My name is Charissa AKA Risa. I love Green Day and Fallout Boy. I also know basic Cantonese, some Spanish, and a bit of Japanese and Mandarin.MY HEROES BRITTNEY My best friend that I met in the 1st grade! She's a great artist and loves anime/manga like me. REBECCA I met her in I think 4th grade, and we've been friends since. She also draws and if you ever piss her off she'll beat you up with her karate. CANDICE When you think Candice, you think purple, purple, PURPLE! She loves purple and she laughs a lot. She'll start a story, laugh and laugh in the middle, and it won't even be funny xDD :P ALEX He pisses me off but still, he's my bro and I still love him. He's hyper, random, and crazy (he says so himself!)
Monday, August 14, 2006
O______O 2 more weeks and then school. NOOO! NOOO!!! NOOO!!!

School is coming :( :( :(
I still need to go back to school shopping to...xDD
*sigh* oh well
Last night I fell asleep on my arms again >_> It was annoying
Well at least I have two weeks left to enjoy till school
Oh yeah! I'm going to the State Fair tomorrow too with my best friend Brittney ^__^
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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Glad you like the new layout! ^___^ If I knew how to override the chacter limit, I could have more stuff...but I don't know it. Do any of you guys know it?
Well today I pretty much did the usual...we mowed the lawn, and then I read, yeah, had lunch, commented on sites, and here I am! Oh yeah, like usual, my grandma came over...yeah.
*yawn* I don't know why I'm yawning, I got enough sleep. Although, last night, I woke up, and I was on my stomach, and my arms under the pillow under my head and my arms had fallen asleep from that. xDD Then I rolled over and fell back asleep. I sleep deeply...sometimes I even sleep through the phone ringing xDD
Well anyways, I'm just babbling
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Friday, August 11, 2006
New Layout!

I changed my layout to Fruits Basket! :DD I'm really addicted to Furuba ^/////^
I really like Yuki too. xDDD he's so cool and cute and...
I hope you like the new layout!
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006

XDD I haven't been on too recently...I've been caught up reading Furuba (Fruits Basket) online and learning html
Last Friday Alex took me to the State Capitol and showed me around (I even met Senator Simitian!) then we went to the Downtown Plaza where he bought Furuba Vol. 1. I got totally obsessed with it. Does anybody know where I can read Fruits Basket online without having to download it? I was reading it on Spectrum Nexus, but they rotated it on Monday to show volumes 9-16 instead for the week :( so I have to wait until at least Friday to read it. So, if you know any other place I can read it, could you please tell me? ^^ thanks!
I'm probably going to change my layout...maybe I'll have a Fruits Basket layout :)
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Monday, July 24, 2006

I haven't gone on in a long time...xDD sorry
On Saturday I watched "Behind Enemy Lines" till my bedtime and recorded the rest, and watched it yesterday. It was good.
Yesterday my cousin also visited for a few hours ^^ It was fun
well ttyl
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