | for the third time....iv nvr kissed T_T rub it in why dont ya *crys* | done drugs: | thats wrong | drank alcohol: | thats wrong also | slept around: | my bed? i sleept last night ^_^ | partied 'til the sun came up: | on the weekend ^__^ | had a movie marathon: | never | gone too far on a dare: | thats hazerdous to your health lol | spun until you were immensely dizzy: | yes, some advice... its more fun in the middle of the street during late night ^_^ | taken a survey quite like this before: | well....the last one i took was close lol |
The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! brought to you by BZOINK!
Comments (3) |
i just like a quiz-aholic lol, i have taken tons of them, but there pleanty fun, an mostly all true. feel free to take alook at them, im a very intreasting person...well according to my quiz results an all lol. an ill be taken so many more, lol i cant get enough of them, its a good thing a there is a section for your quizes lol. now i can take tons =^_^= is very happy to take them, i hope i can make a good quiz one day, as sort of a way to repay the ppl whos quizs i took lol. it looks easy but i know its not lol, well all i can say is practice makes better lol. nothing is ever perfect, so apply put but kagomeinuyashasit ^_^d welp laters for now, have a great day *hugs an quickly scurries off to take more quizes*
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