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Friday, March 16, 2007
My stomach is growling. xD I'm really tired and my eyes are burning, but I think I'm in a better mood than yesterday and the day before. I'm kinda hot though. Today has been disignated emo day, because my friends kept calling me emo. I'm wearing a Lostprophets t-shirt with a big skull on the back, a ruffly black skirt to my knees, and some black and grey striped knee socks with my black immitation converse. Awesome. xD Except I'm so paranoid and not used to skirts that I keep tugging the back to make sure it's in place. ._.;;
Anyway, free period today in fundamentals. I've got all my work done, so now I get to do whatever. In e-commerce I didn't do much either and in English I took a test. All of his are open note, so it was really easy. Let's just hope my essay made sense. The entire test was an essay and two long answer questions. I think I did good though. In art next period I am still working on my sunset landscape. Done with the black, now starting on the orange! Let's hope I don't screw it up. The oil paints make me dizzy. And I'm already feeling dizzy. *_*
Can't wait for lunch. Ten more minutes! -stomach growls- xD;; I'm gonna get some unhealthy french fries, with some unhealthy cookies, and an unhealthy Sunkist. -fat- D:
Music:My Chemical Romance.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but I can't handle stress at all and I just start crying. My parents can tell to. They keep coming over and randomly asking how I am, like they think I'm depressed or something. xP
But anyway, we played a review game in english. My team came close to winning, but we didn't quite make it. Tomorrow's a test on Brave New World, Hamlet, and 1984. In e-commerce I just worked on random stuff. Now I'm in fundamentals of technology with nothing to do. I finished the weeks worth of work on Tuesday so the rest of the week is boring. Next, in art, I'm working on a large oil painting of a tropical sunset landscape.
I wish I could get on Gaia from here. I need to role play. T.T
Music:Panic! at the Disco.
Currently:Feeling crappy
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Have you ever had one of those days where you're just sitting in class and suddenly feel tears gathering in your eyes? Happened to me second period today. I quickly wiped them away and I don't think anyone saw. But I've been feeling really crappy. It started yesterday, I think.
My dad got home and said something not even mean at all, just that I should get a job because it doesn't seem like I'm going to college, and I just broke down and cried. I've been feeling like shit ever since.
So, I'm gonna take the quiz I was just handed, then put on headphones and refuse to move for the rest of class. Next period is art, and I have to work on my oil painting. Then there's magazine club, and then I'm heading home.
Currently:Has a headache
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Wow, it's kinda been a while since I last posted. I changed the music of my L themed site to a song from the Death Note soundtrack called L's Theme. Makes sense, doesn't it? xD
I just finished a weeks worth of work in fundamentals of technology, so I'll have pretty much nothing to do for the rest of the week. I guess I'll work on e-commerce. I have to make a website on cereal. A made up cereal. Dx In english I have to do my senior project. We finished reading Brave New World and will finish watching Hamlet tomorrow. In art I'm starting my oil painting of a tropical sunset. My canvas is huge. 24 x 36 inches! Dx It'll be hard, 'cause this is my first time using oils.
At home all I do is role play. A new active person joined the guild, so he's fun to play with, and my friend is ungrounded so we're continuing the four role plays that we're doing together. I'm still making that one with my friends from school and there's another guy in a different guild that I love role playing with. D: <3
I got my next level of drivers license yesterday, but I'm not sure what privelages it got me. I can drive more than one person around and I might be able to stay out past nine, maybe. I'm not sure.
Currently:Hurting in the back/shoulder area
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Friday, March 9, 2007
My shoulder has been killing me for the past few days, but today it's like.. horrible. My left shoulder. It really, really hurts. Like, to breathe, even. Dx
I haven't really done anything. In e-commerce I've done all the assignments that are due this Tuesday, except for three. In english we took a vocab quiz and then worked on journals, but me and Courtney ended up listening to the Tenacious D movie soundtrack. Um, in fundamentals of technology, I finished all my work on Wednesday, so I'm just online and listening to music. Next, in art, Allison is coming in and teaching us to paint using oils, and we'll all paint an apple.
I have nothing to do after school so me and Jaymee are getting on Gaia and starting up the role play we've been planning. If you're interested, just ask. >>
Music:Shiny Toy Guns.
Currently:Happy it's Friday!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Thursday, March 8, 2007
If you haven't noticed yet, I changed my site layout to L from Death Note becuase he's currently my favorite character ever. D:
But I couldn't find any already uploaded Death Note themes online, so I couldn't use one. Instead, I have the song COLORS by FLOW, which is the opening theme to Code Geass.
Well, I had e-commerce first and it was boring. We're learning about trademarks and copyright stuff at the moment. In english we had to get into groups and write a short story containing all of our twenty vocabulary words for this week. Ours was about Ghostbusters... Kenneth's part was extremely detailed, mine was somewhat detailed, and Dustin and Alan's were... average. xD
Now I have nothing to do in fundamentals of technology because I turned in all my work yesterday. In art we're using different mediums to paint apples. Yesterday was acryllic, today is watercolor, and tomorrow will be oils.
And... I'm gonna go on google video and look for anime to watch.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Let's see... What's happened since I last updated? Sorry for my disappearance.
We lost our basketball game Saturday. That makes five years of second place. It was also my last game ever, since I've aged out of the league. I was kinda.. very disappointed. I watched .hack//roots for the rest of the day, and ended up finishing it. It was pretty good. Who's Andrew Francis? A voice actor? I watched it in Japanese.
Guys and Dolls is a musical, set in the fifties, that my school performed. It was really good. It's about some gambling guys and the women who end up falling in love with them and decide they just have to deal with it. Actually, they decide they'll change the guy's ways after they've married them. xD The art crew t-shirt wasn't free though, but I liked it enough that I got one anyway. Had to pay for it.
I haven't done anything. My shoulder keeps popping and it's sore for some unknown reason. Kinda sucks. I read two chapters of Brave New World so my homework's all done. Me and Jaymee, a girl from school, realized we have very similar character [except mine's female and hers is male] so we're planning a role play to let them meet. xD
That's it. See ya~
Currently:Very tired.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Friday, March 2, 2007
Well, the guy who joined our guild and then said he didn't want to role play with any of the crew hasn't come back since then. >.>
Um, nothing really has happened... I'm doing stuff in e-commerce, working on my senior project [a research paper on the word "failure"] in english, finished my work for the week in fundamentals of technology, and am working on my self portrait in art.
I hate that the teachers can close out of what you're doing though. At my school, anyway. I was watching Azumanga Diaoh and the teacher closed out, even though he told us we can do anything we want, except play games, as long as we've finished our work. I have finished my work! DD< Stupid...
Anyway. Championship game for my rec. league tomorrow in basketball. Wish us luck!
After that I'm going to see my school's musical, Guys and Dolls. They've modernized it, I think. I get a t-shirt for being part of the art crew. x3
.hack//Roots is so cool. I love it! And I love the music too. So cool~~!
Currently:Very tired.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Well, I got my new contacts. Now I have the same for both eye, instead of a stronger one for the right, like last time. So I no longer have to worry about getting them mixed up! Apparently they'll help my driving at night, but I see a lot better just doing normal things.
Um, today in english we didn't do much of anything. Same with e-commerce. I'm in fundamentals of technology now. Just finished my work for chapter 7 so now I have to start on 8. I have two episodes of Azumanga daioh loading though. Man, that show is strange. xD
Um, anime club today we're going to be watching the first episodes from the new Naruto series. In art club... I have no idea what we'll be doing.
Ah man. Someone made me feel bad yesterday. xD;; A new person joined our role playing guild. His character's a ghost, and I also have a ghost, so I asked if he wanted to role play. He said he didn't like role playing with crew members. I'm the vice captain. ._.;; So I felt kinda bad, and I also don't understand what he means. Usually peple want to role play with the crew, don't they? Or am I completely wrong?
Currently:Has a headache.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Monday, February 26, 2007
Thanks! I'm glad you like my poems. ^^
Um, today was uneventful. We won our basketball game yesterday though. The score was 15 to 28. The last two times we played this team, it ended with one winning by just one point. It was a relief not to have to be so worried at the end. Then we had a quick team party at a place called the Loop.
I didn't do anything at school really, but now I have to let my dogs outside, and then go to the eye doctor. I'm going to probably get new contacts.
I finished watching Fate/Stay Night! It was good~
Well, see ya.
Music:Outlaw Star OST I.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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