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Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Thanks for 21,000 hits!
How can you not know what J-rock is when this is an anime site? xD J-rock is simply Japanese rock, like J-pop is Japanese pop. It's just music and I want some more. xD So thank you Punk Puffin! I'll check that site out in just a second~
I also found out yesterday during my appointment that the disk in my jaw will most likely never shift back into place. My body will make itself a new disk, but I won't ever be able to open my mouth as wide as I used to be able to. So... fuck. Dx
School was pretty boring today. Server went down during computer so I wasn't about to get online. Since the class is taken online, that was a problem. Um, making a powerpoint about myself in my other computer class, took a short test in english, and did absolutely nothing in art. How fun~
After school was art club, where I did nothing, and then anime club, where I watched the end of an episode of some show I don't know the name of. Then we watched the first Shonen Onmyouji [or something] and half of one episode of Sky Girls. Out of those, I liked Shonen Onmyouji. I'm gonna have to search and see if that really is the title. xD
K, I'm sleepy. And my arms are sore. D: No one showed up for basketball practice last night, so we just played around and shot threes the whole time. I made a lot of mine! xDD Well, I'll see ya'll later!
Currently:Sleepy and sore.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Monday, January 29, 2007
Anyone know where I can find some music by the J-rock band Tommy Heavenly6? I couldn't find much.
I need to write down my dreams and turn them into stories. xD I've actually done that for one of them. I hate how they cut off suddenly when I wake up. I want to know how they'll end~ T.T
But we won our basketball game yesterday, by just one point. That means my team has seven wins and zero losses. Pretty cool. xD I got scratched again though yesterday. Got a nice bandaid on my finger at the moment. And the same girl that scratched me slammed into my back and sent me flying. Dx Well, at least we won.
Um, I'm currently in my fundamentals of technology class. I did my work for section two and am about to start up on a powerpoint project about myself, or something. Get to let the class know how weird I am. xD My e-commerce class is all online so I don't understand why I have to come to class. Can't I do it at home? And get an extra hour and a half of sleep in the morning? Dx Umm... english is still pretty wonderful. I love my teacher. He's so crazy. xD And... next I have art, and then my day shall be complete.
Though, after school I have an appointment with the jaw specialist. He's gonna tell me something I already know and then charge $300 for it. Dx Idiot.
Well, I'm gone. Hope everyone's having a good Monday. I want to go home and get some role playing done. I'm in some pretty good storylines~ *o*
Music:Tommy Heavenly6.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Sunday, January 28, 2007
I had the weirdest dream! But I'll feel stupid, so I won't go into it. xD;; It involved a magic spell, cat ears, and lots of people killing each other. @_@;;
Anyway, we won our game yesterday. It was against the team that gets really frustrated with us because we always beat them. So they start getting violent. This one girl was getting really mad at me, because I kept getting the rebounds even though she's taller than me. Anyway, we won by seventeen points. I don't remember the exact score. We have another basketball game today! Hopefully people will show up. We might just have five or six people. ._.;;
Darn, I think I have homework of some sort.
Music:Bowling for Soup.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Friday, January 26, 2007
People keep telling that, to get a friend to give me a massage, but I have two reasons I can't. One, I don't have anyone to ask, or at least, I'd refuse to ask. Two, I don't think I could sit still through it. My face would turn bright red. xD;;
Anyway, I'm in computer class. Apparently Friday will be for making up any work we don't yet have completed. I'm caught up, so now I have nothing to do. English was fun, again. We got to draw ourselves a crest, like how royal familes uses to have family crests. In e-commerce we just did various things on the computer. I have lunch in a second, then coming back to finish up this class, and then I have art before the day's completely over with.
Basketball game tomorrow against... someone. I'm not sure who. But, my shoulders and everything are still hurting a lot. xP
I only have one more physical therapy appointment for my jaw! And then I'll be done. Finally!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Thursday, January 25, 2007
My next basketball games are Sunday and Saturday. My back is also still hurting and I'm really tired. @_@ I have physical therapy today and anime club has been moved to Tuesday, which is not good. Tuesday is art club day. Stupid Logan keeps changing anime club to a day that fits his own schedule, but it messes it up for everyone else.
Computer classes are boring, unless it's digital media or printing graphics, so I'll just have to deal with it. I don't really have any other choice.
In art, our first project is to paint advertisements for the school musical. It's taking place at Times Square in New York so we have to make signs that they can put up on the set. So, ended up with Verizon Wireless. It's really boring, and plain, but no one would take it so I volunteered. xP
I love my english teacher! He's so funny. xD English is, by far, my favorite class this semester, and it's only the second day.
I started my period yesterday, so my stomach has been killing me. D: I didn't eat at lunch and am just now eating for the first time today. I was starting to get hungry. .__.;; [why do you need to know this? Because I like to complain. xD;;]
I gotta go get ready for physical therapy, for my locked jaw, if you're a new visitor. See ya! <3
Music:My Chemical Romance.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Travis walked up during lunch, handed me the keychain he took yesterday, and then walked away again. So, I have my two year old, faded, keychain back. xDD <3 And no, it really didn't mean anything to me. I even said he could have it. But, I have it back now, so it doesn't matter.
Started new classes today! The computer classes seem retarded. xD I'm very disappointed. Hopefully they'll improve as I get further into them. The e-commerce teacher just drolls on in this bored tone, and the other teacher keeps lecturing about random things we don't care about. I don't know anyone in either class so I'm alone. But, I have english with my favorite teacher ever, and my best friend, so that should be great. It was fun today, at least. Then there's art, which should be fine. I know a few people, and the teacher's pretty nice. If I can manage to suffer through computer, I'll survive.
My back has been hurting a lot though, extremely sore. I have no idea why. D:
Currently:Has a headache
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Today I had my digital media exam, and with that my first semester has ended. All of the classes are now dead to me and I never plan on returning. [except art, because I have to pick up some mugs I made] After school I was hanging outside with people I know, and Vinny took my car keys, then Travis took them from him. They had a small keychain on them that said Outer Banks and had a picture of a lighthouse, but it'd rubbed off so you couldn't see it anymore. Travis took that. xD;; Oh well.
Anyway, tomorrow second semester starts with english IV, fundamentals of technology, e-commerce, and art III. Sounds fun. xD
My computer's being really annoyingly slow. It's horrible. And I am going to kill it. D:
Currently:Hurting in the shoulder blade area
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Monday, January 22, 2007
Yes, bleeding stomach line. If I take my medicine, and then lie down before thirty minutes has passed, that's what'll happen to me. xP So far I've been ok though. The medicine is for my jaw, to help it start to open properly again.
Well, basketball game went well yesterday. Both teams only had six people show up, so everyone got a lot of playing time. I'm definitely not in shape. xD;; We won though, 29 to 21. I rebounded a lot! And I have three scratches down my left arm from where someone clawed me. The jerk. D< Oh well. I just take forever to heal. xP
The first thing I did this morning was reaching into the cabinet, pull out a cup, and knock another one out as well. So, glass exploded everywhere. I'm paranoid, so I feel like it's in my feet. I cut my finger, very, very slightly on one shard, but it's not even deep enough to bleed.
My back hurts. D: I'm in charge of making ID cards for a guild that I'm in on xD Here's an example~
[Student ID] I think it's kinda bad. xD
Well, I'll stop rambling now!
Music:Alien Ant Farm.
Currently:Hurting in the stomach area
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Sunday, January 21, 2007
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. [what a nice way to start a post! =D] Just a few minutes ago I started crying for absolutely no reason at all. How dumb.
Nothing at all happened today. I'm currently freezing and it's a little after 1am. I'm about to head up to bed, but I have to wait thirty minutes after taking my medicine before lying down or my stomach lining will bleed. So... now I'm just waiting it out.
I have a basketball game tomorrow. My team has beaten the team already, but you never know.
So... I'm gonna find something to do to waste thirty minutes of my life.
Music:Linkin Park.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
I had a psychiatrist appointment first thing this morning. Apparently, I'm still very tense in my shoulders. xP She gave me a 20 second relaxation exercise to do every fifteen minutes.
Where I live, in the southern part of the east coast of the US of A [not saying a state. xD] it doesn't snow very often so everyone always overreacts. I didn't have to drive in it though. Also, my basketball practice was cancled! School yesterday had a two hour delay, but I didn't have to go at all because all they did was take third period's exam, and that's the one I got to skip. Tuesday will be first period's exam, and I have to go to that.
Apparently they're calling for more snow tonight. Or at least, there's a chance of it. Maybe my basketball game will be snowed out too? =D -lazy-
Anyway, I'm the vice captain of a new role playing guild at so I'm spending a lot of time at that website. If anyone needs me, if you click the website I have listed on this page, it'll take you to my Gaia profile page.
So, see ya!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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