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stuck at home in Litchfeild, Michigan
Member Since
house bum
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Roro is what im called now ^^V or you can call me Roger
im alive....thats somin, really it is
Anime Fan Since
long time?
Favorite Anime
watever i saw...i guess is my favorite.
to live
lots of things
not sure anymore
| Anime Dragon
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, August 2, 2004
well everyone seems to be wondering were im moving to, welp its called Litchfeild. its up in Irish hills out here in michigan, nice place, almost a country kinda scene ^^ so that were im movin to, its not that bad a house... its fairly big and its right across stret from my uncles. so no more suprise visits out to there lol, just be... out there fer good lol. welp yeah, that were im goin to lol, and thanx for all the congrats ^^V much apreciated, welp laters, have a great day *hugs*
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Sunday, August 1, 2004
^^V para
mhm, youll notice that rose isnt my g/f anymore... problems came up >.> but... *shrugs* but... i have a new g/f already, fast huh, but oh well lol, para (phoenixclawth) and she ish great ^^V heh, so plz visit her if you havnt done so. welp still packin things up for the move, tedious work it is, also im watchin trigun at the moment ^^ heh, vash is funny in this one... sometimes lol. also my sis is still out, for another week, so... i cant really be online like i want to be. oh well, bleh, i hate havin to move lol, wish i didnt have to. oh well, stuff happens... welp enough babling, laters, have a great day, love ya para *hugs* ^^
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Friday, July 30, 2004
eh... well rather intresting news, maybe, but i'll be moving into a new home by september 1st. yeah, drag, this will be my 6th time moving lol, but oh well. so im gonna be busy, and for a little while without internet, wen we move. also it wont be to long before i get a job... i guess, gotta help out somehow. welp, thats my big news for today lol, laters, have a great day *hugs*
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
my sis now has her friend out and its such torture T_T i have very little comp time now. on top of that, mom has me helpin clean, so i have like... a few minutes or so on the comp lol. eh... well laters all, have a great day *hugs*
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Monday, July 26, 2004
man am i gettin lazy here... slackin off on visiting freinds sites... not posting. well mostly do to the fact my sis takes the comp for so long during the day. but still im slackin off big time... sorry everyone *bows* hn... well i guess since its 5am i better get some sleep... my sis will be on wen i wake. ill have to wait hours till she gets off... *shrugs* laters everyone, have a great day *hugs*
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Saturday, July 24, 2004
well... a one night stay turned into two, just got back from my uncles last night lol. welp yeah, and i stayed up late again for the third night in a row ^^V talkin to para and donnie and kaze ^^V heh fun like always, i went to sleep at 6am and woke up at 3pm, yeah good sleep ^^ welp just lettin everyone know im back lol, so laters, have a great day *hugs*
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Thursday, July 22, 2004
at my uncles again... darn mom's little suprise visits. but oh well ^^ it iant that bad, i get to use there comp, and its better then mine lol. heh, welp i'll be home soon... i hope... yeah, home, i hate leaving home lol. but oh well, laters, have a great day *hugs*
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
ok... welp... um... heh, nuthin really to say today... i was sitin around playing Yugioh, Rose duelist while i let my comp sit and... relax i guess lol. im not bad at the game... id have perfect wins all the way through... if not for my bro >.> but oh well lol. heh, laters, have a great day *hugs*
oooo, lookie heh, from Demonsprite

What hentai are you?
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
sorry for not bein around much and visiting sites, i get preaty busy sometimes with freinds ^^;; eh, i keep neglecting alot of things and neglecting some ppl i shouldnt. sorry all, i'll try making it around to ppls sites more. welp, have a great day, laters *big hugs*
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Sunday, July 18, 2004
Me:hm... what to do today... hm...
Zero:Go play some games.
Yorai:*laying around*...
Sarha:Why not go play outside?
Me:Really... i dont want to.
Sarha:*shrugs* Fine.
Me:... eh... think i'll just... lounge around.
Yorai:Hm... whats going on?
Sarha:Yorai... *shakes head*
Yorai:Hmm? *looks around confused*
Me:Eh... later all, im gonna find somin to do, so have a great day all *hugs*
Sarha:Yeah *hugs*
Yorai:*sits confused* huh?
Zero:... Games...
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