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anime girl67
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College dorm
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High school graduate
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Sailor Moon. =B
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Fruits Basket, Death Note, DNAngel, MeruPuri, Ouran High School Host Club, Bleach, the Wallflower, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Soul Eater, Darker Than Black
Graduate from college in four years (1 to go!)
Manga, anime, writing, drawing, computers, music
Writing, drawing, softball
| anime girl67
Thursday, July 5, 2007
5 days until my birthday~
Let's see.. first two days at teh beach it was grey outside so I didn't swim. The third day I was sitting by the edge of the pool and my brother grabbed my hand and pulled me into the water. That's the only time I've swam so far. I didn't go to the beach with my family yesterday so I missed seeing dolphins swim by, but that's alright.
On Monday we went to my aunt's. She has a trailer right by the sound side of the ocean in a trailer park. While we were there, a woman on the dock next to us started talking to us a lot. She was drunk. Yesterday we saw two men have to carry her up to the deck/crow's nest thing above the trailer to watch fireworks because she was still so drunk.
But anyway, we went back yesterday because from the trailer you can see at least three different city run fireworks, plus tons of personal ones that people illegally obtained and decided to set off. We had one person two trailers down setting off massive ones from his dock. But at one point, we're watching city ones go off. They're being shot off from a boat. Then we realize that right behind the boat there's an island. And it's on fire. A really massive, huge fire that just kept getting bigger. So then we start hearing sirens and three firetrucks pull into the trailer park. All the personal fireworks immediately stopped. The firetrucks sped through, then stopped and turned around. We're guessing they might have thought they could get to the burning island by going through the trailer park? But that's not the case. So they left again and a while later the illegal fireworks started up. We set off our little sit on the ground ones that just threw up sparks and made loud noises.
But yeah, that fire was kinda scary. We watched the news last night, but they didn't mention it.
Oh, and the neighbor who's watching our dogs called. Apparently a pipe that leads from the wall into our fridge broke and water poured everywhere. So the entire kitchen flooded and we're going to have to replace the carpeting in the computer room. We're lucky the computer works. Um, and water dripped down below and into the basement, getting stuff wet their too. And there's a bubble sinking down in the kitchen's floor. My dad and brother went back and took out furniature and carpeting and called the insurance. They're going to cover it. But, apparently the house really stinks right now. All wet and damp and gross. So I want to go back home really bad, but then I think of that and start having doubts.
Music:.hack//roots soundtracks
Currently:Wants to go home.
Go read my fanfic! [D:] Added a new chapter a while ago... =D;;
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