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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Well. I haven't updated in a while. xD
Major things that have happened...
Halloween! I went to SciFi Club and saw all the nerd's awesome costumes. xD I got a C on the art test that I thought I failed. I had a class on Saturday, during which I climbed a thirty-foot tall wooden pole and stood on the very top (no one else managed it), and also made my way across a rope tied between two trees, at one point standing simply on that with nothing to hold on to because I had to complete it myself since my partner chickened out. I brought my friend Deborah home with me and we played the Wii. I realized I was covered in bruises from the rope walking and pole climbing. I forgot to do three math homework assignments in a row. I remembered to do sociology current events. I took a sociology test and I think I did well. I signed up for next semester's classes, making it into all but one that I wanted. English has been cancled for all of this week so I'm done with class by 10am on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I renewed my obsession with L from Death Note. I have a headache from lack of sleep. My shoulder's starting to hurt badly again. My roommate's are really irritating me, except for one.
And.. there you go. You're pretty much caught up. >->
Music:10 Years
Currently:Has a headache
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Friday, October 26, 2007
My fingernails are black! Very big contrast from my super pale skin. xD Um, my roommate Connie was painting hers last night, so she did mine too.
I'm pretty sure I failed my art exam. I did my homework last night though, and my sociology homework. I'm doing art history extra credit over the weekened, for sure. >w>;;
Let's see... It's been raining for the past three days, and when I got back to the room today, they'd replaced the lock because one of my roommate's, Megan, lost her key, then didn't tell them she found it again, so they replaced our lock. Luckily Bekah got up and let me in. Now I have to walk through the rain to some place and pick up a new key. I'm also currently waiting for my mom to get here to bring me home for the weekend. I'm getting a flu shot today at four. English was cancled today, so I was done at 10am instead of 1pm. x3
Currently:Having odd chest pains
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Thursday, October 25, 2007
My contacts are really aggrivating my eyes. =.= But anyway, I think I did alright on my PreCal quiz yesterday. In a couple hours, I have an economic's test. It's all multiple choice, so hopefully it won't be too bad.
It's raining here again. After a long, long time of no rain and inpending water shortages, it's rained for pretty much two days straight. Right now it's just a freezing mist. I used my umbrella, but I forgot my jacket so it still sucked. =.= I'm about to take my economics study guide and crawl into bed while I look it over.
Oh, I got the internet in my room working again. I unplugged and reset the modem, and that happened to work. So, horray! I'm in my room again, not in the lounge downstairs~
Currently:Getting a bad cold
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Back to school. My weekened was wonderful. I was hanging out with people most of the time so it was very enjoyable. Except, on Saturday my sound died on my computer. The Dell guy replaced by motherboard and speaker, but that didn't work. Apparently it's a software issue, so I have to reinstall my windows system, which will wipe out everything on my computer. So, I backed up lots of stuff. Yay for external hard drives! And, not only did getting new parts not fix my computer, but they somehow contributed to a blocking from the internet. I can get on wirelessly, but not through the wire in my room. Sucks. I'm in the study lounge right now.
Anyway, today I had a math quiz and english paper due, tomorrow I have an economics test, Friday I have an art history test and three art history papers due. SUCKS. This week has been pretty shitty. Today I left art only to find it was pouring and I had to walk all the way across camps to math. Even my bra was soaked. So after that, me and Ryan pointlessly huddled under his umbrella, and then he gave it to me. I have to figure out how to return it now. It looks pretty sunny again though. Maybe the rain's already stopped.
But this afternoon, me and Deborah are meeting Ryan to go to nerd SciFi Club. xD That should be fun. But first, me and Deborah are meeting and walking to english, which is being held in the art museum on campus.[/ramble]
Currently:Having computer troubles
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
I watched the school productin of Sweeney Todd last night. It was amazing. They even did effects like having their necks spurt blood when they were slit. >w>;; It was really good though. Great actors since a lot of people at my school are theater majors. xD It was a musical too.
December 21st, Tim Burton is releasing it as a movie with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, and also with Snape and Wormtail from Harry Potter. xD Go watch the trailer. Depp sings! <333
I guess now I'm just waiting for 12:10 so I can leave for class. Then I have another class and then I'll be done. My fall break starts tomorrow, but I still have to go to class. =.= And I start back again on the 17th.
Music:Spirited Away
Currently:Having contact troubles
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I'm glad you guys like my new theme. ^^; What about the music? It's set to random so it doesn't start on the same song every time. There's one by Creature Feature that I love called Such Horrible Things, or something like that. I must be insane for loving it so much. >->;;
I slept through art today by accident. Usually my alarm goes off, I turn it off, and roll out of bed. Today I fell back asleep and started dreaming. And when I woke up, class was starting in three minutes. It probably takes me ten minutes just to walk across campus to the classroom! So I slept another thirty minutes until it was time to get ready for math. Then I had breakfast.
Now I'm waiting for english and then after that I get to kill several more hours and then me and Deborah are going to see our school's production of Sweeney Todd! And, around Christmas, Tim Burton is releasing it as a movie with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, and also with Snape and Wormtail from Harry Potter. xD Go watch the trailer. Depp sings! <333 Gah, I'm so excited. xD STUPID CHRISTMAS. I don't want to wait that long. T-T
Music:Linkin Park
Currently:So sleepy!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Monday, October 8, 2007
Yesss.... I put a new theme celebrating my rapidly developing vampire obsession/fetish. My dream is to be bitten (and killed xD) by a hot vampire with an English accent. Yep, that's my dream death right there. >w>
I almost didn't wake up for art today. xD I just kinda rolled over and went back to sleep. Me and Connie stayed up until about 12:30am watching Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? so I was tired. But I got ready in less than ten minutes and rushed across campus to the building. I made it on time. Then I had a math test, which I think I did okay on.. And then I had breakfast, and I ate an omlette. I'd never had one before. xD
Now I'm just in my dorm, killing time until English class. Then I'll be done for the day.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Thursday, October 4, 2007
I'm getting my art exam back tomorrow! I got a C on my sociology one, which is honestly better than I expected. My stomach's upset. It started yesterday, and today I can't help thinking that it's because my period's about to start. Stupid female-ness. =.= In University Studies we're watching Remember The Titans. I love that movie so much! It makes me want to cry.
And speaking of crying... There's this guy who keeps insisting that he likes me, even though we met online. We've been talking for a year or so though, so I agreed to give him a chance. And, he never made any attempt to talk to me. I finally called him last night, and he didn't remember my voice or my name. He finally remembered me when I said I was Spazz. So that hit me hard right there. He was at work so he said he'd call back, and he did for once. But he was in his car then, so he said he'd IM me when he got home, and he never did. It even said he was online. But I just signed off and went to sleep. I'm sick of letting him get to me. It doesn't matter anymore.
Right now I'm hoping I'll start feeling better, and making sure I don't have homework due in my 2pm class today. I've got another at 12:30pm but I know I don't have homework there.
Music:Senses Fail
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Friday, September 28, 2007
Dance with me, dance with me, take off your pants with me~
I'm going home for the weekend. My dad mentioned endless shrimp at Red Lobster, so I assume that means he's going to take me there. I'm exited. D:
My mom's coming to pick me up around 1:30. At noon I head to english, my last class of teh day, and I get out at 12:50, but recently he's been letting us go early.
It's homecoming week here at college. I got a free shirt when I went to the lawn showing of 300 (we're the Spartans, so it makes sense xD) and I'm wearing it now. It's got a schedule of the weeks events on the back. xD But I'm going home so I'm missing it. I wouldn't go anyway, because my only friend is Deborah, and she's also going home this weekend, and I don't want to wander around alone.
I've met two people. One in math, one in economics. Ryan and David. Both live off campus. David's a junior. Everytime I meet someone, they live off campus so I can't hang out with them. T-T I walked by Jared yesterday and we said hi to each other, but then continued on our way.
So, I'm still having trouble in the friends department. Oh, my art test went easier than I thought it would though. Sociology yesterday was hard. I gotta do some extra credit. And extra for art, too! If I get an A on every exam, I don't have to take the final.
Music:Unwritten Law
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Monday, September 24, 2007
Some people asked what my fanfic was about, and I briefly described it in my last post if they wanna go look. >w>
I've gone through art and precalculus, and in ten minutes I'm leaving for english. Then I'll be done for the day. I had a math quiz today and have a final paper due in english. And on Wednesday I have an art exam, and Thursday is a sociology exam. Busy, busy. Dx
I was in line for breakfast, and I let a guy cut in front of me so he could get some gravy. Because people are jerks and don't feel like spending two seconds to help someone out. So, I did it. Then I went to sit down, and soon he'd joined me. So, I made a friend. xD His name's Jared, and he lives on the floor above me. What a small world. xD And two of my three roommates ended up coming to breakfast and joining us! Had a pretty active breakfast, considering I usually eat alone.
I just ate an itallian ice, so my tongue's bright orange. xD But I wanted to be able to turn the temperature in my fridge up a bit, because I had it cold for the ice, and it was freezing my water bottles. xP
Anyway, I'm gone. I'll be on Gaia if you need me. Send a message to -ProcrastinatingSpazz- and don't forget the dashes. Also tell me who you are and where you got my name from!
I'll see ya.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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