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anime girl67
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Sailor Moon. =B
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Fruits Basket, Death Note, DNAngel, MeruPuri, Ouran High School Host Club, Bleach, the Wallflower, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Soul Eater, Darker Than Black
Graduate from college in four years (1 to go!)
Manga, anime, writing, drawing, computers, music
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| anime girl67
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Monday, July 31, 2006
I'm suddenly feeling really hungry. o.o But I gotta go to bed after I post this. My contacts start getting blurry the later it becomes.
I watched episodes 14, 15, and 16 of Ouran High School Host Club yesterday! I have to say, I really love that series. <333 I actually kind of like the twins, Kaoru and Hikaru, though I'm always drawn to characters like Takashi also. xD;;
Today I have to head to school and apply for a parking pass. Otherwise, getting my license would have been pointless, because the only reason I got it was so I could have a way to get to school. xP
My main role playing partners haven't been around lately! One's been visiting family and stuff, and the other keeps logging on around eleven at night and I have to get off by midnight! Or, I'm supposed to be off by then. ^^;;
So, I'm thirty minutes late. xD;; Good night!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter very recently! =D;;
Music:Jimmy Eat World
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (11) |
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Well, cosplaying is actually dressing up as a character. Role playing is just acting out one's actions by typing. You go back and forth with another person to make some sort of storyline advance. I'm doing two in different windows right now. ^^;;
But I didn't really do anything today. My mom, dad, and youngest two siblings went to the lake but I stayed home. Honestly, it's because it's that time of month and I hate swimming during it. xP Yeah...
Oh! I watched the first thirteen episodes of Ouran High Host Club! xD I really, really like it. <3
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter very recently! =D;;
Music:Matchbook Romance
Currently:Has a headache.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (5) |
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Cosplaying is nothing at all like role playing. xP
My mom told me my dad's probably just entered a phase that all dads seem to go through. She said her dad did the same thing during her high school years, where he really pushed for her to get a job and all the stuff my dad's doing. And I'm not going to do anything drastic... It's just irritating. ^^;;
Yesterday my dad bugged me until I couldn't stand it anymore and I finally went to at least try and get my drivers license. Well, that and I have to apply for a parking pass by August first and I have to have my license before I can do that. xP So, I drove myself and my dad to the DMV yesterday, and sat in that room while I was waiting my turn. I got myself seriously worked up. I was so nervous! There was no written test, despite my dad's claims, so all I had to do was the driving test. I passed, and the teacher guy said I was curteous because I let someone pull out in front of me. xD He was also making fun of me for being so nervous though. Oh man...
But, the point is, I finally got my driver's license so I can now get myself to school this year.
I'm up earlier than usual because I'm dog sitting for my neighbors. I think tomorrow's the last day I have to do it and I started yesterday. I just have to feed them in the morning and the afternoon.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter very recently! =D;;
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (6) |
Friday, July 28, 2006
I don't fight with my dad... I just try to ignore him while he rants on and on about all this crap I'm supposedly supposed to be doing. But I'm getting annoyed because everytime I talk to him now, the first thing that comes out of his mouth is another thing that I was supposed to have done already or something. It's really irritating and it's why I can't stand talking to him anymore.
But... my role plays went well! I love them. They take my mind off other crappy stuff that's bothering me. Except, when my characters are sad, I get so into character that I temporarily become sad too. Like, a post that I made just a few minutes ago. xP But I'm alright so nobody waste their time worrying or anything.
I'm going to sleep now.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter very recently! =D;;
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (12) |
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Hehe, I'm so happy. My laptop is still up and working! <3
I got a lot of role playing done yesterday. I was in six role plays at once yesterday and it was really confusing. @.@ But I survived. Ready to do it again today! xD
My dad's pissing me off and extremely annoying, but I'm not going to bore ya'll with news like that.
Well, I'm just gonna go role play and stuff now I guess. I'll cya'll later.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter very recently! =D;;
Music:Franz Ferdinand
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Well, yesterday we tried several times to start my laptop in safe mode so I could get all my files transferred to a different computer so I could put them on CDs, but everytime I selected to start in safe mode, it'd freeze up. So I freaked out and gave up until my dad got home. But then he started it and it went right away! I really don't know what happened but it seems to be working again now. I've transferred all my important files to CDs though, just in case.
So yeah, I did end up using my dad's work computer all of yesterday though. He has a computer his work provided him so he can work from home if needed. It's a regular computer though, and I'm used to flat laptop keys, so it felt really weird to type. xD;;
But that's it! I don't really have anything of interest to say.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter very recently! =D;;
Music:12 Stones
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (9) |
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
I ended up getting Saiyuki Reload, volume four yetsterday.
Nobody would log on yesterday so by the time someone had, I'd already finished ready the entire series of Aishiteruze Baby. It's so cute! <3
But right now I am freaking out. I'm on the main home computer instead of my laptop. Why? Because my laptop seems to have died overnight. It won't let me start it up! It freezes every time. If I lose all the stuff I have saved on it, I will die. I mean, I have seven or eight stories in progress that I do not want to have to start over from stratch with. And I have lots of manga too that I have't yet put on CDs. Oh my god, I am going to die. I called my dad to have him tell me what to do, but he didn't answer his work phone or cell phone! Dx
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter very recently! =D;;
Currently:Freaking out.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (7) |
Monday, July 24, 2006
Hehe, I hadn't heard of it either and we've already role played it out so we're not going back to change it. xD;;
Well, I'm trying to talk my mom into taking me and my brother to the mall while everyone else is at school. I need to buy some manga, and there's this Japanese food place there that I really like. Sakura Express? Yeah, I think that's it. I haven't been there in a while.
My most active role playing buddy is having her internet time limited by her parents so now she won't be on until tonight! I'm sad... ><;;
Though, I think my other active role playing buddy who went on vacation might be coming back today! I really hope he is. Our characters are currently involved in this horrible 'his is beating on mine while mine races to a church for safety' situation.
Yesterday, I started reading Aishiteruze Baby and it's so cute! But it's sad at points. xP It's about a little five year old girl and a high school attending guy. The girl's father has died and her mother has run away, so she is put into the guy's care. But, it's really cute and I like it.
Well, I gotta go make my brother wake up so we can go to the mall!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter very recently! =D;;
Music:Ghost in the Shell
Currently:Getting sick.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (6) |
Sunday, July 23, 2006
I liked Kare Kano [His and Her Circumstances] so you guys should watch it! Though, if you download or something, find some place to get it from that actually translates all the random Japanese that pops up everywhere. I really do feel like I missed a lot in the last episode. I had to guess what it said based on the pictures. ><;; Very irritating...
But, I'm role playing right now. Supposed to be asleep, but this guy has been on vacation all of July and keeps logging on around midnight so I kept missing him and that's not cool. =( But he got on just before eleven tonight and I don't want to suddenly have to stop our progress again! So I'm staying up until my dad realizes I'm here and yells at me. My brothers are still awake too. xP
Hey, have you guys ever heard of this being a way to help someone get over a sickness quicker?: You both take of your shirts, and the well person lies on top of the sick person. oO;; Because that's what someone's character did to mine, and she woke up with no shirt on and he was on top of her and she had no idea what was happening and is now freaking out. >>;; Apparently, some characters did that in Fushigi Yuugi, but I haven't read that part so I don't know. xP
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter very recently! =D;;
Music:Advent Children Soundtrack
Currently:Getting sick.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (7) |
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Well, my parents and two youngest siblings went to the lake today to meet up with someone my dad knows from work. I'm surprised my dad let me stay home, but he did. My two other brothers are here with me. I wish I could have stayed with just one of my brothers, but I guess I shouldn't complain.
I'm going to go make a toasted sub sandwich in a second. It's my new obsession concerning food. xDD
Also, is Kare Kano [His and Her Circumstances] twenty six episodes long? If so, I finished watching last night around two in the morning. x3 I thought it was good, but the last episode had tons of Japanese writing and it wasn't translated, so I can't help thinking I missed out on a ton of stuff. ><;;
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter very recently! =D;;
Music:The Used
Currently:Getting sick.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (7) |
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