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| anime girl67
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
*insert jazzy music here*
Well, I didn't think there were more FMA episodes either. I thought it was 51 and then a movie, but someone posted saying they were making more. Actually, I think more than one might have. xP
Well, today in writing we had to write a poem about ourselves or a classmate, but not tell who it was. Then we had to guess who it was about. I didn't expect to get any, so I did mine about myself. But then two people wrote about me! I felt kind of selfish. ><;; We spent computer class doing make up work, but I've done everything so I just read the Count of Monte Cristo all period. In art I finally finished my self portrait! And in chemistry we took lots of notes.
Is anyone even remotely interested about what I've been role playing one on one with this girl since Saturday?
And, I've gotta go. Cya!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Time: 3:13pm
Music: Piano Black-Cowboy Bebop
Currently: Bored
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
And I remembered, and I recall, and can see that nothing's changed at all
They're making more FMA episodes?! I thought that's it and then there's the movie! =O
But yeah.. I love Evangelion too.
Today in writing we organized our writing folders to make sure we had everything. In computer I designed a newsletter article. In art I turned my hands and clothing pink by doing my self portrait. Ugh, pink! Dx Then in chemistry we sped through notes and worksheets.
My fingers are still pink. The pastels won't come off. D: Pink = DOOM!!
Gah... Had a creative writing magazine club meeting after school and I think we finally finished grading everyone's submissions!
I'm going to role play with that girl. If we ever finish, I'll post what we've done... maybe. ^^;; Have I even mentioned what it's about?
Well, I'm off to get even fatter by drinking a soda! Heh, cya.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Time: 4:11pm
Music: Nothing's Changed-the Calling
Currently: Tired
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (4) |
Monday, March 20, 2006
Don't try to judge or take shots at me, I'll never let you seize control
I don't remember what we did in creative writing.. But I know that we wrote down random words and wrote a poem out of them.
In computer we used Microsoft Publisher to make some really quiz business cards, flyers, and letterheads for an imaginary music store. In art I am still working on my portrait, and in chemistry we took notes because we had a substitute teacher. And that's it really!
So, I watched my tape... FMA! Homg! Ed and Al! Oh noes![Roy's eyepatch is hawt! xD] And.. I shall give nothing else away. =B
Evangelion was so strange too! Shinji! Dx
And now... I'm going to role play. ^^; Cya!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Time: 3:19pm
Music: Trashed and Scattered-Avenged Sevenfold
Currently: Sleepy
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (5) |
Sunday, March 19, 2006
*insert funky cool beat here*
I have no problems with nerds, considering I definitely am one. Hehe <3
I found a one on one partner yesterday on gaia for role playing! We each control a male and female character and it's going pretty good. We're doing it through AIM so we can go faster. ^^ Hopefully she'll get online again today soon. She's in my time zone so that helps a lot.
And today the only thing I have planned is really just going out to eat. Yeah, we usually go once a week and usually it's on Sunday. Don't know where we're going though.
I taped FMA and stuff last night! So I have to watch it now. @.@
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Time: 12:13pm
Music: Cats on Mars-Cowboy Bebop
Currently: Anxious
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (7) |
Saturday, March 18, 2006
*insert Japanese lyrics here*
Well, I hope everyone had fun yesterday! I really didn't do much at all besides have school, then get online because I'm a nerd like that. I found a good role play though! Hopefully it won't die.
I'm probably going out to practice softball at some point but otherwise I'm going to be really lazy again. x3;; I'll cya'll later!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Time: 11:46am
Music: Rise-Ghost in the Shell
Currently: Sleepy
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (7) |
Friday, March 17, 2006
You will cry, all alone, but it does not mean a thing to me
[Campire story I read yesterday!]
Happy Friday/St. Patrick's Day! Hope you remembered to wear green. =B
Well, today we did pretty much nothing in creative writing. In computer applications, I got a 3o/3o on a test. In art I've made more progress on my self portrait, and in chemistry I'm betting I failed a quiz. xP Won't know for sure until Monday. I do know I have a B in that class now though! ^^; And it should go up more due to extra credit.
If you haven't realized, I changed my song again. I love .hack//SIGN music! <33
And my friend gave me the first season of Scrubs to watch over the weekend.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Time: 3:29pm
Music: Aura-.hack//SIGN
Currently: Happy
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (6) |
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Are you there, can you hear me
[Fairy drawing. Click and rate/comment!!]
Well, in creative writing we all sat outside around a sheet of paper with fire drawn on it that was surrounded with rocks while we ate doughnuts and read stories. xD Yep. Good stuff. [This] is what I read. It is very short and I had to say it from memory, so I shortened it even more. It was done from memory because we were pretending like we really were around a campfire telling stories like people really would. Most just did childhood experiences though.
Ok, in computer we didn't do much of anything. We're going over flyers and stuff. In art I'm still doing my self portrait, and in chemistry we had labs during which I had to handle all the fire related things. Ah well, it was fun.
And that's it! I could go to "science night" at school for extra credit but I really don't want to. xP
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Time: 3:43pm
Music: Waking Up-1o Years
Currently: Tired
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
*insert Japanese lyrics here*
[Fairy drawing. Click and rate/comment!!]
Well, today I brought my laptop to school to work on stories during creative writing. Too bad the teacher got mad at people for talking and made us stop. I was actually getting work done and he ruined my train of thought! Dx
Computer was really boring again, but in art I've made some progress on coloring my self portrait. So far, my skin is blue, hair is green, and lips and eyes are orange. We're coloring with pastels and I'd never used them before. ^^; Chemistry was ok, despite the fact that I hate science.
I have to write a story to be read around a camp fire tomorrow! Except we're not really having a fire. xP We are going outside though. I asked my friend and he said to have something about a witch so, due to lack of any better idea, that what I'm doing.
Haha, I'll cya'll later.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Time: 3:39pm
Music: Reason-Tamaki Nami
Currently: Blah
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (12) |
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Motivation, such an aggrivation, accusations, don't know how to take them, inspiration, getting heard to fake it, situation, never what you want it to be
No, I'm actually not supersticous. I was just kidding when I said that yesterday. I didn't expect people to take me seriously. ^^;
Well, today in creative writing we talked about an upcoming project where we have to write a story, a short novel, a screen play, or twenty poems. I'll probably do a story, maybe the novel.
Computer was uneventful, in art I colored the skin of my self portrait blue, and in chemistry the teacher made fireballs from dish soap and methane gas. It was great! It floated through the air, rubbed against the wall and ceiling, and then went out.
And.. I'm going to watch Shangai Noon or whatever. Cya later!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Time: 4:09pm
Music: Motivation-Sum 41
Currently: Tired
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (6) |
Monday, March 13, 2006
I hurt much more, than any time before, I had no options left again
It's a sign, I tell you, a sign! Today the Ed keychain on my bookbag broke off! Think of what happened on the last FMA episode! Homg! -dies!- xP
Role playing is when you assume the role of a character, often in an original storyline, and act it out with other people. Like, you make a post about your character's actions, then someone else replies with a character of their own, and then you go again. Pretty fun, and it helps with my writing. ^^
Anyway, today was pretty boring. I got a 1oo/1oo on my poetry project in writing though! In computer we spent the full hour and a half class looking up random things with search engines to prove we knew how to use them. In art I'm about to start coloring my self portrait [blue skin, green hair! xD], and in chemistry we retook that quiz I passed Thursday. Hopefully I passed again so I'll get extra credit points. The teacher also re-did a demo lab because me and about four other guys couldn't see what she did since every crowded her too thickly as she did it.
And that's it! Oh, recently I've watched the movies Zathura [horrible!], Wallace and Grommit-Curse of the Wererabbit, Stealth, and the Island.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently-ish! =D;;
Time: 3:31pm
Music: Breaking the Habit-Linkin Park
Currently: Hot; it's like 80 degress outside! Dx
I would love drawings of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (9) |
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