anime girl67
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
I forgot to update yesterday... but nothing happened so I suppose it doesn't really matter. I'm glad ya'll liked my poems though!
Um, I had to get blood drawn this morning. Took a pill last night at eleven and wastn't allowed to eat anything after that until around noon today after I finally had my blood drawn. We went to a hospital, and it took forever. They kept sending us to different offices. Also, apparenly my veins roll. She sticks the needle in my arm, and the vein rolls out of the way so she can't hit it. So, she had to stick the back of my hand, which hurts a lot more than in the arm. xP
Anyway, it's done now and I got to go to Bojangles afterwards. Now I'm watching Fate/Stay Night. I'm on episode 20! Then I'll watch, um... something I just forgot the name of. I have the page bookmarked though.
Oh! My rec. basketball team is having a tournament tomorrow. If we win, we go to the championship game. Wish us luck!
Music:Fate/Stay Night, episode 2o.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Thursday, February 22, 2007
Thanks. I'm glad ya'll liked them. ^^ I managed to read both without messing up, and I spoke into the mike so I think everyone could hear me. It went pretty well, except for the fact that I was at school until 8pm. Then I got home, ate dinner, read a chapter of A Brave New World for english, and went to sleep. xP
I think I'm a little behind in e-commerce, but it's because everything's jumbled up. It's an online class, but some things aren't where they're supposed to be, or just aren't anywhere at all. Also, the programs I needed weren't even installed! It's poorly set up.
In english we did vocab practice, but by playing pictionary and sherades and rock, paper, scissors for ties. xD My group was in the lead, but lost it at the end. Darn. Now I'm in fundamentals of technology. I finished all my work for this week yesterday, so now I'm re-reading Death Note. Youtube doesn't work at school so I have to use google video, and I can't find a working episode thirteen! Can't find 115 of Bleach either. So I'll watch twelve and then have nothing to do.
Also, photobucket doesn't work at my school. I uploaded images for my art self portrait, but I can't access them! Horrible. Now I'll have nothing to do during art. Dx
Well, I'll shut up now~
Music:Death Note, episode 12.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I think the show's called Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpusho: Tou or something crazy like that. That's what Logan wrote down for us anyway.
Um, did stuff in e-commerce, just finished the weeks worth of assignments for fundamentals of technology, were given our senior project in english, and I'm starting my self portrait in art next period. Um, tonight's the night for open mic. I'm reading two poems, and here they are.
Enter new worlds
Created just for you
Let lose images of your mind
Wander through your amazing worlds; explore
What has your mind created now?
Providing escape from
Horrible truths
Creatures choose to
Take shelter in its
Ever growing shadows.
Who knows what those may be? I
Certainly do not, but my mind
Begins to wander without any
Urging of mine. It goes off, creating
Many strange and wonderful places that
I wish I myself could run off to.
So many possibilities
To explore and consider;
I will never manage
To think of them all.
As time passes
Picture beasts
In the
Music:Last Alliance.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
My computer teacher missed today and yesterday. It kinda makes me believe it's pointless to go when the teacher doesn't even show up. Anyway, tomorrow I'm probably going to be at school today until about nine. We're doing an Open Mic, which is when students read their work aloud to whoever shows up. I'm reading two poems, because they're kinda small. If ya'll want, I'll post them here for you to read.
Let's see... stayed after today for anime club. We watched... Oh man, forgot the name. Dx Starts with Bosuo... I think. >>;; We also watched Tokyo Gen... something. Dx I wrote it down. It has zombies. ZOMBIES! It was cool. And I need to continue Fate/Stay Night and Code Geass. Oh, and Bleach and Death Note. And Naruto! Gah, I have a lot to catch up on! D:
My jaw hurts today, so I'm going to go take an advil... T.T
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Monday, February 19, 2007
Well, we're not really allowed to watch videos in class either. We can't get to youtube, so I have to use google video, which doesn't have as much. But, Friday is make up day in my computer class, so I turned off the sound and watched anime. I had nothing to make up.
Let's see... Saturday I had a basketball game. Score was 17 to 18, less than five seconds left. I pass it to Nadia. She shoots and misses. Susan rebounds, shoots, and....! It bounces out. We lost by one point. Dx
Then on Sunday whoever won the game would win first place in the league. So, against a team that usually stays within four points of us, we got a huge lead and kept it for once. In the end, we won 27 to 41. It was amazing. So now my team's in first with a record of nine wins, three loses. Starting this weekened is a two game long tournament. Winner gets trophies. >.>
I'm currently in e-commerce. We have a sub and I have no work to do because the programs I need aren't installed on this computer. So, I decided to check here because I forgot about ya'll this weekend. Sorry! Next is english. I spent all yesterday writing a resume, cover letter, getting references, and filling out a job application, all for an english assignment due today. xP Then it's fundamentals of technology. We'll either play with photoshop, do boring bookwork, or both. Lunch, then back to technology... Finally, next is art. I forgot the picture to start my self portrait today. xP I think I'll finalize my sketchbook assignments.
Gaah... I shouldn't be in school today! It's a snow make up day today. That's the only reason. Dx
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Friday, February 16, 2007
I'm currently one of my computer classes, watching anime. xD I watched 10 of Ouran High School Host Club and episode 9 of Death Note is loading. <3
I made up a quiz, so now I have tons of free time. Though, a random fire drill cut off some of it. In e-commerce we have some assignments to do stuff with various programs, but they're not installed on the computers. xP In english we took a vocabulary quiz by playing bingo. That was pretty fun. xD Now in art I plan to do absolutely nothing. But I'll have my sketchbook out so it'll seem like I'm doing something.
Happy Friday!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Thursday, February 15, 2007
The day turned out alright. I got on Gaia because I'm a nerd, and went to the forums to participate in the Valentines Day event because I wanted to get the free item they were offering. Anyway, I met some funny people and in the end I became the fangirl of one, which to me is hilarious. xD So yeah. I'm Shin's fangirl now~ [Shin is a person on Gaia]
Let's see... Today they were doing computer testing and my teacher had to give out the test. So, our class went to a different room and watched this extremely lame and boring video on HTML coding. Then in english we presented our comedy skits. I kept a straight face, somehow. I put on headphones and pretended like I was listening to music, while the "teacher" screamed in my face for me to take them off. And then I looked at him and said, "Do you need something?" sarcastically. xD It was fun. Before my part came in, I was out in the hall and called Jarrod's phone. So the teacher was ranting at him, and then his phone rang, so he answered it and ingnored the teacher. It was really fun. I really did keep a straight face. xD Now I'm in fundamentals of technology. Finished my chapter five work and now I have nothing to do. We're starting a Brave New World in english, so I might read chapter two and get my homework done with. I think I'm going to work on my sketchbooks for this week in art next period.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Ah, Valentines Day... I hate it. xP I think it's just me being bitter though. It's hard not to be when I've spent seventeen years alive, and have never had a boyfriend or anything close. So when I see people walking down the hall with flowers, or stuffed animals, I'm like, "Damn you! DDx -shakes fist-" I think I'm a really bitter person. xD;;
Oh well. Did random stuff in e-commerce, took a test on comedy and worked on a funny skit in english, am currently doing photoshop stuff in fundamentals of technology, and should be starting on a self portrait in art. I forgot my picture though, so I can't start. I'll work on sketchbooks instead.
I'm waiting for the bell to ring so I can head to lunch. xP
Music:Last Alliance.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Forgot to post yesterday. Or rather, I spent the morning in my room, and then came down for lunch. Right after that, I started up with my essays. If you haven't guessed yet, I skipped school yesterday to get some work done that I hadn't yet completed. It was due yesterday, but I was absent so I turned it in today for full credit.
I'm making a web page in e-commerce, making a skit in english, taking a quiz and playing with photoshop in fundamentals of technology, and should be starting a self portrait in art.
Oh! I had a basketball game Sunday. We lost, and it was against the one team that I REALLY did not want to lose against. Second loss of the year. They are violent, sore losers, and sore winners. I am bruised and sore everywhere. Yesterday, every time I moved, I popped somewhere, usually my back or shoulders. God... And then last night, we shared the court with them in practice. They had seven people and we had three, so we played together to get ten. Surprisingly, their meanest player kept throwing the ball ahead to me, and I'd score. Then we joined them for a game of knock out. No fights broke out. Amazing!
On Sunday night we went to Red Lobster for the first time in like... a year. I have a big family, so it's expensive. My dad said it was for Valentines Day. xD But, it was really, really good. I love that place. <3
Music:Last Alliance.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Sunday, February 11, 2007
I procrastinate so badly. xD I have to read the entire book, 1984 by George Orwell, today. It's 256 pages. I didn't get any done yesterday because my basketball game ran extremely late, and then we went grocery shopping, and somehow I managed to be gone almost all day. When I got home I had a late dinner, then went to sleep. I woke up this morning, rolled over, and read one hundred pages. Then I finally came down and had breakfast and am taking a break now. xP
We won our game yesterday, 21 to 11. I made a three pointer from the corner, which is one of the most difficult shots. But, it swished right in. I usually only take shots from right under the basket, simple lay-ups. So, everyone was freaking out. It was wonderful. xD Today we play the blue team, the violent team who gets frustrated and always starts throwing elbows, shoving, and tripping us. It's horrible. But, we should be able to beat them easily again, and then we can hopefully hang back and avoid getting injured. I could try to make another three. xD
Well, I'm freezing, and I gotta go. See ya.
Music:Breaking Benjamin.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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