Anime Freakkk
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
Sorry it is getting hard for me to post and visit sites durring the week. So, got my interim yesterday. I think it could have been better but... here:
Gym 100 A
Science 98 A
History 98 A
Advance LA 84 B
Pre-Al 93 B
Band 82 B
Yes, I'm a perfectionist about grades. I got to go visit sites. See ya!
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Pep rally was fun! I screamed for my friend. Then was like ya go people. It was fun I got hyper. My friend Megan has known I like this one guy she knows like a week, today we told on of my friends, I knew I shouldn't make the same mistake as last year telling Clara. I told her someone I liked she told him. I told her today he knew by the end of the day. I haven't seem him yet til tomorrow. So I got to go do homework. See ya!
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Sorry I haven't posted or visited any sites. This weekend I read a book My Sweet Audiana by V.C. Andrews. Yesterday I had a ton of homework and a meeting for band. Today we are going to have our Pep Rally a week late. It is already storming. I got to go catch the bus, I will try to visit your sites later.
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
I don't know if I will be able to visit everyone's sites with my homework and my dad in a bad moos it will be hard. But I will definately tomorrow.
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Thanks you guys but turns out we get them Wed man it is SO messed up because of missing almost all week becasue of the hurricane. School was good. The rotating schedule confuses the 7th graders.
1 hour- 4th period- Gym played basketball. A sport I am actually good at.
2hour-2nd period- U.S. History we did our class project.
3hour-3period- Pre-Al we went over a worksheet then did a bunch of problems. Goofed around.
4hour-5period- Adv Language Arts- We had warm then did a practice oral journal.
5hour-6period- Science We had a Test which was just a EASY decoding thing. Then people who didn't do homework have a quiz tomorrow people who did ME get an automatic A.
6hour-1period- Band I told the director I have Strep Throat so I only had to do fingering.
I g2g finish my science worksheet and do my band essay. See ya!
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Just a quick post. I'm about to go to school. I get my interim. Well I got to go eat breakfast so I cna take my medicine. I hope I do good on my interim (I hadn't done to well on one or two tests). See ya!
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
I went to the doctor... Strep Throat... I gave it to my mom and dad at that... See ya!
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Does anyone know how to make or get buttons, if so will you help me? Also how do you add your friend's buttons to your site?
Well I'm going to the doctor soon so I'll add some quizzes and animations. See ya!
NOTE: z | No smoking around Anime Freakkk. Thankyou for your co-operation. |
 What color are you? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
Total Visits 603
Popularity Ranking # 501
92 GB ebteries.
Thank you guys for getting me this far!
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