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myOtaku.com: AnimeAddiction92

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

When at school, Niwa saw Tomo Hanasadi. She is seriously the most energetic girl that he has ever known.
"Niwa! We're in a new school year! That means new relationships! WHA-HOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You and me TOGETHER FOR A WHOLE SEMESTER!" Tomo has always had a bit of a crush on Daisuke. But he had no interest in her whatsoever.
"Um, Miss Hanasadi. I have commitments with other people..." lied Niwa. Tomo looked at her feet.
"I understand. I mean, I could askyour good old friend Satsoshi if I wanted." *sweatdrop* "But don't worry, Niwa-baby!" *what's up with the 'Niwa-baby?'* That WON'T stop me from TRYING AGAIN!" She took off to talk to her friends. Satsoshi wasn't exactly a friend. He was kind of messed up in the mind. (Actually, he's kind of gay because he likes Daisuke!)

Daisuke walked up the main enterance when a hand was gently placed upon his shoulder. He turned around to find HIS crush, Risa Harada and her twin sister, Riku.
"Hi Niwa. How was your summer?" All Daisuke could do was stare. Riku pushed through her sister.
"Alright, Niwa, if you like me or my sister, just tell us" Niwa snapped out of his trance. Blushing, he said,
"Um, no. I do lke you, but as friends." Riku rolled her eyes. She had a MAJOR crush on Daisuke, unlike her twin. Risa didn't like anyone, which surprised Riku because she was so prissy and girly. The bell rang and they ran into the school. Before class began, Daisuke went to talk to Risa.
"Risa... can I meet you after school to talk? At the fountain, ok?" Risa looked surprised.
"Well, sure! Right after school I'll be waiting!" THe second bell rung and class started!

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