Anime Dragon
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Monday, November 22, 2004
part 6
The three settled for the night a good distance from the mountian, they set up the tents and had a fire going. Saru-kia began making a dinner, lacking cooking skill's dirt would have been more satisfying. "Can't you do anything?" Torai spoke setting his bowl down. "If you dont like it dont eat it" Saru-kia took a bite and seemed to enjoy it somewhat. "The taste isn't the big thing, its good for you." Torai was hungry though, he picked the bowl up and started eating again. "Um... so... why are you chasing that man again?" Sazu asked, Saru-kia just looked at her and kept eating. "yeah... he doesn't seem bad." "Did you ferget already... he destroyed your home." The two kids looked a little sad upon remembering that. "I told you before, he belongs to a dangerous and very powerful clan of people. He is the last and he could devestate these lands in the blink of an eye." they all just sat quietly till they finished and settled into their beds.
Meanwhile, Zero finally stopped his walking, he sat down staring at the night sky. It was a blaze with the millions of stars twinkling about, he smilled just abit watching it. "I wonder... if it... would be possible." He layed back closing his eyes slowly, the small smile still upon his face. "Maybe... i shall see." Was all he said before closing his eyes and falling asleep on the ground.
Right, long over due part 6 to the story, im sure most of you have been waiting for it. welp sorry it took so long but there it is, so later ^^ have a great day *hugs* love you para *hugs*
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Thursday, November 18, 2004
intreasting news my friends... i have to move again ^^;; but this time... i'll be movin to my uncles, which is one house over from where i am now. i'll beable to be online a little more, but my uncle will have me doing work and such, helpin him around the house, so... i may be on around night time ^^;; the job thing is not goin good at all, everywhere out here seems to be full on work, and not hiring, miejers is bein a pain and it seems they are not gonna hire me ~_~ anyway... im clearin out our house during the day, should be moved out whithin two weeks, give or take. yeah... so... things are bein real funny these days ^^;; but least i wont be homeless, thats always a plus, and i have my comp over here at my uncles, my aunt is working to make it better and more reliable then it was, so its lookin good for now. i still gotta get a job, so i can help out. welp, thats it for now, see ya all later, have a great day *hugs* love you para *hugs*
Comments (6) |
Thursday, November 11, 2004
yayness ^^
heh me and para are back together *nods* thats right, back together ^^ great news huh. but i got a problem... im stuck on resident evil outbreak... that level with the giant tyrant guy... he keeps beating me up so baddly and i dont know what to do >_< bleh, time for cheats lol. so hows the day for everyone else, welp im sure going great... also im like supper close to gettin a job at miejers, they have only one spot left and if i dont get it... um... *shrugs* me and mom might get kicked outta our house ^^;; heh, anyway... have a great day *hugs* love you para *hugs*
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Saturday, November 6, 2004
hm... kinda boring day... um... thanx all who took that survey *bows* and finnaly i did something i hadnt in long time, i visited ppls sites ^^ yay for me lol. welp i missed lots here i found out, but i shall try making rounds wenever i can. laters all, have a great day *hugs*
Comments (9) |
Friday, November 5, 2004
thanks Iamdizzy ^^V
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
6. Describe me in one word.
7. What was your first impression [of me]?
8. Do you still think that way about me now?
9. What reminds you of me?
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?
11. How well do you know me?
12. When's the last time you saw me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
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Thursday, November 4, 2004
welp watchin gungrave, its a realy great show, i like, and iv noticed kenshin is back on, and gundam seed is showing only once a week. mmm and... me and para are broken up, so... heh iono, i thought i had more to say but guess not. welp laters all, have a great day *hugs* and yes Demonsprite, i finally looked in my mail ^^d
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
hi ^^
yep, im back again, and sorry to the friends i didnt mention in my last post. well i did find out "Read or die" and "R.O.D" were the same show, preaty cool too, but agent paper isn't in the "R.O.D" but i think there is this boy who is nancy's son, he has the same power as her. anyway, im watchin another anime now "Gungrave" it aint bad, i like it so far, anyone else seen it? im really goin on about some boring stuff huh ^^;; eh, so hows things with everyone, me is fine as usual ^^ hope to get back sooner to you all, and yes, i did go out for Halloween, your never to old to trick or treat, but ppl out here... big time sucker freaks lol. so many suckers, oh well, see ya all soon, i hope, laters all, have a great day *hugs*
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
hello ^^
heh, yeah i been gone for a long time i know, this move's been troublesome. welp i very possibly might get a job real soon, if i do, i can get the net back at my house, then i can come back and play... um... almost as much as i used to ^_^ mmm, how many of you watched "Read or die" last night, i been watching this other anime that has charecters that have the same controll powers over paper like agent paper did. "R O D, the t.v. show" strange title but not too bad an anime, and this one guy looked exactly like drake from "Read or die" iono, maybe some one knows if the two shows are conected somehow *shrugs* ... oh yeah, i member you still Kamiya it has been a little while huh, sorry i havnt stoped by. Winged, i miss talkin to you too *hugs* we'll talk more again ^_^ i really been away for too long, sory everyone, im tryin to get my net back up. but mom says if i want it up, i gotta pay for it, hence job needed, wich i should have really soon. welp have a great day all *hugs* love you para *hugs*
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
heh, well im still around, been playing star ocean and i'll say it's a really good game. there is definetly alot to it, and it has alot of preaty good twist in it too. its not a easy game though, there are alot of tough monsters to fight as the game progresses further in. plus it has a multiplayer function, so you and a freind can battle charecters. i unfurtiently missed that little secreat, its a special thing you gotta unlock. so i gotta go get it by startin over, there is a ton to do with this game, id recomend it to any one who likes a good RPG. welp, thats it for now i suppose, i'll try to get back to my story lol, till then see ya, love you para *hugs* have a great day all *hugs*
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Friday, October 1, 2004
long time no see
yeah... job hunting is going so great, nuthin yet... oh well, more free time i guess ^^ mhm, still dont have my net up yet, but... soon i hope, my aunts tryin to find a way to get us free net service, so i hope that works out. anyway, yesterday i was at the store and i got my hands on a new video game, Star Ocean till the end of time. it is really good, in my thoughts anyway, i like it, been stayin up late playin it for two days, and i dont think im even at the half way point of the game, seems to be alot to it. i need somin to take up time, since im jobless. oh yeah... story ^^;; im spossed to write more, heh... i'll work on that... tonight... maybe... i hope so ^^;; anyway, thought id say im still here and not dead or somin. so... in closing... have a great day all *hugs* love ya para *hugs* and yes, i do like the *hugs* ^^ its cute to do ^^
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