You are an Air Fairy. This is the most shy fairy of
them all. You often are calm and have magic for
peace and healing, whether you know it or not
yet. Others look up to you because you are
often the wisest in your group. You are usually
quite content, but have a tendency to get sad,
or fall into depression. You are also very
sensitive, like the Earth Fairy. How you feel
on the inside and outside mean a lot to you.
You try to keep balanced, and if something goes
wrong, you can get very upset. You are also a
creative, and very emotional person. Your
animal gaurdian is an eagel, a butterfly, a
pegasus, or something that lives to fly. You
also have powers that others long for. You are
always the one to keep cool and balanced, and
have a nack for charming others with your laid
back attitude.
Which Element Fairy Are You Most Like? (Pretty Pics) brought to you by Quizilla