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Sailor Moon. =B
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Fruits Basket, Death Note, DNAngel, MeruPuri, Ouran High School Host Club, Bleach, the Wallflower, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Soul Eater, Darker Than Black
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| anime girl67
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Haha, just because I'll be able to buy ciggarettes next year, doesn't mean I will. In fact, I won't. xP But now I can go see R rated movies without an adult's permission! xD
Well, for a birthday, yesterday was pretty boring. I didn't go see Pirates yet because my youngest brother had t-ball practice and didn't want me to go without him. Also, I still haven't gotten ahold of Courtney. ><;; I'm really hoping I can go see it today. But since I can't contact Courtney, the only person who might possibly come would be Ryan. Meh, that's ok though. He's cool, and crazy. xD
I got three cards in the mail yesterday. One from my grandaddy containing fifty dollars and a two dollar bill, one from my grandparents with thirty dollars, and one from a woman at church with a five dollar Blockbuster certificate. I think it's amazing she still sends us stuff ever year, considering we don't really go to church anymore. The only time I go is Easter because my dad drags me to my grandparent's house and makes us go with them.
I didn't get a cake yesterday and my mom felt guilty about it so she made my brother do my usual chore of letting the dogs in. xD But she's making one now. I smell it cooking. I snuck a peek at the recipie, and it's a white chocolate pound cake. I've never had it before, but I absolutely love white chocolate. <3
I'm still sore from knee boarding. xD;; Maybe I'll upload a video of it to show you guys, since I know how now.
Oh, and I'm reading Mars! I'm on volume 14, and I think there's only 15 in total.
Well, I'll cya'll later!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (4) |
Monday, July 10, 2006
Happy birthday to me!
Today's my birthday! Another year older, and another year closer to death. I'm seventeen, in case you were wondering.
Well, we went to the lake yesterday! My dad made us go early so we could still get back in time for the movie. I knee boarded until my fingers went numb and I couldn't hold onto the bar anymore. I also rode the tube behind the boat, and it was so bouncy! I got a lot of air time. Now, I am extremely sore everywhere. xP
But we were supposed to leave by 3pm to go to the movie at either 4:45 or 5:30, but my brothers and sister wouldn't get out of the water. So I kept bugging my dad until he made them get out and we loaded up and went home. We didn't get there until 3:40. My brother took forever in the shower so we didn't leave the house until 5:10. So, we're driving the to movie to see Pirates of the Carribean like we planned, and then my dad suddenly says it's too late and we're not going becuase he doesn't want to be crammed in the side of a full theater. Needless to say, I was upset. I really really want to see the movie. I told him we should have left the lake earlier!
The good thing though, is that hopefully next time we'll get there early and find good seats, and maybe I can get ahold of Ryan and Courtney to make them come! Though, Courtney's phone number she gave isn't working for me. ><;; I talked to Ryan yesterday though. It started out like this.
Ryan: "F---, you guys went without me!"
Me: "No we didn't."
Ryan: "...Oh."
And then it branched into fairly normal conversation. =P Well, I plan to do nothing today, since it hurts my legs, shoulders, arms, and back to move, because of knee boarding yesterday for the first time this year. xP I'll cya'll later!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Music:Fall Out Boy
Currently:Sore and hurting.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (8) |
Sunday, July 9, 2006
One day until my birthday!
Bwahaha...! Don't worry guys, I'm not dead and I haven't come back as a zombie, or a ghost. xD
We didn't end up going to the lake, because there was a huge power outage in our area yesterday. Some buildings at my dad's work lost power, so my dad was there until 10pm working on fixing them. So, needless to say, he didn't make it home in time for the lake.
Meanwhile, I got a lot of role playing done! I should seriously post links to some of the threads. Some of them are really good! <3 My character has been claimed as a little sister by someone she's met, though he kissed her today! =O [They're not really related. xD] So now she's really confused, but is trying not to let it bother her too much. He's taking her to France to see his family though. xD
Oh, today I'm going to see Pirates of the Carribean II. I forgot to call Ryan and Courtney today though. ><;; I know Ryan doesn't have anything planned for today, but I'm not sure about Courtney. It'd suck if, out of the two people I invite, only one can come to my party.
I just finished watching Inuyasha though! It's 167 episodes long, and I finished the last one a few minutes ago. The ending is kinda inconclusive. xP
Major spoilers, kinda. Who's alive, and who's not. Don't highlight if you don't wanna read. Naraku is still alive, though they've found his heart and I believe they're capable of destroying it. Inuyasha learned a new move with his sword, where it transforms and shoots off shards of diamond. Kagura's still alive, Inuyasha's gang's still alive, Rin and Sesshoumaru and Jaken are all still alive... It hasn't shown Kouga in a long time, so he is still alive. Kikyo's still "alive", Kanna's still alive, Kohaku's still alive. If I'm forgetting anyone and you wanna ask about them, go right ahead.
Sesshoumaru is so much cooler than Inuyasha!! D:
Now, I'm going to sleep. xD;; Oh, I've been inspired to work on my fanfic again, the one linked just below these words.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Music:Cowboy Beebop
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (6) |
Saturday, July 8, 2006
Two days until my birthday!
Haha, you know how I always end up hurting myself? Well, I'm heading to the lake today and I know I'm going to die. Most likely, I'll end up riding the tube or knee boarding, and I'll probably crash and fall off and drown or something. u.u;;
I didn't get enough sleep last night because I went to bed at 3am but then had to get up early because my little brother had baseball practice. Though, that doesn't make any sense. My parents could have let the dogs out on their way out the door. I think my dad just wanted to laugh at me when I had to get up early. -explodes- Meh. He's really annoying. I can't talk to him anymore without being lectured for being online too much, or being told to get a job.
Anyway, going to the lake today! I don't want to, but I have no way to get out of it. Gah, I kind of wish I was still taking my medicine, because it made me even more sensitive to the sun than I already am, so I used to use that as an excuse. xP
Ah, did you know that rapid expansion of air molecules causes explosions? My wind manipulator Kana managed to do that in a role play last night! But now she hates herself for it because her trainer was her friend and now she's gone and injured him badly. ><;;
In case you haven't realized, I'm just rambling and typing whatever pops into my head. I'm tired. T.T I'll cya'll later!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Currently:Dead... and annoyed.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (6) |
Friday, July 7, 2006
Three days until my birthday!
Yes, I do seem to get hurt pretty often don't I. ^^;; The scratch on the side of my knee has surrounded itself by a nice, brownish yellow bruise. xP
Well, I didn't really do anything yesterday. Everyone's back from the beach though, so it's really loud and irritating again. ><;;
Oh, and my dad came up to me yesterday and said, "I guess you're not going to see a movie for your birthday then?" Gaaah... Apparently, he was planning on taking me to see Pirates of the Carribean today, but he failed to tell me this so I didn't have time to call people and ask them to come! I think it's just going to be Courtney and Ryan, because the last time I had those two over, things were insane and wonderful and crazy. xD So we'll see if we can do it again. So yeah, we're going on Sunday, day before my birthday.
Speaking of which, I added a countdown to my introduction. xD
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Music:Falling For the First Time-Barenaked Ladies
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (8) |
Thursday, July 6, 2006
Four days until my birthday!
Yotsuba is so funny! Homg!! I absolutely love it! It's a manga, and it is hilarious. You should all go read it. xDD It's about this little girl who just moved into a new house, but it's great!
Hellsing is about an organization who eliminates vampires who cause lots of problems, like when they attack people or go on killing springs. The Hellsing organization is there to stop them! I've watched the anime already, but I was told the manga was a lot better, so now I'm reading it too.
Haha, thanks guys. I have two little dots on my right palm where the fence stabbed me. xD;; And I have a scratch along my leg right where my knee bends, on the back of it. And it's bruised all around the scratch. xP Ah well, I'll survive.
Everyone's back in town and it's noisy and dumb again. xP And my dad won't stop bugging me about getting a job! Dx I mean, I probably do need to get one, for experience and stuff, but summer's mostly over already, isn't it? There's only a month or so left.
And I need to call a couple people so we can go see Pirates of the Carribean for my birthday.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Music:Thinking About Forever-P.O.D.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, July 5, 2006
Five days until my birthday!
Happy birthday Little Birdie! Sorry I'm a day late. ><;;
But I hope everyone's fourth of July went well. ^^ I watched fireworks, and that was pretty much it. My mom and three youngest siblings aren't coming home until around five this afternoon, so I still have a bit more time of peace and quiet before they return. Also, my dad's at work today so he can't bug me and my other brother to do stuff.
We did end up cleaning the garage yesterday. Dragged a whole lot of crap out, blew out the leaves and dead bugs, then shoved it all back in slightly neater and more organized positions. It was pretty gross. Then I had to go around and spray certain areas with nasty smelling bug spray. I climbed over a pointy fence to get to a certain spot and ended up stabbing my hand and leg. xP
And that's it really. Hellsing is a good manga, and so is Full Moon.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Music:Thetawaves-System of a Down
Currently:Drinking sweet tea. xD <3
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (11) |
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Six days until my birthday!
Happy fourth of July!
Bwahaha! No boating for me yesterday! Not sure if we'll end up going today, but we might. Doesn't look like my dad's gonna end up inviting my uncle either. Whoo! xD
But, over the last two days I managed to read all of the Full Moon manga. It's really good! I liked it! But, I do have a short rant prepared. I'm putting it in black font because of major spoilers. Hightlight if you wanna read.
Ok, so the girl named Mitsuki loves this guy named Eichi who is dead, but she's kinda refusing to admit that to herself and keeps on loving him. But this other guy, a shinigami named Takuto, loves her. By the end, she falls in love with Takuto, and kind of moves past Eichi. But Eichi has been hanging around her as a spirit since he died to protect her. At the end, it finally shows him and he's reaching towards Mitsuki. But then he sees her happy with Takuto, smiles, and disappears. But, my problem is, that the guy Mitsuki originally wouldn't stop talking about ended up all alone! And pretty much every other lonely character in the series has someone to love by the end. I don't care if he is dead, that made me sad... T3T
So, if you read that... yeah. Moving on. >>
Now I'm reading Hellsing manga! And my dad's threatening to make us help him clean the garage, but I honestly am terrified of bugs and I know they're going to be everywhere. ><;; Now, even though it's midnight thirty [aka. 12:30am], I really want to start a movie. I think it's called Underworld. I'm too awake to go to sleep!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Music:Thetawaves-System of a Down
Currently:Drinking sweet tea. xD <3
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (14) |
Monday, July 3, 2006
Seven days until my birthday!
Well, I was woken up by my aunt today! She just walked right into my rook and sat on the bed, then bounced up and down a few times. xD;; She, her son, and my granddaddy Pa all came over this morning and they all just left. They took my mom and my three youngest siblings with them and they're heading to my other aunt's little beach house. She's going to be meeting them there. I think they're coming back either tomorrow or the next day. I'm not going, but I did get up to say hello to my aunt and Pa. <3
Yesterday I went to a baseball game. We got to sit in those skybox seats since we went with my dad work. It was me, my dad, and my cousin Andrew. My dad's boss has a son named Matt who was in my art class last semeseter and Matt was there, but we hardly even looked at each other. I dunno, we never talked in class because I'm not social so I only talked to my table. Our seats were never changed during the class and he was on the other side of the room. So... We've never really talked. But it was ok. The team we were cheering for hit five or six home runs and won 10 to 5. I got a headache from being there though. It smelled funny in the box. I think it was all the beer. Of course, I couldn't have any, so I just drank Sierra Mist. xP It was pretty fun though. I had some pizza. ^^
I feel kinda sick though, and my dad's definitely going to try dragging me and my brother Austin to the lake, since we didn't go to the beach with my mom and her family. My dad's probably going to invite his brother and my aunt and their kids. In that case... There is no way he is getting me there. I honestly do not like them very much at all, and I definitely don't plan on going out in the middle of a lake with them, trapped on a boat with no escape.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Music:Lonely Rolling Star-Katamari Damacy
Currently:In a strange mood...
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (4) |
Sunday, July 2, 2006
Eight days until my birthday!
Yep! I am counting the days until my birthday, since there's not very many. xD I'll be seventeen on July 10th! I'm definitely going to see the new Pirates of the Carribean movie. <3
And yeah, Gaia is definitely keeping me entertained. xD I'm collecting free art because of my birthday, and I'm constantly role playing. Kana's found herself a trainer because she decided she finally wants to learn how to control her wind manipulation powers. Also, people keep telling her she needs to learn to fight... So she'd getting herself a trainer. I'm a little nervous though, because appearantly he works people until they collapse, and Kana's not the type to complain. So... she probably will collapse at some point. >>
Whaa.. I love playing as her though! xD
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Music:The Moon and The Prince-Katamari Damacy
Currently:Feeling sick.
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested in trying.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (6) |
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