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myOtaku.com: Anime Dragon

Saturday, May 15, 2004

part 12
Zero looked over at mina curiously an slowly aproached her, she didnt even bother to look up at him. "You dont really know this girl do you?" he asked calmly, another tear rolled off her face. "I... i do but..." She was being hesitent, she wondered if she should tell him the truth, but would he belive her. She was so unsure of wat to do, she couldnt even look him in the face. "...What, you do know her but what?" Zero tryd to look at her face but she kept turning away, this is preaty ackward he thought. "...You...I dont think you'd belive me if I told you... you'd probally think i made it all up." More tears rolled off her face, she was begining to wonder why she was feeling like this. It was so irregular for her, of all things to feel a sense of sadness and worry. "Look... just say what you have to, im sure its not bad at all." Zero tryd to lay some cinserity behind his words but he began to wonder what it could be that had her so worked up. "I...I am the girl you have been searching for..." Zero stared at her bewildered, this is not possible he thought, she doesn't look like her. "but there is more..." Zero had begun to find this hard to belive now, but he remaind silent to hear what she had to say. "I am... not human...I am..." A million things started to run through Zero's head, this was unbelivable. "I am... a... demon." Zero's eyes widened, he was compleaty thrown back by this. "There...theres no way..." He was not finding words to easly, he couldnt even figure out what else to say. "That day... you found me in the woods, i was exhuasted from a long battle. I just needed some reast an i layd down out where i thought no one would find me. Then you came along... you actually helped me." Zero couldnt belive it, it really was her, this girl was the same one he had saved. "Then... that night, under the stars, it was so beautiful... i felt so... i just had this feeling i never felt before. I had to leave, you wouldnt accept me as I am... but yet... you came after me... why?" The tears were still rolling down her face, yet still she didn't look at him. Zero searched around for an answer, he was struggling for once in his life to do somthing so easy. He mearly looked at the ground as well an simply answered. "I don't know." They both stood a while quietly, Zero had searched to find her and now that he had he still had no reason for why. Slowly Zero looked up into the sky, it looked as though it did the night she left. the stars twinkled so livly an the moon shined so brightly and slowly somthing came over him. Mina still looking down suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around her. "I know now why, i had denied what i felt for you, i tried to say it wasnt the reason. I'm not fighting it anymore... i want to be with you." Those words had hit her hard, the tears stopped and she slowly turned to him. "You... would want me even though... I'm a demon?" He looked into her eyes and smiled an actual smile for once. "To me your no demon... your a sweet angel." She let out a small laugh, she wrapped her arms around him now too. They stood there in the open feild and held each other close, not wanting to let go...ever. The years passed and they had been back at Zero's little house in the woods. The woods were ringing full of life an love, Zero an mina were just happy as could be to have each other. also... they were happy to have there two kids as well, wich both happened to be little demons too. Now for another surprise, Zero never knew he too was a demon, a wolf demon an mina, she was a fox demon. they had there two little ones both half wolf an half fox and things were perfect. Well... thats the end of that happy couples story, now it's time for zero here to put the kids in bed. They do love wen i tell them this story, an i love to tell it.

yep... thats the end of the story, yea i know its not the best but hey, im not much for writting lol. i dont know wen but ill make a nother story, prolly with a great ending. welp laters all and have a great day *hugs*

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