anime girl67
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
All I ever wanted was a place to call my own
So cold! I hate winter! But not really... I don't know anymore. I think I got myself sick one day after school when it was raining. Me, my friend, and my brother were waiting for our rides outside and it was raining. We're idiots so we didnt' stand under the overhang like everyone. They were staring at us like we were crazy. By the time my mom came, I was soaked through, water dripping off my face and hair. It was about 50F outside with a cold breeze. xP I have a cough and runny nose now.
Can anyone hear the music on my page? I absolutely love it, but no one's said anything about it! xP
And... I'm really just rambling about this because I have nothing else to say. ^^;; I'll shut up now.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently.
Time: 2:52pm
Music: All I Ever Wanted-Shinedown
Currently: Happy
I would love pictures of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (3) |
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
If you hear me screaming, please don't let me fall again
My feet are cold. xP
Anyway... Got out of school today! I get a five day weekend to maybe write some stuff that's been on hold forever! I think I'll make something for a short story contest on Gaia. ^^;; I kind of have an idea already.
I had a spanish test and a math quiz today. In history we watched a movie and in english we talked more about the book The Sound and the Fury. We've finally gotten past the first part of the book! It's told by a character who is mentally retarded, so it doesn't make much sense at all. The next three sections are told by mentally stable people.
And that's it! My feet are still cold. xD;;
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently.
Time: 4:30pm
Music: Never Will I Break-3 Doors Down
Currently: Happy
I would love pictures of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (6) |
Monday, November 21, 2005
Because it doesn't remind me of anything...
I feel like I haven't updated in forever! xP Yesterday I went out to help my dad with the deck for thing in the morning. In exchange, he promised to take us to the Harry Potter movie. We finally finished and drove all the way to the theater and it was sold out. The next was at 3:30pm so he's like "I have a basketball game. We can't see this one!" We drove all the way back home, loaded into my mom's car, and she took us instead. Why my dad didn't go ahead and buy the tickets, I have no idea, but I was so scared it'd be sold out again. But we made it in and it was good. They left out some major key events though! Like that it was the house elf Winky or something that was caught holding the wand that had made the dark mark above the tournament. ><;; Oh well... I still liked it. My mom made fun of me for thinking Ron's kinda cute.
So! Today was boring. I stayed up until 2am drawing a picture last night so I was pretty much dead until I had my soda at lunch. Then in math the teacher tripped over a cord and fell flat on the ground. I felt really bad for laughing but I couldn't help it!
Tomorrow I have a spanish test and a math quiz. Also, an english paper is due! My mom was using my computer so I couldn't get working on it so now I have lots of work to do. -.-;; Cya'll later!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently.
Time: 5:27pm
Music: Doesn't Remind Me-Audioslave
Currently: Dead
I would love pictures of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (1) |
Saturday, November 19, 2005
But if you want to leave then take care, I hope you make a lot of nice friends out there
animegirltokyo-Your long comment made me feel special. <3 My school isn't rich, they just spent a lot on technology classes and stuff instead of other things. Plus, we're only in our fourth year of being open. ^^;; DDR? I absolutely cannot play that. ^^;; 101.5 because I missed half a problem and then got bonus points back.
Well, last night I went to a school play thing. It was Parlor Games. The story is that the husband fakes his own death and throws himself a wake so he can hear all the people would say about him when he's dead, before he's dead. But his wife finds out beforehand and his plan backfires. It was funny and it's even cooler when I know people in it. ^^ So yeah, I liked it. I hardly ever go to school event things.
Lost is such an awesome show!! I finally watched Wednesday's episode yesterday and I need to see what happens! We had it on tape... Oh well, anime tonight will just have to help satisfy me until then.
Also, I need to see Harry Potter! xDD I love the books and now I love the movies. My friend saw the Thursday midnight showing! I wish I had gone. xP
Hope everyone's day is going well!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently.
Time: 1:18pm
Music: Wild World-Me First and the Gimme Gimmies
Currently: Aching
I would love pictures of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (3) |
Friday, November 18, 2005
And who'll deny that's what the fightings all about
JD Person-Yes, it is a new icon. =P
Julian-Haha, I don't think I'll be getting rid of that any time soon.
I'm glad you guys like the new colors~!
Man guys, I am so tired! Ready to just die or something. And my friend exploded a pink highlighter on the FLCL manga I let her borrow! T.T Ah well... She's paying back a bit of the cost. She's reading all the series that I collect and only collects one herself, but stopped at book two and there's around seven out now! I've got all of the Saiyuki, DNAngel, and Fruits Basket that's out so far and she reads them all from me. The least she could do is finish collecting her series. [and not explode things on my books. xP] Yeah.. sorry for the mini rant there.
I'm so tired! But I got a 101.5 on a math test and on the way home we went by Wendy's beause it's free frosty day! So we got three of the littlest ones for free. ^^;; It was good though!
Sub in spanish so we did a lot of busy work, a quiz and six worksheets. Looked up stuff on laptops in history and read some of The Sound and the Fury in english.
And that's it. I'm going to watch anime now. Happy Friday everyone!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently.
Time: 3:30pm
Music: Us and Them-Pink Floyd
Currently: Aching
I would love pictures of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (3) |
Thursday, November 17, 2005
What about hope? It's defective! It's corroded and decayed.
JD Person-Yes, it is a new icon. =P
Julian-Haha, I don't think I'll be getting rid of that any time soon.
I'm glad you guys like the new colors~!
Had to stay after school for a meeting of the only club I've ever joined: creative arts magazine. We take submitted writings and drawings and rate them. The best get put into a magazine that's distributed around school at the end of the year.
Anyway, my math teacher said I did good on the test but I haven't gotten it back yet. We learned stuff in spanish and history. In english my friend Katie gave me a picture of Rikku from FF to draw [or try to draw. xP] Our main computer is still broken so I can't scan any new drawings.
Watched Fever Pitch yesterday. It was pretty good. My friend's obsessed with Jimmy Fallon and he's a main character so that's mainly why I watched it. ^^;; Still liked it though!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently.
Time: 5:14pm
Music: Life is a Lemon and I Want My Money Back-Meat Loaf
Currently: Aching
I would love pictures of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Gaze at the trees in sorrow, hardly a sound until tomorrow
I changed my site layout a bit yesterday!
Another crazy day today! We met in second period [english] for two hours, then went to an hour of first period [spanish], then regular length third and fourth [history and math]. A guy didn't have third period so he went to history with us and we joked around during class since all we did was take notes and define key terms. I took a test in math and I think/hope I did very well.
I'm going to watch a movie that we rented! I'll tell you guys about it later.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently.
Time: 2:55pm
Music: See Emily Play-Pink Floyd
Currently: Aching
I would love pictures of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (5) |
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
*insert Japanese lyrics here*
kotoko1213-No, sorry! I haven't been in a situation like that before.
SuperGal16-Yeah, a 79 is a C. ^^;; Of Mice and Men sucked, at least to me. xP Nothing really happens.
Today was a strange day. My class are usually 1 and a half hours long each and I have four every day. Today we went to fourth period first for two hours and then went to second for only one hour. Third and first were normal length.
So, in math we reviewed for tomorrow's test, in english we went over the book more, in history we took notes again, and in spanish we took a quiz and I got a 28/30.
After school we went and got frostys from Wendys! Now if we go and wash my dad's SUV, he'll take us to eat tonight. ^^ So I gotta go!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently.
Time: 3:36pm
Music: One Day, One Dream-Tackey and Tsubasa (Inuyasha)
Currently: Aching
I would love pictures of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (3) |
Monday, November 14, 2005
You'll never know if you don't go, you'll never shine if you don't glow!
I hate Mondays... Today I found out I got a 79/100 on a spanish test, which kinda sucks. It's an average grade. Discussed the book Of Mice and Men in english and took notes the entire class in history. In math we had a pop quiz, but it was really easy. Hopefully I got another one hundred.
Last night we rented The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Pretty funny stuff. Made me want to read the book, which is supposed to be way better.
Well, my head is pounding again and my shoulders are aching more than normal... ><;; So I'll cya'll later!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter recently.
Time: 3:19pm
Music: All Star-Smash Mouth
Currently: Hurting
I would love pictures of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (4) |
Sunday, November 13, 2005
We've seen our share of ups and downs, oh h ow quickly life can turn around
When I woke up this morning, my brother had eaten all the food! u.u;; Then I made him go feed the neighbors dogs with me.
The Boondocks is so funny! Haha, I loved that show! >>;; Evangelion was really slow moving and still S-CRY-ED bothers me, but I have to keep watching since I started... FMA was pretty good. Confusing though since my brother wouldn't stop talking. -.-;; Inuyasha annoys me too. I wanted someone to throw that baby across the room. Samurai Champloo's fun though.
I like basketball, I just didn't want to go to that game Friday. I'm playing outside of school and my season starts up soon.
Juding by the comments left yesterday... Have I gotten a few new fanfic readers? Tell me what you think! <3
Girls, I've also gotten out part two of the sequel of my quiz if you're interested.
I think I'm going to spend today drawing and writing. x3 Cya'll later!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter yesterday.
Time: 12:44pm
Music: My Sacrafice-Creed
Currently: Sick
I would love pictures of the following of my characters if anyone's interested.
Kira - Wolf demon, female.
Quiz - Two demons, one vampire, one werewolf, two angels, all male; One human, female.
Koinu - Dog demon, male.
Ashori - Half demon, half angel, female.
Comments (4) |
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