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myOtaku.com: Anime friend

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Guestbook Entries:

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SKAsam (02/01/07)

Hey, whats up? Just wanted to say hello! :) Hope to talk to you later.

the one and only

NaNa-chou (08/17/06)

just lookin around. nice site u gotz here ^__^
im addin ya k? hope u dont mind

soso chan (07/27/05)

hey...I Like you'r sit....I'm gonna add you as a friend...oh and don't forget to visit my sit anytime you want.
bye bye ^_^

EvilKrad (04/09/05)

I like your site. well bye see you aroung otaku!^_^

Can I add you as a friend and visit my site sometime ok.

Ms.tomboy (04/04/05)

I'M BACK!! Visit my site plez and sign my GB!!LOVE YA THANKS BYE!!

Luna Moon (12/29/04)

Nihao--nice to meet you---u sound lyk a brother who kares about ur sis----how wonder....I just wish i ahd somebody that kares about me--anyways nice site---visit mine sometimes---welll i mite not be on anymore forever---

flamie (12/19/04)


tough girl (12/18/04)

well big brother, you seem to be having a great time at myotaku! Hope you enjoy the rest of your time here. have a great christmas in Japan and send me a message soon!

msyugioh123 (12/11/04)

AWW!! your in-yashiya avi is cute! and blue and green and you have a nice site

KittieBIRDee (12/04/04)

Hey nice site hope ur likin it here well come visit my site and im gonna add u as a friend now

~Peace chicken grease~

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