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Friday, January 19, 2007
Feeeh.... This stupid snow is messing up everything! I wanted to go in and take my exam so badly, just to get it over with! But it was cancled yesterday. Today is a two hour delay, even though there's no snow or ice in sight!
So today is my art exam, which I don't have to take, so I just get to stay home. Then it's the weekend... On Monday it's test make up day, even though we haven't taken all of our exams yet! And then Tuesday I have to go in and take my digital media exam. No fun! Dx I want to get it over with... T___T On Wednesday it's a new semester, so I start four new classes.
Well, last night my dad cancled our basketball practice so at least I didn't have to do that. And I only have a game Sunday this weekend instead of Sunday and Saturday. How lucky. I still had physical therapy yesterday though.
Music:High and Mighty Color.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Thursday, January 18, 2007
I hate driving! xD But if I didn't, then I'd have no way to get to school.
Oh, guess what? School was cancled today. It snowed like... less than an inch. It never snows here, so they cancled schools and my dad stayed home from work. Ugh! I wanted to go to school and take my last exam and then be done with it! But on a positive note, now I don't have to drive through the snow. I've never even tried before... With my luck, I'd hit a patch of ice and slide off the road, or into another car.
Apparently, in just one hour, there were 80 or more accidents. So... I bet if they'd kept school on, and a bunch of high schoolers tried driving to school, there were be even more. I just really want to get my exams over with. Dx
I have a physical therapy appointment today, and a basketball practice. Maybe they'll be cancled to? ^^;; Hopefully...
Music:Shiny Toy Guns.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Ah, well, Tenacious D was pretty funny, but by my personal preference, I wouldn't buy it. I also wouldn't watch it around my parents. xD;;
Fuuuuu.... I'm not sure how good I did on my pre-calculus exam. I think I did alright on networking though. For math I worked up until the bell, but I finished about an hour early with networking. I had time to read the first volume of Vampire Knight, which is really good! Then I managed to almost fall asleep after that. When I got up, my right eye was blurry from sleeping on it, and I had marks on my face from my sleeve. xD;; I had to give myself a moment to wake up before I attempted to drive home. But, I made it safely!
I need some sugar. @___@
Tomorrow I'm exempt from art, so I don't have to go to school until 10:13am. That's when my digital media exam will start, but I'm not worried about it.
Music:High and Mighty Color.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
My jaw is not a result of an injury. It's a disk that's slipped out of place so now it won't open properly. xP
Fate/Stay Night is definitely an action anime, with a little bit of comedy sometimes... It's mainly fighting, but I still think it's really good.
I wouldn't buy the Tenacious D movie. I mean, it's funny, but I wouldn't want to pay for it. That's just my opinion though. xP
We won our basketball game! 22 to 20 and I scored the winning points. xD I skinned up both knees, bruised a knee and a leg, and skinned my elbow. But it was close the whole time, but then we took the lead and let the clock run out.
Currently in networking. I just failed yet another practice test. Found out I'm not exempt from my math exam, but I do get to skip art. Still have networking and digital media though. I'm not allowed to skip those since they have state made exams. Stupid computer classes! Dx
I gotta go home and study calculus and networking, because I have those two exams tomorrow. Then the next day I get to sleep in and miss art, and then there's digital media, which I'm not worried about. Have to stay after school for art today, to glaze my bird house, cups, and saucers.
Ugh... I'm really nervous about exams tomorrow, so I'm gonna read Orphen manga and try to calm down. xP
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Sunday, January 14, 2007
Yes, my dad came back on Friday from Copenhagen. He brought everyone shirts, but he forgot to get me one, so I got a bar of chocolate, over two pounds. xDD I'll take a picture of it eventually. I haven't opened it yet.
Anyway, thanks guys! I have another game today but not until almost five. It's against the other undefeated team! But we should have all of our players there, so hopefully we'll beat them.
One of my brother's had a friend over yesterday so we played a little bit of DDR. He's better than me. xD
But we also watched the Tenacious D movie, the Pick of Destiny. It was... odd. xD And they use the F word every few seconds, it seemed. Not something to watch with my parents.
My youngest brother kicked me in the jaw yesterday when we were playing around, and it hurt because my jaw is still locked. T__T
I emailed my teacher about my birdhouse! Now I need to study for networking. All of the material is online.
Anyone heard of the anime Fate/Stay Night? It's good! I'm currently watching it on xDD
Music:Senses Fail.
Currently:Cheering up some.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Saturday, January 13, 2007
If I scream "fuck", my parents will kill me. >.>
Gaaah... Inuyasha and Kurama are obviously male. xP So is Kaoru and Hikaru from Host Club! Those are the ones my teacher asked about.
Anyway, I talked to my art teacher after school yesterday. He's giving me a slight extension on the birdhouse project since my original went missing and I had to start over. So, instead of taking a picture of the house set up and installed outside, I have to take a picture of where I'm putting it and say how I'm attaching it so it won't fall and break. It should be fired by Tuesday so I can glaze it, along with my two cups and saucers. If all goes well, I should be able to skip the art exam, since I have an A in the class.
Won our basketball game. I finally scored a basket! My first point all year. xDD This was only our third game though... But I really tend to play defense more than offense, so I don't score too often. Tomorrow we play the other undefeated team. Our whole team should be coming to the game, so hopefully we'll be the ones to remain undefeated.
Music:Sum 41.
Currently:Cheering up some.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Friday, January 12, 2007
K... yesterday I didn't get home until about 9pm. I had school, then anime club, then I brought some friends home, then went back to my home where I immediately left for physical therapy, got out, stopped at Chick file' for dinner, then went to the phychiatrist, and finally went home after all of that. Then.. I had to do the final preperations for my math project today.
I presented it and got an 80/100. Not too bad, but I wanted better... ><;; I'm pretty sure I can't be exempt from that exam, though I do have a B this quarter! I got a C last time though. A very high C...
Um, if I'm not exempt from art, I'm really gonna be pissed at the teacher. He told me my birdhouse and cups would be fired by today, but they weren't, so I wasn't able to glaze them. Really pisses me off. Now I won't be able to finish them in time. Dx I'm going to talk to him after school.
I just failed a networking test, very badly, but I think it doesn't count. Hopefully.
In digital media I'm adding images to music, making them change with the beat. They're anime pictures, and the teacher keeps asking me if they're girls. No. THEY ARE MALE. Dx
So today I plan on going home and just... not doing anything. I might study for math and networking over the weekend. No school Monday, back on Tuesday, then exams Wednesday and Thursday. No school Friday beacuse it's exam make up day for those who miss.
....fuck. I'm a bad mood. And I have been wanting to scream fuck as loud as I can for the past two weeks now.
Music:Green Day.
Currently:Highly irrtated.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Whoa. Sorry for my disappearance. I really haven't been doing anything either. It's basically the last week of school [I'm on block scheduling] so we're not doing anything but review, and we're doing it all in class so I have no homework.
I spend all my time on role playing. They talked me into getting on MSN last night, so I was listening to this guy talk through his microphone, and then I'd type in a response. It was kinda funny. xD
Anyway, today in sculpture I made all five of the clay things that were due last week that I hadn't done yet. I did a birdhouse in the shape of a lighthouse, two cups with handles, and two little plates/saucers for them to sit on. Now they need to be fired, glazed, then fired again. In math each student has a section of the book to teach, so we're all just presenting. I go Friday, probably. In networking and digital media we're doing lots of review tests.
Art club yesterday, creative arts magazine club today. I think tomorrow is anime club. We're watching Howl's Moving Castle. Then I have physical therapy, and then I'm heading to see my psychiatrist. Fun, right? xP Friday is Music Interest Club.
OH! I GOT A 92/100 ON MY LAST MATH TEST OF THE YEAR! It should bring my grade up quite a bit. Needless to say, I'm pretty happy. xD
And... playing basketball is a way to get exercise and that supposedly will help my jaw. So I'm playing even though it hurts a bit. ^^;; And I really like High and Mighty Color. <3 We won our Sunday game. A sore loser on the other team threw a ball at my head, but she missed so it's ok. xP I got shoved around a lot though.
Eh, I'll shut up now.
Currently:Has hiccups.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Sunday, January 7, 2007
We won our basketball game yesterday, 40 to 21. I didn't score, but I don't care. I played defense. I stole the ball several times, blocked a shot, and rebounded a lot, even though I'm short and don't even bother to jump. xD I have another game today.
And yes, I should play even though I hurt. My doctor's [yes, plural. xP] keep telling me that exercise should make me feel a little better. I don't know though. My shoulders keep popping. D=
Roleni-chan, what do you want me to explain? DDR?
My dad left for Denmark yesterday! He's there right now, and apparently it's very cold and windy. I think the high was 40F but the wind makes it worse. It was also supposed to be raining. Well, he's there on business. Helping a computer company in Copenhagen install some new software.
High and Mighty Color. Anyone heard of them? They're a Japanese band, and I love them. xD I found two CDs and got them.
And.. I'm out of things to ramble about. xD So I'll see ya'll later!
Music:High and Mighty color.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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Saturday, January 6, 2007
I'm actually on really strong pain killers for my jaw, but that doesn't really help with bruises. My back is constantly aching though, and my shoulders. Right now it hurts to move. >.>
When I got home yesterday, my mom was like, "ok. We are all going downstairs and you are showing me how DDR works!" So me, her, and two of my brothers all went down to the basement, because that's where the PS2 is, and we played. xD My mom and fifteen year old brother fail, but me and the thirteen year old are getting fairly good. We're still on beginner. xDD
Um, then I really just spent the rest of the day usually on Gaia, but taking small breaks every now and then. I'm trying to get my friend to join, but she claims she doesn't understand the web site. xP So I'm trying to talk her through it, but she won't tell me what it is she doesn't understand how to do! Gaah...
I'm tired. @_@ So I'm taking my medicine, which I forgot until now, and then am heading up to bed. I have a basketball game tomorrow, my first one, that I have to be awake for. xD
Music:Cowboy Bebop Soundtracks.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
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