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• 2003-09-14
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• High school graduate
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• Sailor Moon. =B
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| anime girl67
Saturday, December 20, 2003
fun time!!!!!
yo! i had an interesting and fun filled day for once! yay for me! ^_^ first off, i went to bed at about 1:30 this morning after watching the extended version of TTT, and got up a bit after 9 so we could go see RotK before the christmas party i was invited to! we went at the 12:00 showing and it acually wasn't sold out! o_0 whoa! amazing right! (we got there after 11:30...) (we=me, brother, brother, dad) so, we sat down in the theater about... 11:40 something, we watched the movie, then got out about... 4. so that was a looong time. but the movie was so good! the gollum in this one annoyed my though b/c all he talked about was killing them and in the others he was more comic reliefish. well anyways...
i was supposed to be at the party at 3:45 so i was late, very late b/c of traffic. when i finally got there, i was greeted by kellie, mandy, (hiaku osowa) and her new school buddies. they are so fun! ^_^ we watched romeo and juliet downstairs, then moved up to the bonus room and all of us piled onto the bed. (mandy, her bf, me and 3 other girls, and 2 other guys) there wasn't really enough room to have everyone there, and some people were laying down so people were lying on each other, getting shoved off, and poking knees into other's backs. that would be me getting poked... T_T and kellie and mandy kept really poking me, with there fingers, in my side, which makes me jump, and squeal, and move around a bunch... o well, it was still really fun. it was at mandy's house so we went to her room and she said only girls were allowed in so the 3 guys were hovering around the doorway while the 5 girls sat inside laughing. ^_^ mandy said they had to beg or entertain us if they wanted in. so they got themselves some hulk hands and started punching each other and taking the head of a horse, u know the one with the pole? the pole was gone, so it was just the head. one guy put it by his head saying he wasn't a boy! he was a horse! heheh... well, her friends are so fun. they make everything able to be laughed at. it was so fun. one time all the girls left and i was still in the room, alone, with the 3 crazy guys. they started tackling each other and then started talking... then steven goes, 'hold on guys! ashley's still in here!' heheheh... he told me i could curl up in my corner now... then 2 guys left so it was me and steven and we started talking about RotK. he had seen it too. after, we watched kenshin to satisfiy my friend's hot and sexy kenshin obsession and then half of CSI. then we hung out and then my dad came. it was a little after 10 pm by then. so, the party was from 3:45 to 10:00. that was soooo fun though! ^_^ well, here's a quiz for taday:

How random are you?
this quiz was made by alanna
ps. did u notice the keys !1azq are working again? they just started by themselves... they seem to work on and off now...
*roaring noise!*
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