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anime girl67
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Fruits Basket, Death Note, DNAngel, MeruPuri, Ouran High School Host Club, Bleach, the Wallflower, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Soul Eater, Darker Than Black
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| anime girl67
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 05/07/04:
 You're sort of glompable. You're kind and happy enough to let someone glomp you, but you're rather delicate, so you have to be careful!
How Glompable Are You? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 05/07/04:
Result Posted on 05/07/04:
Result Posted on 05/07/04:
 You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.
"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He emerged from his own ashes, to be forever immortal."
Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl (Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum (Egyptian).
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life, the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.
As a member of Form 0, you are a determined individual. You tend to keep your sense of optomism, even through tough times and have a positive outlook on most situations. You have a way of looking at going through life as a journey that you can constantly learn from. Phoenixes are the best friends to have because they cheer people up easily.
Which Mythological Form Are You? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 05/07/04:
 You are a Day Dreamer..
Daydreamers tend to be away from the normal, and have a deeper aspect when looking at things. Most of the time, thier outcasts of the social society, but don't worry. It just means your so deep it scares thier simple little brains.
What kind of Dreamer are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 05/07/04:
 You are a Dark Mask, the fourth class of vampire. You can adapt easily to any climate and situation. Your servants are few, mostly because you choose not to sire others. Your chief ability is shiftery-- you can become anyone or anything. Overall, you are a great person. Keep us guessing.
What class of vampire are you? (more new images!) brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 05/07/04:
 You are a Gentle Dreamer...
Your a deep and kind person, and sometimes very quiet. Your idea's never cese to amaze the many people who seem to flock twords you, or perhaps its the way you present your cool and calm demenor. But never the less, be careful. Being too calm could lead to many false ideas.
What kind of Dreamer are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 05/07/04:
Result Posted on 05/07/04:
 Fun loving, childish, innocent and pure
You are a sprite of the Air: Fun loving and childish your naive nature only enhances how truly cute you are! You may come off as too childish but only because your not burdened with all the rules and regulations of adulthood. You are carefree most of the time spending your days playing tag or naming all the clouds you see in the sky. You are generally kind to everyone because you have lots of love and happiness to share! Making friends comes easy because they strive for the innocence you possess but be careful, being as nice and kind hearted as you are people will try to manipulate your nature if they have not already. Don't ever let anyone mold you to their standards although I doubt anyone could.
.::=What type of mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 05/07/04:
i love wolves! *is currently obsessing with wolf's rain*
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