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anime girl67
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Sailor Moon. =B
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Fruits Basket, Death Note, DNAngel, MeruPuri, Ouran High School Host Club, Bleach, the Wallflower, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Soul Eater, Darker Than Black
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| anime girl67
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Yeah... I don't wear revealing clothing. I wear t-shirts and long pants. Maybe capris every now and then. >>;; And I usually have a sweatshirt on always. Like now. xD
I woke up this morning to go to school, and my stomach was killing me. So when I told my mom, she saw that I looked like I was about to cry, and just told me to go back to bed. So, I've missed my first two classes already, and about half of the third. I think I'd be in lunch right now, actually. So, since my last two classes are just electives, I'm not going into school today.
I think the main reason is because my period started over a week earlier than normal. And I've had the same headache for the past three days.
I'm going to go try to eat something. I haven't been eating much these last few days either.
Oh, I'm back in school as of this past Monday. It sucks.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Sunday, April 8, 2007
I don't care if it's blurry. That's good. 'cause then you can't see me as well. xD
It wasn't intended though. My brother just sucks at taking pictures.
But thanks for those of you who saw and didn't say I was ugly. >.>
Um, what's been happening since I last updated? I have no idea. I've been on spring break but my youngest three siblings are still in school so we couldn't go anywhere. We didn't go to my grandmother's for Easter, which is AWESOME. I hate it there. xD
So I get to be home on Easter. <3
Oh, by the way, happy Easter everyone! D:
Yesterday I got someone to draw me a quick sketch for free. Someone from Gaia. So, here it is. My Gaia avatar with L. xDDD [x] He thinks I'm annoying. D;
Music:Maximum the Hormone
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
I'm sleepy. D;
My computer's also being extremely slow. Starting to get really annoying. Dx
Oh. Wait. I unplugged my brother's computer and now mine's working great again. xD
Anyway, here's me dressed as L. Except, I couldn't find a long sleeve shirt, and there's no way to make my hair spike up. It's too long. I also wore girls jeans. xD
Yesterday we went to have lunch with my dad at his work. Then we went to visit my sister at her school during her lunch. A bunch of fifth graders checked me out. DD: I wanted throw something at them so badly. xD
No one's online, so I'm gonna watch anime. xD See ya~
Music:.hack//ROOTS OSTs
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Wow, sorry I haven't updated in a while. Let's see what's happened... I'm on spring break this week. My little sister's on a softball team and my dad's coach so he keeps trying to make me help coach. I went last night and now I'm really sore because I haven't batted or hit or anything in a very long time. u.u;;
Oh! I think I have an online relationship going on, even though I always complain about how they're so depressing. And it is kind of depressing. I wish I could really hug him. ><;; He's only one state away, but that's still too far. Not to mention, my parents are extremely paranoid about online people so they don't know. >>;; I have to just talk to him through MSN.
What else... Oh. Two of my friends had a joint birthday party, but they made it a cosplay party, so I picked an easy costume and dressed up as L from Death Note. Except, I just wore my hair down, and I couldnt' find a long sleeve shirt. If ya'll want, I'll post a picture of myself.
Check out my art if you didn't! [x] [x] [x] [x]
And, that's it. I'm going to eat lunch with my dad, I think. See ya!
Music:Me First and the Gimme Gimmies.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Sunday, March 25, 2007
I've gotten myself back into a J-rock phase. I got a lot of anime opening and ending themes yesterday, as well as a Maximum the Hormone CD, so I kept listening to them. Now I'm on Last Alliance because I love them. xD I can't find english lyrics anywhere though. ._.;;
Um, I did absolutely nothing yesterday. Got a lot of role playing done, I guess, but that's really it. I'm such a loser. xD;;
Ugh, I woke up feeling really sick today. Kinda sucks... My shoulders, neck, and back are already popping and my stomach is killing me.
Oh! Let's get to the point of this post! I uploaded new fan art yesterday. So please look at it! [x] [x] [x] [x] Only four. Please take the time to look at them!
Music:Last Alliance.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
It's totally possible to burn yourself with a hot glue gun, especially if you're as stupid/clumsy as I am. I mean, I've managed to cut my finger open on a box of wheat thins before. It's horrible. ._.;;
And instead of waking up "refreshed" I wake up with my back aching and my eyes stinging. It's really not cool. There's something wrong with me. xP
Anyway, I am on a three day weekend, and I am going to try my hardest not to do anything at all productive. xDD I mean, I'm going to spend time doing what I want to do, which is writing my stories, and role playing, and maybe drawing, if I'm motivated enough. Oh! I'm gonna scan some stuff I've drawn and upload it today. So look for it tomorrow! I'll remind you. xD
Music:Bowling for Soup.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
Ugh, it feels so much like a Friday... Why is it only Thursday? Dx And if this site is blocked at school, they're not going to unblock it. What's blocked, stays blocked.
In e-commerce I kinda pretended like I was working, yet didn't really do much of anything. In english more people presented senior projects. In fundamentals of technology we got into pairs and are building a small tower out of sticks, using hot glue. We're going to put weights on them later to see how much they can hold. I managed to drop glue on my hand, and it burnt and blistered, so it's kinda stinging right now... Right by the knuckle of my pointer finger. xP And.. in art I finished my landscape oil painting. It's pretty good! I hope. ^^;;
So I have to make a website, showing off four pieces of art I've completed so far. It has to be emailed to my teacher before today is up, so I better go get started!
Music:Shiny Toy Guns.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
They changed something at school with the computers. I can look at this site now, but I can't log in. So that means I can't update or leave comments or anything during school. Dx
Anyway, I finished all my work in fundamentals of technology yesterday, so today I had nothing to do. In e-commerce we've started a new week of work, since the weeks strangely start on Wednesday in that class. Um, I did nothing in art because I'm not sure about the next step of my painting. I think I might actually be done, but I have to ask the teacher first.
In english I watched others present their senior projects, while happily reminding myself that mine is over and done with. I think it went pretty well. The teacher's insane though, so I looked over at one point during my speech and he had a pencil hanging out of his mouth. I started laughing. xP
Um, after school was creative arts magazine club. We met in the library to type up the student submissions that will be making it into the magazine. Now I'm home, and doing a role play with a girl from school, Jaymee. So far our characters have met, spoken, and hers made mine cry. xD;;; But he felt bad, and is attempting to be nice now.
Music:Snow Patrol.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Sunday, March 18, 2007
My teacher didn't give me a present or anything, but he did stop me in the hall to tell me. xD
And I feel like I can't mess up on my landscape painting because everyone's watching my every move! Dx But I think I'm doing ok so far. It's my first time with oil paints so I'm being a little ambitious. ^^;
I have to present my senior project on Tuesday, by means of formal speech. How horrible! Dx So, obviously, I need to start writing it today, so I can see what the first group of people do tomorrow, and steal ideas from them. xD Mine's a paper on the word "failure". It'd be horrible if I failed. xD;;
Currently:Starting to stress
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
I'm going to take a quick moment to brag. xDD In my english class, the teacher told me that I am the first person in the history of his teaching who has gotten a 100% on every reading quiz on the book Brave New World. I'm such a nerd! xD But information from books sticks in my head, so I made history. xDD
And also, in art I went out and got my own really big canvas to paint on while everyone else has tiny ones provided by the teacher and they're all jealous now. D: The teacher just tells them to go buy their own if they ask about it. And I keep getting compliments even though I just started. I'm totally going to mess it up. xD;; Stupid sunset! So far I've gotten down all the black, a stripe of yellow, and all of the darkest orange.
My friend made the first post in our role play last night, and I replied, so I guess it's officially started now. Finally!
I don't know what else to write. xD So I'll shut up now.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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