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anime girl67
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Sailor Moon. =B
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Fruits Basket, Death Note, DNAngel, MeruPuri, Ouran High School Host Club, Bleach, the Wallflower, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Soul Eater, Darker Than Black
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| anime girl67
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Sunday, July 1, 2007
My mom says I'm a red-head, with dark hair. xD Meaning, I'm very pale and my skin's very sensative to pretty much everything, I have green eyes, but my hair is almost black instead of red. It's sort of an odd combination.
But we're leaving in a bit. I think everyone's outside loading things into the car or something, so I was able to quietly pack up my own things. Yeah, I wait until the morning of to pack. But, I really just throw things at random into a bag, so it goes by fast. xD Of course, the random things are all things that I'll wear, so I won't find myself in trouble later with nothing.
I gave up trying to transfer music from my iPod directly to iTunes. I began the slow process of uploading everything all over again yesterday. So far I've gotten 1293 songs added, out of about 3900. I'm saving the mix CDs for last, because I'll have to type in all the information for them on my own, and it'll be annoying. I wonder if I can remember the name and artist for every single song? And then there's the Japanese ones... Ugh. Dx
But yeah, I've gotta go to the beach. I'm bringing my laptop and the beach house we've rented should have wireless internet. And, um... that's it, I guess. I'll be back Sunday. I have to go and see if my wide screen computer will fit in my old computer's bag. I'm kinda doubting it. Bye!
Music:System of a Down
Currently:Leaving for the beach
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
Tomorrow we're leaving for the beach for a week. I hate the beach. D: But I'm bringing my laptop because the beach house we've rented should have wireless internet. If it doesn't, I will cry. xD;; My right shoulder's more sunburned than the left. It'll probably peel and be all gross. =.=
I can't figure out how to drag music from my iPod to my new computer. I got this thing that gave me step by step instructions, but it doesn't seem to be working. So yesterday I started the irritating task of putting all of my songs, nearly 4,ooo, onto my new computer. This will.. take a while. ._.
Currently:Getting sick
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Friday, June 29, 2007
Not all of the NANA episodes are posted online. Dx So I couldn't finish the series yesterday as I'd planned. At the beginning and ending of each episode, the character says something relavent to what's giong on, but they say it as if the whole series is just a story they're telling. And they keep hinting at grim things to come. I really wanted to finish it... T.T But since I couldn't, I moved onto watching Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann now. It's pretty funny/perverted and the main character just died. =.=;;
I went to the waterpark on Wednesday. I kept finding myself thinking "Why is everyone so thin?!" and then I'd turn and see some fat person and think "Why the hell are you in a bikini?!" Geh... But I rode a couple slides that took my stomach away. One was an enclosed tunnel and I'm pretty sure I was about to start panicking, claustraphobia, but I started screaming and that seemed to make me feel better somehow. ^^;; I got suburned a little, on my face and shoulders.
Today I have a physical therapy instead of massage therapy. My regular therapist told me to see someone else this time and have them give me some exercises I can do at home, since I'll be able the beach next week and unable to go in. And, she said there's a muscle on my back that I need to strengthen some.
Um, that's all. I'll stop rambling now.
Currently:Getting sick
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I have another massage therapy appointment today. I'm kind of dreading it. It makes me sore, but we're supposed to be going to Emerald Point waterpark tomorrow, and I haven't been there in years. And I think next week we're leaving for the beach, but the beach house we rented should have wireless internet. -nerd- xD
Um, yesterday kinda sucked. Just a bunch of let downs. I was talking to the guy I like on MSN and he said he'd be right back around 4:30. But whenever he says that, he disappears. So he didn't come back until almost midnight. And I got a phone call, but it was just a wrong number. I got a PM from someone on Gaia and got really happy, and five seconds later he starts yelling at me. And then the guy I like returns for just about five minutes before leaving again, this time without saying anything.
So yesterday was frustrating. Dx I watched a lot of NANA, and I found a song that gets stuck in my head really easily. Click to watch it This is the english version! So you can actually understand. xD
Currently:Getting sick
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Sunday, June 24, 2007
I stayed up until 4:30am last night. Lately, my dad's been making me go to bed at midnight, but for some reason he didn't. Around 1am I finally gave in and got on my mic and talked to a guy I met online. Like, literally talking through our microphones. Then he had me ask his cousin, another guy I know from Gaia, to call him. And he hooked it up so all three of us could hear each other, like a three way call. Only Casey was on the phone, Tim was speaking into a mic, and I was also with a mic, through MSN. They kept yelling at me to speak because I kept just falling silent and listening.
But Casey said my voice was better than expected. He said it was pretty. xD He wasn't expecting something that good, he said, because I'm always saying I hate my voice. I don't know what he was expecting, but he sounded surprised. "...was that Ashley?" And then I cried out, "Yes!" and laughed. xD -lame- Anyway, all this was 1am and later so I'm surprised my dad never came downstairs and yelled at me to sleep.
Music:Linkin Park
Currently:Getting sick
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Saturday, June 23, 2007
My dad's finally getting his dream. xD He's signing my youngest brother up for football this morning. By other two brothers never played. They just did soccer. They're really tall, but they decided they didn't like basketball, which was another disappointment to my dad.
And when I was born, my dad wanted me to be a boy, so he always dressed me in boys clothing and encouraged me to play sports. He thought he wasn't going to get a boy because my mom came from a family of four girls. But, right after me there came two boys, then another girl, and finally another boy. So he corrupted me for no reason. xP -can't stand girly girls now- But then again, I played more sports than my brothers did.
UGH! YOU KNOW WHAT SUCKS? My college doesn't have a football team. Apparently the sport they all like is soccer. That's so lame. Dx I wanna go to some football games! Go down to the student section and feel all cool. xD I need to transfer from my college and into the one my parents attended. -really considering that- Though, that one will be twice the size of my current one, so I'll probably get lost. I'm not so great at directions and finding my way around. It's also a better school and harder to get into so I'll have to keep up my grades.
But anyway, back to gaiaonline and the event I go! -rambling-
Currently:Getting sick
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
On Tuesday I had my first session of massage therapy. It was painful! I'm still really sore. Dx Apparently I have twin knots, one in each shoulder. And the muscle by my neck feels "ropey". The whole experience is kinda awkward. I had to take off my shirt and bra and put on a shirt that velcros in the back. I laid down on a table on my back and then had to roll over to my stomach and stick my face in one of those round things with the hole in the bottom so I'd be able to breath. And the lady rubbed all around my back and shoulders and it really hurt. ._. I have to go twice more next week and probably even more after that. I hope it starts to become less painful later on.
In other news. I'm the captain of a role playing guild at and today I have begun an event, the first ever event that I planned myself. I hope it'll be successful. D: I have two people fighting over who's going to save my character. xD She was kidnapped~
Music:Good Charlotte
Currently:Feeling odd
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Monday, June 18, 2007
Got back from my grandparent's house around 10:30pm. We left there at 3pm. I don't know how we managed to turn a three hour drive into over seven, but we did. We stopped to visit the restaraunt my uncle's going to open, and my grandaddy at his farm, and to eat, but it still shouldn't have taken that long. But, I'm back now.
The trip was really tiring and boring. I didn't really do anything. A bunch of relatives I don't remember talked to me during the anniversary. Then today I was made to go to church and it felt awkward 'cause I'm not used to going. ._.;; But now I'm home again. With my internet. And my bed. That is not an air mattress. Oh! Yeah. Usually at my grandmother's, I end up on a couch that's shorter than me. But this year, my dad FINALLY made my younger sister sleep on the couch and I shared a big air mattress with my seven year old brother. I don't mind sharing with him. He's cute. xD
Um. Not really sure what else to say. I saw Apocolypto and it was REALLY weird and violent and crazy. My uncle had rented it.
I'm going to sleep. =.=
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Thursday, June 14, 2007
The doctor took x-rays of my shoulder and decided there's nothing seriously wrong with it. He said the loud, high pitched popping is nothing to worry about. However, he did make me lay down and started rolling my shoulder. And every time he did, there was a low popping. I flinched every time, and he kept doing it over and over again. My dad said he was waiting for my eyes to start watering from the pain. And the doctor also kept poking and proding around my shoulder and back, and it's really tender there and it hurt really bad. In the end, he sent me across the hall to the physical therapist. I go there Tuesday for an evaluation on what to do. I think it sounded like I was gonna have to start massage therapy, which doesn't sound too bad. And if that doesn't work, they're gonna mark a spot on my shoulder, send me across the hall, and have the doctor give me some kinda injection. Fun...
But for the last two days I was at college. Got up at 6:30am, drove there by 9:30am, checked into the dorm, then went through a series of planned events until 10:11pm. Then I went down to the lobby of the dorm, since we weren't allowed to leave the building. This guy started hitting on me. D:
I finally went to bed after 1am. Then I woke up at 5:45am because my roomate's phone went off. I couldn't get back to sleep so I went ahead and got ready. I checked out and met my dad across the street and we put our luggage in the car. Then we went to the cafeteria for breakfast. I CAN'T eat breakfast in the morning. It messes me up. So I got sick. And then I couldn't eat lunch. We went through some more planned events, then I got my school ID card that I'll be able to put money on and use for things like laundry and food, and I got all my classes assigned. I might try to change one though. Because I have one class at 8:30am and the next not until 6:30pm. That kinda sucks. I'd rather get them all out of the way. Like on the other days, my classes end by 1:20pm.
Anyway, finally got home around 6pm yesterday. I still stayed up until midnight though even though I was in a dead zombie state from lack of sleep. So I slept in until nearly 2pm today to make up for it. xD
Tomorrow I'm leaving again for my grandmother's house. It's her and my grandaddy's 50th wedding aniversary. I think my dad said we have to stay for two nights. =.= I used to be able to use the neighbor's wireless internet, but I think they either moved or got rid of it, because the last few trips, I've been unable to get it. Sucks. I might spend that time working on stories.
Music:Relient K
Currently:Watching Lovely Complex
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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Sunday, June 10, 2007
Well then, glad y'all like the theme. xD
Two days ago was my practice graduation. It lasted three hours. Three hours of leaning the proper way to walk, and being lectured, and sitting in chairs. And at one point, the teacher in charge of it all fell off the stage and gave himself a black eye and was bleeding everywhere.
But he's ok. Yesterday, at the real graduation, it was amazingly horrible looking. Huge black eye, with cuts on the side.
But anyway, graduation was yesterday. My had kept falling off, but other than that it went smoothly. People came over afterwards and my mom grilled out. And, I have now entered education limbo, stuck between high schooler and college student, until August 20. Though, in two days I'm heading to my college for orientation where I'll spend one night and then come back home until the year actually starts. Tomorrow, I'm going to the doctor about my shoulder. So today, I'm not doing anything. My family's going to the lake, so I'm staying home. Maybe letting a couple people I met online give me a phone call while my parents aren't around to make me feel awkward.
I've been rambling so much about pirates, that in my role playing guild on Gaia, Casey and Tim have decided to get a few people and have them each make a pirate lord, and basically copy the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. So, I have my first pirate but now I have to make a second, who's a pirate lord! Whoo. xD Gonna go get started on that.
Music:Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End
Currently:Piratey. Argh!
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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