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Saturday, February 10, 2007
My jaw is never going to get better. That was the point of what I said yesterday.
1984 was written in 1949 about what the author thought it would be like in 1984. Apparently he creates a nightmarish vision, talking about a negative utopia. It doesn't sound that bad... I gotta read and finish it by tomorrow.
Nothing really happened yesterday. At least, nothing worth mentioning. I have a basketball game today, and that's all I have planned.
Music:Breaking Benjamin.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Friday, February 9, 2007
Uh, so... I'm done with physical therapy, but I have to be careful. I have to continue my jaw exercises at home, and my stretches. Also, I can't yawn. I have to hold my jaw shut. Because, my jaw might get locked open if I don't. It's the same with larger sandwhiches. I have to squish them down somewhat so they'll fit better.
I am working on a web page in e-commerce, took a vocabulary test in english, read Orphen in fundamentals of technology, and I finished painting my Verizon Wireless sign in art. It has been turned into the theater department to be used in the upcoming school musical.
Over the weekend, I have to read 1984 and write a couple papers on it. I probably should be reading right now, but I really don't want to. xP So I'll do it tonight, before I go to bed.
Music:Blue October.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Thursday, February 8, 2007
Sorry.. I was just in a bad mood yesterday, one of the days where I just feel like crying for no reason, and then I read that comment and it kinda made me feel like shit.
Once a week I have a free day in computer class. That is the day that I visit people's sites. It's tomorrow. I'll visit the people who left me a comment the previous day.
Anyway, yesterday I went to the circus. Barnom and Baily, or something. I like the globe of death, where they have seven people on motorcycles going around in circles on the sides, and upside down, and somehow don't crash into each other. I find clowns scary, so that part sucked. There was an animal trainer who had cats and dogs and birds doing stuff, and there was a girl that had white tigers doing stuff. Then there were the elephants, and the people riding horses, and... Those people who hang onto a ribbon from the ceiling and do tricks. There was also the strong man, and they drove a jeep over his stomach. And... Oh. There was a guy who walked upside down on the ceiling. Meaning, there were loops on the ceiling, and he somehow managed to stick his feet into them and walk across like monkey bars, only he was upside down, and using his feet.
Today was really boring, but I just got back from my last day of physical therapy! Because, since my jaw's never going to get better, there's no point in continuing. I got a t-shirt with the therapy's logo on it. xP
Music:Bad Religion.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Alright then. I think I'll just stop updating.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Ok. I don't visit people's sites, understand? It's not because I'm mad at you, or some other stupid thing like that. I just don't have time. If you want to be like a ton of other people and stop visiting here because I don't usually visit back, then go right ahead.
I got 100s on my first two sketchbooks in art, and I got a 100 on a quiz in fundamentals of technology. I got a 92 on an e-commerce test, and in english, me and Courtney are making a comic on Beowulf. I have the task of drawing out the panels tonight and then we'll add detail to them tomorrow.
.......OW. I'm eating chips, and my jaw just suddenly shifted out of place and then back in really quickly. Damn it! Dx My jaw's never going to get better either. This is going to be a permanent thing.
UGH. Well. I gotta go draw stuff.
Music:10 Years.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Monday, February 5, 2007
I'm tired, and Monday's are dumb. D: But I gotta deal with it, obviously.
Didn't do much in either computer class today, finished painting my ad in art, and took a test in english on Beowulf. It was cool though. Since both Beowulf and Lord of the Rings are considered epic stories, we watched clips from LotR and compaired it to Beowulf. And that was the test! I've had LotR music stuck in my head all day. xDD We watched the council meeting secene, the scene when Frodo's attacked by the giant spider, the scene where the ring is destroyed and Aragorn and the others are hopelessly fighting, and the scene where Aragorn is crowned king.
Now I'm home, feeling kinda sick to my stomach. >>;; Oh, I found books three and four of the Othello manga to read! <3
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Sunday, February 4, 2007
Well, we've finally lost a basketball game. So, we're no longer undefeated, but we still are first place in the league. Um, we lost by four. We kept fouling them at the end, and they kept making their foul shots. xP But my dad said "You can't win them all. It's better to lose here than in the tournament". I guess I agree. Also, my team was missing one of its better players. Next time we'll beat them! Also, it's not school ball. I hate school sports. It's through a city league.
Um, I got a cold somehow, and my throat's hurting as well. It's not very fun. ><;; But I'm trying to get someone to role play with me again. We've started a Bleach type role play, but with all original characters.
Music:We Are Scientists.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Saturday, February 3, 2007
My little siblings are in year round school, so when they miss a day because of snow, they have a half day on Saturday to make it up. So, that's where three of my younger siblings are. Me and my other brother are on traditional calendar, so we go back on a teacher workday. Instead of getting the day off, we have a full day of school.
Anyway, I have a basketball game today against the other team that's really good. We've beaten them once already though, so this is our second time playing them. I really want our team to finish undefeated this year, so wish us luck!
Currently:Wants to role play.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Friday, February 2, 2007
Ok, Resengun is like... five hours ahead of me? What's it like in the future? xD
Um, I'm off my medication, I no longer have to see my phychiatrist, I have just one more appointment with physical therapy, and I don't have to see the specialist idiot for like.. another month or something.
I totally forgot to post yesterday! But it snowed. Just like.. an inch, maybe a tiny bit more than that. They cancled school because I live in the south where it never snows and no one knows how to deal with it, nor do we have the tools to deal with it. So school was cancled. Back in today though! It didn't get cold enough for the rain to freeze over last night, so there wasn't a delay or anything.
Some neighbor kids smashed the giant snowman my little siblings spent forever building up, and my dad started yelling at them so they smashed it even more. Idiots.
I'm currently in computer class. We're about to go over photoshop, but I learned all that stuff last semester in a different class. xP Um, I haven't really done anything today. It's Friday, but it feels like Monday because I didn't have school yesterday. I'm really tired~
Music:A photoshop tutorial.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Late post so I don't know if anyone will even read, but oh well.
Yeah, he said it's pretty definite that the disk in my jaw will never go back into place. Once it's out, it becoms a deformed blob and isn't able to fit back in. But, hopefully I'll be able to stop seeing him, because he really hasn't done a thing except put me on pain medicine even though I'm not in pain. No more phychiatrists for me though, and tomorrow's my last physical therapy appointment.
Today in school I was really bored. Did stuff on websites in e-commerce, read a bit of Beowulf in english, presented the powerpoint on myself in fundamentals of technology, and painted the lettering on my advertisement in art. Today was creative writing magazine club and we just made posters to hang around the school that tell people to submit poems, art, and stories.
Now I'm bored. I really was having a horrible day yesterday. I kept randomly crying. Compaired to them, I'm wonderful right now.
They're calling for snow tomorrow. I hope school's delayed or we get out early. I don't want it all to be cancled, because then we'll have to make it up and that's no fun.
Got my report card too. A's in digital media and sculpture, a B in networking, and a C in honors pre-calculus. Since it is an honors class, it counts as a B towards my GPA.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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