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anime girl67
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| anime girl67
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I didn't pay for my movie tickets either. Vinny did. He said it was a birthday present. >.>
Anyway, went bowling Sunday. The very last game, I got 122, my dad got 129, but this fourteen year old kid got 149 and beat all of us. xD;; The game before that I only got 101 and before that I didn't even break 100. >.>;; But it was fun. My arm is dead and sore now, my messed up shoulders not really able to take the strain of bowling very well, but I'll be fine again soon enough.
I'm gonna go take a shower, since no one seems to be online over on Gaia. =.=
Currently:Getting sick
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Sunday, July 15, 2007
I did nothing to provoke Vinny and in the end nothing happened. His friend disappeared so it would've been just me and him, but my parents got paranoid about hearing I was going with two guys they didn't know and they sent my brother with me. So that saved me from feeling extremely awkward the whole time. And in the end, I just drove Vinny back home and he didn't ask me out or anything. -TREMENDOUSLY RELIEVED- Transformers was good though! xD
Now my dad's work is giving their employees and their families a discount on bowling so my families leaving in just a few minutes. I haven't been bowling in forever! I suck, but it's fun. xD My dad's pretty good though. -can never beat him- Dx
Music:Future Leaders of the World
Currently:Heading off to bowl! ='D
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
Oh man, it was so funny. xDD Yester, the boy hunting. We just walked around aimlessly for a while, and kept wandering into Game Stop and Suncoast to look at video games and anime. There were a couple boys Jaymee kept going over and staring at. But eventually we sat down on a bench. We sat for a while, then Jaymee suddenly shouts, "WHY ARE THERE NO HOT GUYS?!" and several people turn to stare at us. xDD It was fun though. I liked just being able to head out and do something with them.
Today I'm skipping a trip to the lake with my family and instead heading to the movies with Vinny and Brian. I'm suddenly scared that he may be planning to ask me out. Apparently he invited Liz and Jaymee to the movies and then asked them out. Now he's kinda doing the same to me. I definitely don't like him that way, and I have enough relationship issues as is. Dx
But, um.. yeah, I'm doing massage therapy and sometimes physical therapy for my shoulder. Two years ago I complained that it hurt, but then it died down a bit so I stopped talking about it. Well, a month or so ago, I'll just be sitting here, and it'll start burning, or I'll get a searing pain, or feel like someone's stabbing me. So my dad finally took me to the doctor, who sent me to massage therapy. And so far nothing's working. It still hurts, right now in fact.
Music:Foo Fighters
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Friday, July 13, 2007
D.Gray-man is both an anime and a manga, but I'm watching the anime for now. It's pretty good. Sometimes it's a little creepy, and a lot of times it's pretty comical. I love Lavi, lykewhoa. xDD I'm going to get some art of my avatar on Gaia with him, I've decided. It'll be fun~ I just have to find someone willing to draw it for me.
I hope the therapy starts working too. I'm already starting to hurt in my shoulder and I've been awake just a little more than an hour. Dx But if an injection will make the pain stop, I guess I wouldn't mind it. ._.;;
Today at 2 I'm going with Jaymee and Liz to the mall for what they called "boy hunting". xDD I think that's hilarious. We are not going to find guys just by wandering around the mall. xD But I still want to go with them, just to hang out. I tend to get very anti-social during the summer. And I'm heading to college in August so I won't see either of them very often anymore.
And yeah, tomorrow I'm going to the movies with Vincent and Brian, and Vincent is paying for my ticket. Dx He said it's a late birthday present.
Well, I'm going to head over to Gaia and be a nerd and role play some more. xDD Have a good day!
Music:Bowling for Soup
Currently:Upset stomach...
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
Yes, I'm on Gaia. I go there every single day. xD My screen name is -ProcrastinatingSpazz-
Yesterday the people came to see the damage in our house. Homg, I answered the door expecting some old guy. And it was this young kinda attractive guy instead. xDD I was still in my pajamas, so I had to lead them around the damaged places like that. But I guess it was fine. They left, but left behind two humidifyers, and three big fans. And they knocked big chunks out of the basement ceiling.
Um, I just had massage therapy. Apparently no progress is being made. I still hurt, my muscles are still tight and pulling my shoulders forward, my neck muscles feel crunchy, my back is apparently immobile and rigid... Not very good. I think I'll have one more appointment and if everything's still the same and I'm still hurting just as much, she'll send me back to the doctor.
But tomorrow I'm going to the mall with some friends. Saturday my friend offered to pay for my ticket if I see a movie with him and Brian. So I think I'll go. xD;; And Sunday my family's going bowling because my dad's work is renting out the place, or something.
And I changed my site theme to Lavi from D.Gray-man. How fun! <3
Currently:Has a burning shoulder
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Thanks guys. xD Yesterday I woke up at six by accident, then didn't move 'til nine. Then I took a shower and came downstairs and got online. I went to my guild in Gaia and immediately people were telling me happy birthday and giving me little pixelated gifts or art. Homg, made me so happy. The only who who didn't really say anything was my boyfriend, 'cause he's stupid. He finally said happy birthday, but I provoked it.
My friend's trying so hard to get me to break up with him and go out with another guy I met online. I really really don't know what to do, so for now I guess I'll leave things how they are. I still haven't figured out why I agreed to an online relationship. =.=;;
Anyway, I had massage therapy that left my arms burning and aching afterwards. Then I got back online and things weren't quite as happy, but they were still good. And, um, later my family and I went to Red Lobster. Except, I went there to get a specific thing I've been craving for months, but I got the name of it mixed up and ordered the wrong thing. My dad did the same, so we were both really disappointed when we got our food. My mom apparently knew, but didn't say anything. D< So that kinda ruined my trip. I liked the thing I got by accident, but it was NOT what I wanted.
Anyway, then I stayed up until 2:30am role playing with a guy on Gaia. Then I went to sleep, and now I'm awake again. xP
Currently:Getting a cough
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
My mom keeps finding more and more damage done by the leak. Like, our air hockey table was full of water, and the wall outside is cracking above the door. So I guess she has to contact the insurance person and try to get them to cover that as well.
And today is my birthday. D:
I've turned 18!
Music:Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Monday, July 9, 2007
One day 'til my birthday~
Lady came today to survey the damage caused by the fridge leak. She said they're going to be replacing the vinal flooring in the kitchen. So hopefully that means it won't creak anymore! xD They also said they'll be tearing down the drywall in the ceiling of the basement, to see how much water is there from it leaking through the kitchen floor. And the carpet in the computer room.. they said that they'll probably just put padding under it and stretch it back into place, after cleaning it. So my mom was seeing if it would tear easily. Because if it tears while they're trying to stretch it, they'd have to get new carpet. xD;; So I dunno. We'll just see what happens, I guess. But the carpet is in the computer room, so we might have to unhook everything again when they come to work on things, so I won't be around possibly.
Music:Unwritten Law
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Sunday, July 8, 2007
Home sweet home. Smells kind of funny because of the fridge disaster and mini flood, but we got the internet working again so I'm content. For the moment.
Two days until my birthday~
Music:Breaking Benjamin
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Thursday, July 5, 2007
5 days until my birthday~
Let's see.. first two days at teh beach it was grey outside so I didn't swim. The third day I was sitting by the edge of the pool and my brother grabbed my hand and pulled me into the water. That's the only time I've swam so far. I didn't go to the beach with my family yesterday so I missed seeing dolphins swim by, but that's alright.
On Monday we went to my aunt's. She has a trailer right by the sound side of the ocean in a trailer park. While we were there, a woman on the dock next to us started talking to us a lot. She was drunk. Yesterday we saw two men have to carry her up to the deck/crow's nest thing above the trailer to watch fireworks because she was still so drunk.
But anyway, we went back yesterday because from the trailer you can see at least three different city run fireworks, plus tons of personal ones that people illegally obtained and decided to set off. We had one person two trailers down setting off massive ones from his dock. But at one point, we're watching city ones go off. They're being shot off from a boat. Then we realize that right behind the boat there's an island. And it's on fire. A really massive, huge fire that just kept getting bigger. So then we start hearing sirens and three firetrucks pull into the trailer park. All the personal fireworks immediately stopped. The firetrucks sped through, then stopped and turned around. We're guessing they might have thought they could get to the burning island by going through the trailer park? But that's not the case. So they left again and a while later the illegal fireworks started up. We set off our little sit on the ground ones that just threw up sparks and made loud noises.
But yeah, that fire was kinda scary. We watched the news last night, but they didn't mention it.
Oh, and the neighbor who's watching our dogs called. Apparently a pipe that leads from the wall into our fridge broke and water poured everywhere. So the entire kitchen flooded and we're going to have to replace the carpeting in the computer room. We're lucky the computer works. Um, and water dripped down below and into the basement, getting stuff wet their too. And there's a bubble sinking down in the kitchen's floor. My dad and brother went back and took out furniature and carpeting and called the insurance. They're going to cover it. But, apparently the house really stinks right now. All wet and damp and gross. So I want to go back home really bad, but then I think of that and start having doubts.
Music:.hack//roots soundtracks
Currently:Wants to go home.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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