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myOtaku.com: AnimeAddiction92

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Monday, January 9, 2006

   Ooo, I'm so HAPPY!!
somewhat happy girl
You are a happy anime girl.You are carefree and are
always happy even through the toughest times
you manage to stay happy and you always think
happy thoughts.You are very popular and are
cared for a bunch.You are a good friend and you
can cheer people up in an instant.You can fool
around but be serious at times.Ok umm You are
probably always hyper and jumping off of the
walls.You also love everybody and everything^_^
bada bop bop bah i'm loving it.

If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only)
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   My Connection... with Darkness
Your connection with darkness is through your
depression. Hated, sad and often feeling
lonely, there is only a few that appreciate the
real you. You tend to keep to yourself and away
from the world since you don't want to be hurt
and betrayed again. Music gives you the
understanding you need to get through, it's
your "therapy". Or you express
yourself through art or writing. Chances are
you're also an anti-social person, who only
likes being with close friends, if even that.
The world has finally showed it's true face for
you and you wish life wasn't this miserable to
live through. Maybe you'll find happiness in
the future, but right now you're just hiding
away from the world. Who needs people anyway?

What is your connection with darkness? [pics]
brought to you by Quizilla

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   bored as wood...
hey everybody! i hope you all are grossivly into anime/manga *twitch* and please remember to sign my guestbook and be polite when you do! well im bored as i dont know what and im about to go 2 some soccer dinner... boo well keep coming so my page can make it to 100 hits!!
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   Lookie Here!
You represent... playfulness.
You represent... playfulness.
Playfulness can often be mistaken for sluttiness or
flirtiness... Flirting is something you enjoy
doing, but you're mostly just about having fun.
You're into partying, and it's seems that
people enjoy your company as much as you enjoy

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Thursday, January 5, 2006

   What Pita Ten am I??
You're Misha!
You are Misha!

What Pita Ten chara are you most like? ^-^
brought to you by Quizilla

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an Anime me

You as an anime girl (with pics) by ayane isozaki
Date of Birth
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Hola mi amigos
so whats new?? i hope that everyone had a great christmas, hannakuh, kwanzaa, and new year! this year i hope to have a fun filled anime year. thank you for visting and please don't forget to sign my guestbook and add me as a friend! i will to the same for you! @_@
peace and much luv,

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Monday, January 2, 2006

~~~~-^ OPPOSITE LOVE^-~~~~

Your love is wierd. You suddenly fell inlove or
have a cruch on an enemy or someone you though
you never date. You seem shy,silent,and nicer
to that person. tip,so you like an
enemy,oppisite always attrake.

LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED
brought to you by Quizilla

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   Muh HA HA HA!
i got 3 new anime books for christmas!! yea-uh! u should really check out Fruits Basket and Imadoki! Nowadays. those are the books i got! well happy new year and merry belated christmas! :)
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Monday, December 19, 2005

omg i am in LOVE with anime! ok, listen up. I entered this contest with my anime. and guess what... i won 1st place!! oh yeah! i have it framed at my house and it is soo pretty. it is of an anime girl holding flowers in a garden. if u want to see it or find out about it, just let me know. it is 1st place material, baby!! ^^
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