OzymandiusJones (11/28/04)
Hey, thanks for the compliments! I like your site a lot. I shall now add you as a friend...and I love your avi!
Merik Ishida (11/27/04)
^-^ i like your site and your cute little piccie ^-^ i hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend ^-^
hope to see you around ^^
PS I'm REALLY REALLY glad your not a pervie i hate people like that ^-^ PM me sometime ^-^
C yas
Nevi (11/26/04)
Well hello!! I like your site!!!! ^_^ It's Kawaii! The Inuchibi avatar is super Kawaii!!!! (lol sounds lame.)
I am going to add u as a friend!
THANX for signing my GB!!!
mizuki (11/23/04)
hey, thanx fo signin my gb. shure ill b a friend, ill b addin u to my friend list too. i kno anime is awesome! ppl who dont kno wut it is is missing stuff from deir life.
Kadiri (11/22/04)
Hey, for someone new, you're doing really well. I love the Kagura background. Does that mean that you're an Inuyasha fan?
I'm still considered fairly new here, so I don't know much, but I guess we could try to help each other, right?
ps - added you as a friend.
chiithecutey (11/22/04)
well i see that you are pretty new to otaku...so i will sign you guest book...please do the same with mine...i like you site it is very interesting...*sigh*
Bunnywisk (11/21/04)
nice to meetcha. Thanks fer earlier and i like ur layout ^_^
wish i knew how to do html and crap, but im learning =P
i added u as a friend ^_^ take care
cyberhiei (11/21/04)
nice site^-^
thanks for visting my site
added you as a friend^_^
gotta go! bye!
animefan3939 (11/20/04)
I like your website!! Luv the background pic.. ^_^
BlackWingedAngel (11/20/04)
Hey there I really like your site its cool. Yeah Riku is the coolest! I like your bg its cool. Well ne ways come on over and check out my site sometime if ya like. Thanks bye :D