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anime girl67
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High school graduate
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Sailor Moon. =B
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Fruits Basket, Death Note, DNAngel, MeruPuri, Ouran High School Host Club, Bleach, the Wallflower, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Soul Eater, Darker Than Black
Graduate from college in four years (1 to go!)
Manga, anime, writing, drawing, computers, music
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| anime girl67
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
Yesterday I had my blood drawn, eight vails worth. And, I had a flu shot in my other arm. So that arm's sore, and the left is bruised. xP
What are you talking about? It's entirely possible to fail math! I currently have a B, but I'm pretty sure I did horrible on the test today. My grade will probably drop to a C. That's what I get for missing the day right before. ><;;
In sculpture I lucked out. Tons of peoples clay tiles cracked or exploded in the kilm, but mine only got one very small crack in the side. <3 I started my second one today. And... in digital media I animated a bird to fly around the screen and am in the process of working on a snowboarder falling down mountains. xD Now I'm in networking. I just made up the work I missed yesterday.
Today is tacky day! That's the only day I participate in during spirit week. xDD I'm wearing a red long sleeve shirt with a brown short sleeve over top. Also, I've got my black, yellow, blue, green, and red striped gloves on! They're fingerless. <3 I'm wearing a gir sweatband on my wrist and two of those rubber band bracelets on my right. I'm wearing a gray skirt with black pajama pants that come just past my knees, and knee high socks. Ones black and gray striped, and the others blue and green argoyle pattern. And... I have two different sandles on. <3
I might go in for math help after school, and then I've got nothing for the rest of the day.a
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
Music:Bleach opening/endings.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (1) |
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I'm a horrible, horrible person. I'm not at school even though I could have made it back in time for one and a half classes. Oh well! I really didn't want to. They're electives so I'm not missing much. I'm kinda scared about the fact that I missed math today and we have a test tomorrow. I'm going to fail. .__.;;
I had a doctor's appointment though, right in the middle of math class so there's no way I could have made it. I had a lot of blood drawn though. When I stood, the lady kept asking me if I was ok, like she expected me to pass out or something. xD I'm fine, and I even got a Wile E Cyotte bandaid! <3
But yesterday was senior pictures! It was horrible. I don't own a tank top or anything so I couldn't wear one like I was supposed to, so they provided me with a tube top. I had to change into it, taking off my bra as well so the straps wouldn't so, and then they wrapped this velvet black thing around my shoulders so my shoulders were left bare. That's what I wore for the picture. My pants didn't matter since they didn't show up. And all I got was the yearbook picture, with no extra, because I didn't want to be there any longer than necessary.
I have to go look into college information.. I placed an order for a cap and gown today, and got a little memory tassel thing to... hang in my car, I guess. xD
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
Currently:Gaining a bruise on my arm.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I'm animating a cartoon bird to fly through the mountains in digital media. xDD It's so wonderful! His wings flap and he sticks his tongue out while his eyes move around in goofy circles. <3 Then in math we're doing compound interest and exponential and logarithmic equations. I've got a test Thursday... In sculpture I sketched the design for my second tile. It's Shigure from Fruits Basket! It's him as a dog reading a book in the center, and in two corners are him as a human, making goofy smiles. xDD Now I'm in networking doing nothing at all, but attempting math homework.
My friend gave me two CDs, Gackt and Malice Mizer. So I'll listen as soon as I get home. I don't carry around a CD player anymore. xP
After school I have art club and then senior pictures! =O I'm wearing my hair down for probably the first time in a year, and my mom straightened it last night. It's really odd... And I'm wearing rainbow gloves! xDD They're fingerless except for the thumb. The finger parts are black, the part on the wrist is balck, but the rest is blue, green, yellow, and red striped. xDD Wonderful. <3
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (3) |
Monday, October 9, 2006
Eat some apples? You know that would make my jaw problems insanely worse, right? And I am going to see a specialist about my jaw, as soon as my mom decides the person is trustworthy... She thinks the way it's all set up is a little shady.
Um, I didn't really do anything today. I finished carving the dog Beck from the manga Beck into my clay tile so it's being fired now. Nothing else really is important enough to mention.
But we had anime club today! xDD We watch episodes by hooking a laptop to an LCD projector and displaying the image on the whiteboard on the front wall. But they couldn't get it working! So eventually everyone left so there were just a few of us remaining. Logan said we had rooted out the real anime fans. xD Um, WE WATCHED THE FIRST EPISODE OF DEATH NOTE! Homg, I love that series so much and now it's an anime too! DDx <333 I don't know where he gets it! I'm going to have to search. Frantically. Now.
He gave me his screen name so once he gets on AIM I'm going to IM him and ask him to send me music. J-rock, of course. <3
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
Music:Bleach endings/openings.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (5) |
Sunday, October 8, 2006
Glow is fine! She lives in a different city than the one where the explosion took place. <3
My jaw locked up for a while today though.. It kinda sucked since I was in the process of eating, and then suddenly couldn't chew anymore.
I am so sleepy. xDD It's like... 1:40am. Last night I didn't go to bed until 4am, for some reason. I've been watching a lot of Bleach on! I'm currently on episode 57! It's such a good show. xD
Uhh...I thought the chat with God thing was hilarius! I asked what he looked like, and he said, "like Jesus, but older." He also said he likes to cause natural disasters in his free time, and his intention was to eat me. Oh! And he spies on my friend while she showers. Go ahead, try it out! Crazy stuff.
K, I'll shut up now. xD Sleepy time!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
Music:Bleach endings/openings.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (7) |
Saturday, October 7, 2006
I think the fumes from the explosion have cleared so people can return to their homes, unless they live right by where it happened. Glow never logged into Gaia yesterday. I'm a little worried about her... Not sure where exactly she lives, but it's somewhere nearby.
Uh... I haven't done anything today. I'm about to head over to Gaia and role play, hope some people are on.
Oh, if anyone's really bored, chat with God!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
Music:Linkin Park.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (5) |
Friday, October 6, 2006
I've stopped getting comments. Am I that boring? xD Oh well.
Uhhh... The first thing I heard when I woke up today were the words "There was an explosion." Yeah, kinda scary. There was an old waste storage place that blew up, so most of the town has been evacuated. Yet, I'm still in school. How crappy. One of my brother's school was closed today so he got to sleep. I know some people on Gaia who live close to me, but I'm not exactly sure where. Hopefully they weren't in the area that was evacuated.
Pretty much no one showed up for digital media, but I used flash to make a bird's wings flap and his eyes roll around crazily. xD In pre-calculus we're doing exponentail logarithms or something. In sculpture I'm still carving my dog in a clay tile, and now in networking I'm doing absolutely nothing. I attempted math homework, but it confused me so I gave up. xP And now I'm leaving. >.> See ya!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
Music:Bad Religion.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (9) |
Thursday, October 5, 2006
My jaw locked up AGAIN during first period, and then right when I got it working again, it locked during second. Dx I hate this! I had to fill out a bunch of paperwork about it for my upcoming examination thing.
Anyway, in digital media we played some more with shape tweening in Flash, making one shape transform into another. I also had a test. In pre-calculus we're doing logarithmic equations. I did every problem except two. Those two involve base e and that just throws me off somehow. Dx In sculpture I'm still carving Beck into a clay tile, and am now in the process of making him look 3-D. Finally, in networking we simply hooked all the computers tegether onto the same network and talked again.
After school I followed Ryan and Liz to MIC, which stads for Music Interest Club. It's really just a bunch of people sitting around playing their guitars. xD So I hung around for a bit, and now I'm home again.
Got a new cell phone! It's a family phone. My mom has one, but I get the other because my dad has a work phone. I just set up the voice message thing. We haven't gotten a new phone since 2oo1.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, October 4, 2006
My jaw locked up during first period again... It'd becoming a daily thing, as opposed to a weekly thing like before. .___.;; My shoulders are aching and Vinny kept poking me in the sides so he could laugh when I jumped. Dx
Found out I got an 85/1oo on my math test. I'm so happy!!! Maybe my actual grade will edge up to a B as well! x3 Um, I've decided to carve the dog Beck from the manga Beck into a clay tile for my newest sculpture project, and it networking we basically got all the computers one one network so we could chat with each other. Of course, since the class is all guys except for me and one other, they were pretty dumb and perverted. xP In digital media we made a circle trasnform into a square using Flash. xDD
Whoa. I suddenly feel like it's hard to breathe. .__.;;
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
Music:Good Charlotte.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (2) |
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
My dad won't listen to me. He's way too stubborn. And if I do try to talk to him, he just comes up with more demands of things he thinks I should be doing. I don't even want to talk to him.
Anyway, today went ok. I got a 81/1oo on my most recent math test. That's pretty ok... Uh, in sculpture I finally got to take home the two mugs I made. Maybe I'll take a picture sometime. In digital media we really just turned in various projects we've done on photoshop and did a worksheet. Then in networking we had to make our computer's "talk" to each other. Like, sort of an instant message program, but not really. It was a strange program. We had to hook our computers to the internet using a cable that we rewired ourselves by cutting open the cable and reordering the wires inside.
My jaw is seriously bothing me. It was locked up for three periods today. That's four and a half hours! I have an appointment coming up with a specialist, but just the examination thing will be $550. Just imagine how much it'll cost if I end up having surgery! Dx And they do this thing where you have to pay full up front, and then they give the forms to get the money back from insurance. It sucks... I'm seriously falling apart. My friend Josh was laughing at me, calling me fragile. All I did was point at someone, and my wrist popped. xP
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter semi-recently! =D;;
Music:Fall Out Boy.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (4) |
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